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Medical Terms for Directions and Position Flashcards

a short summary of medical terms for directions and positions from chapter 5 of "Essential Medical Terminology"

Terms : Hide Images
317381133anteriorsituated at or directed toward the front
317381134posteriordirected toward or situated towards the back
317381135cephalicpertaining to the head, or the head end of the body
317381136caudalsituated toward the tail
317381137decubitusthe act of lying down; the position assumed in lying down
317381138eversiona turning inside out; turning outward
317381139extensionthe movement bringing the members of a limb into or toward a straight condition
317381140flexionthe act of bending or the condition of being bent
317381141Fowler'sthe head of the patients bed is raised 18-20 inches above the level
317381142internalsituated or occurring within or on the inside
317381143externalsituated or occurring on the outside
317381144knee-chestthe patient rests on his or her knees and chest
317381145lateralmidline of the body; pertaining to the side
317381146bilateralhaving two sides, pertaining to both sides
317381147lithotomyposition it which the patient liest on his or her back, legs flexed on the thighs thighs flexed on the abdomen and abducted
317381148medialsituated toward the midline
317381149obliqueslanting; incline
317381150peripheralan outward structure or surface; the portion of a system outside the central region
317381151proximaltoward the center or median line; the point of attachment or origin
317381152distalremote; farther from any point of reference
317381153quadrantone of four corresponding parts, or quarters, as of the surface of the abdomen or the field of vision
317381154recumbentlying down
317381155rotationthe process of turning around an axis
317381156sims'the patient lies on his or her left side and chest, the right knee and thigh drawn up, the left arm along the back
317381157sinistroleft; left side
317381158dextroright; right side
317381159superiorsituated above, or directed upward
317381160inferiorsituated below, or directed downward
317381161supinelying with the face upward or on the dorsal surface
317381162supinationthe act of placing or lying on the back
317381163pronelying face downward or on the ventral surface
317381164pronationthe act of assuming the prone position
317381165transthrough; across; beyond
317381166Trendelenburg'sthe patient is supine on a surface inclined 45 degrees, the head lower than the legs
317381167uprightperpendicular; vertical; erect in carriage or posture

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