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Middle Ages Flashcards

Vocab, people, places, and events for the Middle Ages

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126539419Reciprocalmutual; given and received in return; exchangeable; interacting0
126539420Self-Sufficientable to supply one's own needs1
126539421Domainterritory over which rule or control is exercised (controlled by lord)2
126539422Fallowuncultivated land3
126539423Cultivated Landarable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops4
126539424Pastureanimal food for browsing or grazing5
126539425Crop RotationThe practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil6
126539426Cavalrysoldiers on horseback7
126539427Medievalof or referring to the Middle Ages8
126539428Feudalisma political and social system that developed during the Middle Ages; nobles offered protection and land in return for service9
126539429PrimogenitureA system of inheritance in which the eldest son in a family received all of his father's land. The nobility remained powerful and owned land, while the 2nd and 3rd sons were forced to seek fortune elsewhere. Many of them turned to the New World for their financial purposes and individual wealth.10
126539430Fiefa land grant11
126539431ManorialismAn economic system based on the manor and lands including a village and surrounding acreage which were administered by a lord. It developed during the Middle Ages to increase agricultural production.12
126539432Serfspeople bound to the land13
126539433Chivalrya knight's code of honor that required them tobe honorble, generous, , a code that knights adopted in the late Middle Ages; requiring them to be brave, loyal and true to their word; they had to fight fairly in battle14
126551469Trial By Ordeala primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control17
126551470Trial By Battlethe accused and the accuser fought a duel, the outcome of the duel determined guilty or innocent18
126551471CompurgationA group of people "swore" their man was innocent; character witnessing19
126551472Peace of Godchurch decree that forbade knights to pillage church property and extended protection to all noncombatants in society20
126551473Truce of GodDecrees fighting forbidden on weekends and Holy Days21
126551474Feudalof or relating to feudalism22
126551475Clovisking of the Franks who unified Gaul and established his capital at Paris and founded the Frankish monarchy23
126551476Pepin the ShortKing oof the Franks who defeated the Lombards in Italy per the Pope's request. He gave the land he conquered to the Pope24
126551477Pepin IIMayor of the palace who made the position hereditary and united the Frankish kingdoms25
126551478CharlemagneKing of the Franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814). Through a series of military conquests he established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy. Illiterate, though started an intellectual revival. (250). He was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 80026
126551479Charles MartelNicknamed "the Hammer," he was a Carolingian monarch of Franks; responsible for defeating Muslims in battle of Tours in 732; ended Muslim threat to western Europe.27
126551480Counta noble who acted as a local official within the Frankish Empire28
126551481Aix-La-ChapelleThe capital of Charlemagne's empire29
126551482Missi Dominiciofficials appointed by Charlemagne who traveled throughout Charlemagne's empire, listened to complaints, reviewed the effectiveness of the laws, and made sure that the counts served the emperor rather than themselves30
126551483MagyarsMuslims who attacked Europe and converted to Christianity and established Hungary31
126551484Spanish MoorsMuslims from Northern Africa32
126551485Vikingsknown as the most fearsome of all the invadors, they came from Scandanavia because of a food shortage (800s) and pillaged many towns33
126551486TroubadorA poet or musician who traveled around and entertained people with songs about chivalry and courtly love.34
126551487Knightan armed, mounted soldier of the feudal period who gave military service to a lord35
126551488Castlefortified home of a lord36
126618849Scandinaviaregion where the Vikings came from (Norway, Sweden, and Denmark)37
126618850VassalPerson recieving the fief38
126618851Lordperson giving the fief39
126618852Serfsa person bound to the land and owned by the lord40
126618853Moatditch dug for fortification; usually filled with water41
126618854Parish Priestpriest who oversees the parish (smallest part of church)42
126618855SacramentsSacred rituals performed by the Catholic church. There are seven: baptism, confirmation, marriage, communion, penance, holy order (becoming a priest), and extreme unction (words spoken at the death bed).43
126618856Bishopa clergyman having spiritual and administrative authority44
126618857Diocesethe territorial jurisdiction of a bishop45
126618858Archbishopbishop of the highest ranking46
126618859ArchdioceseA geographical grouping of one or more diocese under the jurisdiction of an archbishop47
126618860Popehead of Roman Catholic Church48
126618861Curiagroup of advisors to the pope drawn from the highest ranks of clergy49
126618862Cardinal(Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes50
126618863Monasticisma way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith51
126618864Monasteryliving quarters for monks and nuns52
126618865Abbotsuperior ruler of an abbey of monks53
126618866St. Benedicthe founded a monastery in nothern Italy in the 6th century and wrote a set of instructions gonverning the lives of monks that was used by monasteries and convents across Europe54
126618867Benedictine Ruleset of rules that govern monks' lives55
126618868Canon Lawthe body of codified laws governing the affairs of a Christian church56
126618869Interdictan ecclesiastical censure by the Roman Catholic Church withdrawing certain sacraments and Christian burial from a person or all persons in a particular district57
126618870Tithetenth of one's income paid to the church58
126618871Lay Investurea ceremony in which kings and nobels appoint church officials59
126618872Simonythe selling of official positions in the medieval roman catholic church60
126618873Inquisitioninstitution of the Roman Catholic Church that sought to eliminate heresy by seeking out and punishing heretics61

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