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Midterm European History

Midterm flashcards for AP Euro

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285055032historythe humanity and social science that seeks to interpret human behavior through the analysis of "all" known recorded records
285055033Factsstatements generally accepted as the truth
285055034Churchwhat was left after Rome fell, making it very powerfull
285055035gracethe thing that came from Jesus' death and allows you to reach heaven
285055036indulgencea prayer which decreases your time in purgatory
285055037republica type of government in which leadership is elected by the public
285055038Charlemagnefirst Holy Roman Emperor who developed a central government, opened universities and seminaries, and introduced feudalism
285055039Feudalismsystem of social organization where warlords provide the power and the rest of the people cater to them
285055040Chivalrythe cult in the society of knights
285055041page, squire, knightthe ranks one must go through to become a knight
285055042Islamthe world's fasting spreading religion
285055043Muhammadthe founder of Islam
285055044Mecca, Medina, Jerusalemthree holy cities of Islam
285055045angel Gabrielperson who appeared to Muhammad in the desert
285055046QuranMuhammad's written teachings of the angel Gabriel
285055047Shahadapillar of Islam, the creed
285055048Salatpillar of Islam, prayer five times a day
285055049Zakatpillar of Islam, tax payed to the Islamic community
285055050Sawmpillar of Islam, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan
285055051Hajjpillar of Islam, holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
285055052Medinawhere Muhammad fled to, where first mosque was built
285055053shoeswhat must be removed before entering a mosque
285055054honor killingthis can be done if a woman in an Islamic family dishonors the family in any way
285055055Mahdiperson who appears and leads Islam to prepare for the end of time
285055056Antichristperson who leads the infidels to there death
285055057Suphimystics of the Islamic faith
285055058Sunithe Islamics who believe in the election of the successor of Muhammad
285055059Sheitesthe Islamics who believe the closest blood relative of Muhammad should lead the Islamic community
285055060CoptsChristians in North Africa
285055061RolandCharlemagne's top man who held of the Islams at the pass of Ronsavalass
285055062Seljykthe Turks are unified under him during the third crusade
285055063Pope Urban IIthe pope who started the crusades
285055064Richard the Lionheartthe main Christian leader of the Third Crusade
285055065Innocent IIIled the fourth crusade
285055066citiesthe place where one can find civilization
285055067cathedralwhat is usually located at the center of a city
285055068masterpiecewhat you must present to a guild to become a master
285055069bankthe first of these was established in either Vienna or Venice in 1171
285055070Hanseatic leaguethe first collection of cities/merchants
285055071Pope Bonoface VIIIthe pope who is challenged by philip IV, who believes the church should only be suptreme in matters of theology
285055072Pluralismthe ability to hold several positions at one time
285055073Pope Gregory XIpope who starts in France but returns to Rome
285055074Urban VIpope elected by the Italian papacy
285055075Clement VIIpope elected by the avignon (french) papacy
285055076Marsiglio of Paduasaid the church is supreme in matters of theology, and rulers are supreme in matters of state, wrote The Defender of the Peace
285055077Council of Piza2 popes were kicked out of office and Alexander V was elected
285055078Council of Constance3 popes were kicked out of office and Martin V was elected, the Great Schism ended
285055079bubonic, pneumonic, septicaemaicthe three types of plagues that broke out
285055080buboslarge swellings that form on the body as a result of the bubonic plague
285055081blood, flem, black vile, yellow vilethe four fluids in the body that must be in balance for one to have good health
285055082Enclosure Actswhere landowners closed off the common land
285055083Edward IIIking of England, tried to become king of France also
285055084Philip of Valoisking of France, but was fought by Edward III
285055085Crecy, Poitiers, Agincourtthe three main battles of the 100 years war
285055086John IIsuccessor of Philip VI, is captured by The Black Prince at the battle of Poitiers
285055087The Black Princethe man who captured John II, king of France, during the Battle of Poitiers
285055088Henry Vthe English king who raids France at the battle of Agincourt
285055089Joan of Arca French peasant who aids Henry VII in becoming king of France
285055090nationalismthe philosophy of the people
285055091vernacularthe language of the people
285055092humanismthe philosophy that stresses the unique quality of man
285055093Petrarchfather of Humanism, wrote Sonnets to Laura
285055094Religious Humaniststhese people enjoy life but believe that there is a God, Erasmus was one
285055095Secular Humaniststhese people believed that humans have come so far, enough to eradicate God
285055096Erasmusthe first modern intellectual, a religious humanist, wrote In Praise of Folly
285055097Yon Husattacked the church for its secularism
285055098John Wyclifshowed the Pope had no right to claim secular authority, his followers were Lollards
285055099Junemonth when most people got married
285055100Maymonth when people would bathe once a year
285055101fatthe prized portion of the meat in animals, was used to make soaps and candles
285055102bellsthese were produced to keep better track of time
285055103Gregory XIIIpope who changed, in 1582, from the Julian to Gregorian calendar
285055104Johannes Gutenburginvented movable type (printing press)
285055105Luca Pacioliinvented double-entry accounting, the debits and credits
285055106Dantewrote Divine Comedy, describing a trip through hell, purgatory, and heaven
285055107Thomas Morewrote Utopia, describing an ideal state based on reason and science
285055108Castiglionewrote the book of Courtier, a book of etiquette
285055109Boccacciowrote the Decameron, ten people fleeing the plague and the stories they tell each other
285055110Joe Picowrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man, encouraged everyone to do all that they can
285055111Machiavelliwrote the Prince and the Art of War, said that rulers must use means to achieve the goals of the state
285055112Donnatelloa sculptor, made a scupture of David in Copper
285055113TiTianinfluenced post-renaissance art, painted on plaster walls and ceilings
285055114Raphaelpainted three state rooms of the Vatican
285055115Leonardo da Vincipainted Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, was a great inventor
285055116Michaelangelomade the statue of David, painted the Cistine chapel
285055117mannerisma type of art where there is suffering of the figures, who would then go to heaven
285055118Palladioan architect, developed popular windows
285055119Botecellipainted the Birth of Venus
285055120Hance Holbeinpainted great portraits, portrait of Henry VIII
285055121El Grecopainted The Resurrection, was into mannerism, painted with big heads
285055122Yon Vonneyckpainted with great detail and mannerism, had animals in his art
285055123Albrecht Dureran engraver who made woodcuts, Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse
285055124Calvinfounds the Calvinist Church, believed the bible was the final authority, and believed in predestination
285055125anabaptists and baptiststhese two have a religion withour mystery, the menanites and the Amish
285055126Jacob Amonfounder of the Amish
285055127Meno Simonsfounder of the Menanites
285055128Index of Prohibited Booksthe book which said it is a mortal sin to own, read or preach any of a certain selection of books
285055129Council of Trentcouncil which rejected that saving is by faith alone, you must also have good works
285055130Piaristsreligious order founded by St. Joseph of Calasanctius
285055131Jesuitsreligious order formed by Ignatius of Loyola
285055132individualismthe philosophy of the value of the individual
285055133Thor Heilergalwanted to know how people sailed to the Americas before 1400
285055134Magellansailed around the world, only one of his ships made it back to Spain
285055135Erik the Redone of the first Vikings to make it to North America
285055136Marco Polosailed around Africa and found China
285055137John Palavillean explorer who started telling stories of cities of gold and silver
285055138Caravela small, highly maneuverable ship with 2-3 masts
285055139John Harrison and William Kendeldeveloped the chronometer, determined longitude
285055140Pedro CabralPortuguese sailor to discovered that you must go by the Cabrery Islands to then go across the Atlantic
285055141Bartholemew Diazfirst European to get around Africa, 1488
285055142Vasco de Gamafirst European to make it to India by sea, 1498
285055143Amerigo Vespuccisailed to the West Indies, has America named after him
285055144Giovanni da Verazanoexplored the opening of the Hudson River
285055145Henry Hudsonfound the Hudson Bay to the north, was killed by his crew
285055146Mutinyan uprising of a crew against its captain
285055147John Smithone of the founders of Jamestown, near the St. Lawrence River
285055148Ponce de Lyonexplored Florida, searched for the fountain of youth
285055149Pizzaroconquered Peru and the Incas and established Lyma
285055150Hernando Desotoexplored Mississippi, Alabama, set up New Orleans, and found the Mississippi River
285055151Hernando Cortezconquered the city of Vera Cruz and the Aztecs
285055152Cornadowent after the seven cities of gold, introduced the horse into the New World
285055153John Cabotfound Canada
285055154Christopher Columbusmade four voyages to the new world, first coined the term "indians"
285055155Syphilisdisease given from the New World to the Orld (European) world
285055156Africansthe race that made the best slaves
285055157Social Darwinismthe philosophy saying that the white man is the superior race
285055158Mercantilismbelief that there is limited resources
285055159bulliongold and silver
285055160capitalismgovernment where individuals own, control, and operate the means of production in society
285055161Sir Robert Clivetook the East India Company for the British
285055162Battle of Plasseythe Mughals were defeated by the East India company
285055163Francis Xavieropened Japan to European trade
285055164Red rosethe symbol of the house of Lancaster
285055165White Rosethe symbol of the house of York
285055166War of the Rosesthe english civil war fought between the house of lancaster and the house of york
285055167Henry VIhouse of Lancaster, king of England, went insane, married Margaret of Anjou
285055168Margaret of Anjouwife of Henry VI, is pushed in and out of power in England throughout the war of the roses
285055169Richard Duke of Yorkseized the throne in 1460 after fighting Miss Maggie, but was later killed by miss maggie
285055170Edward IV2nd duke of york, defeats Miss Maggie and kicks her out of England (again)
285055171Battle of DukesburyEdward IV, aided by the Duke of Burgundy, defeats Miss Maggie
285055172Richard IIIthe younger brother of Edward IV who loses the young king Edward V and his brother Richard in the Tower of London
285055173Henry Tudordefeats Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth field and becomes Henry VII
285055174Henry VIIIthe successor of Henry Tudor who had many wives and had many people executed. He withdrew from the Roman church and formed the Anglican Church
285055175Catherine of Aragonfirst wife of Henry VIII, never has a son
285055176Anne Boleynsecond wife of Henry VIII, has daughter Elizibeth I, accused of incence and was killed by a top French executioner
285055177Jane Seymourthird wife of Henry VIII, has a sickly son, Edward. She dies during birth
285055178Anne of Cleeveswas painted by Hance Holbein, married by Henry VIII and then quickly divorced
285055179Catherine Howardfifth wife of Henry VIII, kept seeing her former lover, so she was executed
285055180Kathrine Parssixth wife of Henry VIII, she outlives him
285055181Edward VIsucceedor of Henry VIII, is killed by the Duke of Northumberland in 1583
285055182Marydaughter of Catherine of Aragon, tries to put Roman Church back in England, marries Philip II of Spain
285055183Breaches biblethe first english bible translation that wasn't that good
285055184Elizibeth Idaughter of Anne Boleyn, succeeds Mary, is known as the Virgin Queen
285055185Mary Queen of Scotscousin of Elizibeth I, is found guilty in a murder plot of Elizibeth I and is executed
285055186Roberto Rudolphia Florentine baker who tries, but fails, to kill Elizibeth I
285055187Ed Campion and Bob ParsonsJesuit priests who try, but fail, to kill Elizibeth I
285055188Franny ThrotmortonThe Throtmorton Plot, he tried, but failed, to kill Elizibeth I
285055189Tony BabingtonThe Babington Plot, he tried, but failed, to kill Elizibeth I
285055190SeadogsEnglish ships who have a letter of maque to work for the English. They attacked Spain
285055191Francis Drakea seadog who attacks and defeats the first Spanish armada
285055192King James Biblea second english bible translation under King James I
285055193King James Iwas also King James VI back in Scotland, was hideous, made the King James bible
285055194Guy Fawkeshe tried to blow up King James I and Parliament for the catholics, but failed
285055195King Charles Isucceeded King James I, he levied taxes without parliament's permission

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