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Medical Terminology Flashcards

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10435080076Word Root indicates whatBody Part0
10435080077Combining FormWord root & Vowel1
10435080078Suffix indicates whatProcedure, condition, disease, or part of speech2
10435080079Prefix indicates whatNumber, time, position, or negation3
10435080080-centesisSurgical Puncture4
10435080081-clastTo break5
10435080082-desisBinding, fixation of bone or joint6
10435080083-ectomyExcision, removal7
10435080084-lysisDestroy, separate8
10435080086-plastySurgical repair10
10435080088-stomyForming an opening12
10435080089-tomeInstrument to cut13
10435080092-gramRecord, writing16
10435080093-graphRecording instrument17
10435080094-graphyProcess of recording18
10435080095-meterInstrument for measuring19
10435080096-metryAct of measuring20
10435080097-scopeInstrument for examining21
10435080098-scopyVisual examination22
10435080101-celeHernia, swelling25
10435080102-ectasisDilation, expansion26
10435080105-EmiaBlood condition29
10435080106-iasisAbnormal condition30
10435080108-lithStone, calculus32
10435080112-osisAbnormal condition36
10435080114-peniaDecrease, deficiency38
10435080117-rrhage, -rrhagiaBursting of41
10435080120a-, an-Without, not44
10435080121Circum-, Peri-Around45
10435080122Dia-, Trans-Through, across46
10435080123Dipl-, Diplo-Double47
10435080124Endo-, Intra-In, within48
10435080125Homo-, Homeo-Same49
10435080126Hypo-Under, beneath, deficient50
10435080129Mono-, Uni-One53
10435080130Post-After, behind54
10435080138Lumboloins, lower back62
10435080139Pelvi, PelvoPelvis63
10435080142UmbilicoUmbilicus, Navel66
10435080150PosteroBack, Behind74
10435080151ProximoNear, Nearest75
10435080152SuperoAbove, Upper76
10435080154Median, Midsagittal planeCuts the body into left and right planes78
10435080155Frontal, Coronal planeCuts the body into front and back planes79
10435080156Horizontal, Transverse planeHorizontally cuts the body in half80
10435080251Right hypochondriac region81
10435080252Epigastric region82
10435080253Left Hypochondriac region83
10435080254Right Lumbar region84
10435080255Umbilical region85
10435080256Left lumbar region86
10435080257Right inguinal region87
10435080258Hypogastric region88
10435080259Left Inguinal Region89
10435080157_____ Uses are narrow beam of x-rays, which rotates in a full arc around the patient to image the body in cross-sectional slices A.) CT B.) Fluoroscopy C.) US D.) MRI E.) PETCT90
10435080158_____ Directs x-rays through the body to a fluorescent screen to view the motion of organs, such as the digestive tract and heart A.) CT B.) Fluoroscopy C.) US D.) MRI E.) PETFluoroscopy91
10435080159____ Employs high- frequency sound waves to produce images of internal structures of the body A.) CT B.) Fluoroscopy C.) US D.) MRI E.) PETUS92
10435080160______ Employs magnetic energy to produce cross-sectional images A.) CT B.) Fluoroscopy C.) US D.) MRI E.) PETMRI93
10435080161______ is a type of nuclear scan that uses radiopharmaceuticals to diagnose disorders involving metabolic process, such as brain tumors, epilepsy, stroke, Alzheimer disease, and pulmonary disorders. A.) CT B.) Fluoroscopy C.) US D.) MRI E.) PETPET94
10435080162____ is a specialized lighted instrument to view the interior of organs and cavities A.) Endoscope B.) Anastomosis C.) SPECT D.) Tomography E.) RadiopharmaceuticalEndoscope95
10435080163______ Surgically joins the two ducts, blood vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from one to the other. A.) Endoscope B.) Anastomosis C.) SPECT D.) Tomography E.) RadiopharmaceuticalAnastomosis96
10435080164_____ is similar to PET, but employs a specialized gamma camera that detects emitted radiation to produce a three-dimensional image based on a composite of many views A.) Endoscope B.) Anastomosis C.) SPECT D.) Tomography E.) RadiopharmaceuticalSPECT97
10435080165_____ Produces a film representing a detailed cross-section of tissue structure at a predetermined depth, Three types include CT, PET, and SPECT A.) Endoscope B.) Anastomosis C.) SPECT D.) Tomography E.) RadiopharmaceuticalTomography98
10435080166______ is a drug that contains a radioactive substance that travels to an area or a specific organ to be scanned A.) Endoscope B.) Anastomosis C.) SPECT D.) Tomography E.) RadiopharmaceuticalRadiopharmaceutical99
10435080172PustulesWhite heads105
10435080175AbrasionScraping Surface108
10435080176AbscessCollection of pus109
10435080177CarbuncleCluster of hair follicles110
10435080178ComedoDried sebum plugging duct111
10435080180EcchymosisBruise over a large area113
10435080181HirsuitismExcessive growth of hair114
10435080182AcneInflammatory disease of sebaceous follicles115
10435080183ImpetigoBacterial infection116
10435080184PsoriasisItchy red patches with silvery scales117
10435080185UlcerSkin lesion-inflammation118
10435080186Pressure ulcerProlonged pressure; bedsore119
10435080187GangreneNecrotic tissue due to loss of blood supply120
10435080188Karposi sarcomaMalignant skin tumor associated with AIDS121
10435080189______ Is a rounded epidermal growth caused by a virus A.) Verruca B.) Vitiligo C.) Tinea D.) Furuncle E.) EczemaVerruca122
10435080190______ is a localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by appearance of milk-white patches A.) Verruca B.) Vitiligo C.) Tinea D.) Furuncle E.) EczemaVitiligo123
10435080191_____ is a fungal skin disease, commonly called ringworm who's name indicates the body part affected A.) Verruca B.) Vitiligo C.) Tinea D.) Furuncle E.) EczemaTinea124
10435080192_______ is an abscess that originates in a hair follicle also called a boil A.) Verruca B.) Vitiligo C.) Tinea D.) Furuncle E.) EczemaFuruncle125
10435080193______ is a general term for an itchy red rash that may become crusted, thickened, or scaly A.) Verruca B.) Vitiligo C.) Tinea D.) Furuncle E.) EczemaEczema126
10435080194_____ is an allergic reaction of the skin characterized by the eruption of pale red elevated patches that are intensely itchy, also called hives A.) Urticaria B.) Biopsy C.) Dermabrasion D.) Electrodesiccation E.) CryosurgeryUrticaria127
10435080195______ Refers to excision fo a small piece of living tissue from an organ or other part of the body for microscopic examination A.) Urticaria B.) Biopsy C.) Dermabrasion D.) Electrodesiccation E.) CryosurgeryBiopsy128
10435080196______ refers to use of revolving wire brushes or sandpaper to removed superficial scars on the skin A.) Urticaria B.) Biopsy C.) Dermabrasion D.) Electrodesiccation E.) CryosurgeryDermabrasion129
10435080197_____ refers to the procedure in which diseased tissue is dehydrated and destroyed by high-frequency electrical sparks A.) Urticaria B.) Biopsy C.) Dermabrasion D.) Electrodesiccation E.) CryosurgeryElectrodesiccation130
10435080198_______ refers to use of liquid nitrogen to destroy or eliminate abnormal tissue cells A.) Urticaria B.) Biopsy C.) Dermabrasion D.) Electrodesiccation E.) CryosurgeryCryosurgery131
10435080199_______ refers to removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue, especially in a wound A.) Debridement B.) Scabies C.) Alopecia D.) Comedo E.) PetechiaDebridement132
10435080200______ is a contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite A.) Debridement B.) Scabies C.) Alopecia D.) Comedo E.) PetechiaScabies133
10435080201______ is absence or loss of hair, especially of the head; baldness A.) Debridement B.) Scabies C.) Alopecia D.) Comedo E.) PetechiaAlopecia134
10435080202______ is a blackhead A.) Debridement B.) Scabies C.) Alopecia D.) Comedo E.) PetechiaComedo135
10435080203______ is a minute hemorrhagic spot on the skin that is a smaller version of ecchymosis A.) Debridement B.) Scabies C.) Alopecia D.) Comedo E.) PetechiaPetechia136
10435080204Laryngo-Larynx, voice box137
10435080205Naso-, Rhino-Nose138
10435080206Pharyngo-Pharynx, throat139
10435080208Tracheo-Trachea, windpipe141
10435080209Lobo-Lobe of lung142
10435080214Pneumo-, pulmono-Air, lung147
10435080216-algia, -dyniaPain149
10435080217-EctasisDilation, expansion150
10435080220-phagiaswallowing, eating153
10435080225EmphysemaOverexpansion/ destruction of alveoli158
10435080226AsthmaCharacterized by bronchioconstriction, mucous, obstruction, wheezing159
10435080227PneumoniaLung inflammation caused by bacteria or virus160
10435080228COPDRespiratory disorders characterized by chronic, partial obstruction of bronchi and lungs161
10435080229TuberculosisInfectious disease producing small162
10435080230CroupAcute respiratory syndrome in children163
10435080231____________ is a high- pitched breathing sound resembling the blowing of wind, caused by obstruction of air passages. A.) Stridor B.) Epistaxis C.) Influenza D.) Acidosis E.) CoryzaStridor164
10435080232_________ refers to nosebleed A.) Stridor B.) Epistaxis C.) Influenza D.) Acidosis E.) CoryzaEpistaxis165
10435080233_________ is a contagious respiratory infection characterized by onset of fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain A.) Stridor B.) Epistaxis C.) Influenza D.) Acidosis E.) CoryzaInfluenza166
10435080234________ is excessive acidity of blood due to an accumulation of acids or excessive loss of bicarbonate A.) Stridor B.) Epistaxis C.) Influenza D.) Acidosis E.) CoryzaAcidosis167
10435080235________ is acute inflammation of nasal passages accompanied by profuse nasal discharge; a cold A.) Stridor B.) Epistaxis C.) Influenza D.) Acidosis E.) CoryzaCoryza168
10435080236________ is a genetic disorder of exocrine glands characterized by excessive production of mucus, causing sever congestion within the lungs and pancreas A.) Cystic fibrosis B.) Lung Cancer C.) Pleural Effusion D.) Pneumothorax E.) CrackleCystic Fibrosis169
10435080237_________ refers to pulmonary malignancy commonly attributed to cigarette smoking A.) Cystic fibrosis B.) Lung Cancer C.) Pleural Effusion D.) Pneumothorax E.) CrackleLung Cancer170
10435080238________ is an abnormal presence of fluid in the pleural cavity A.) Cystic fibrosis B.) Lung Cancer C.) Pleural Effusion D.) Pneumothorax E.) CracklePleural Effusion171
10435080239________ refers to accumulation of air in the pleural cavity A.) Cystic fibrosis B.) Lung Cancer C.) Pleural Effusion D.) Pneumothorax E.) CracklePneumothorax172
10435080240_________ is an adventitious lung sound produced by air passing over retained airway secretions; formerly called rale A.) Cystic fibrosis B.) Lung Cancer C.) Pleural Effusion D.) Pneumothrax E.) CrackleCrackle173
10435080241__________ are used to dilate bronchial walls to increase airflow A.) Bronchodilators B.) ARDS C.) MRI D.) Atelectasis E.) EpiglottitisBronchodilators174
10435080242_______ is a form of restrictive lung disease that follows severe infection or trauma in young and previously healthy individuals A.) Bronchodilators B.) ARDS C.) MRI D.) Atelectasis E.) EpiglottitisARDS175
10435080243__________ uses electromagnetic energy to produce multiplanar cross-sectional images of the body A.) Bronchodilators B.) ARDS C.) MRI D.) Atelectasis E.) EpiglottitisMRI176
10435080244_________ refers to a collapsed lung A.) Bronchodilators B.) ARDS C.) MRI D.) Atelectasis E.) EpiglottitisAtelectasis177
10435080245_______ is a sever life threatening infection of the epiglottis that occurs most commonly in children A.) Bronchodilators B.) ARDS C.) MRI D.) Atelectasis E.) EpiglottitisEpiglottitis178
10435080246________ is an acute infectious disease characterized by an explosive cough; also called whooping cough A.) Pertussis B.) Consolidation C.) SIDS D.) Hypoxia E.) RhonchiPertussis179
10435080247_________ process of becoming solid, especially in connection with the lungs A.) Pertussis B.) Consolidation C.) SIDS D.) Hypoxia E.) RhonchiConsolidation180
10435080248________ refers to the unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently well, or virtually well, infant A.) Pertussis B.) Consolidation C.) SIDS D.) Hypoxia E.) RhonchiSIDS181
10435080249________ is a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues A.) Pertussis B.) Consolidation C.) SIDS D.) Hypoxia E.) RhonchiHypoxia182
10435080250_________ refers to abnormal chest sounds resembling snoring, produced in obstructed airways A.) Pertussis B.) Consolidation C.) SIDS D.) Hypoxia E.) RhonchiRhonchi183

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