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Midterm Exam AP World Flashcards

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274069171egalitarianpromoting social equality0
274069172bureaucracya hierarchy of specialized officials administrating the policies of an institution, especially a government1
274069173civil service systema government bureaucracy whose posts are awarded based on competitive exams2
274069174centralizedpower concentrated in the center, especially political power concentrated in the hands of one leader/emperor or executive body3
274069175decentralizedpower dispersed among many different points, especially political power distributed among many different nobles/landowners/leaders/regions4
274069176scholar-gentryan aristocratic Chinese social class of landowning Confucian officials (Song China)5
274069177aristocrata member of a social class thought to be superior (or noble) often by virtue of the family they were born into aristocrats often possess special political, religious, and economic privileges, especially the owning of large amounts of land6
274069178ideologyan overall system of beliefs, values, and goals that make up the worldview of an individual or a group; especially refers to religious, political, economic, and social idea systems7
274069179institutionan important, formal organization of individuals in a civilization working for a common purpose; especially governments, churches, universities, and corporations8
274069180empirea state which rules over a great amount of territory; especially a state ruling over many different territories and many different peoples; especially a state ruled by an emperor9
274069181feudalisma decentralized socio-political organization created by nobles exchanging land for formal oaths of service and protection; especially with strong militaristic values and an elite class of specialized warriors (Western Europe-800-1000C.E.; late Zhou China, Postclassical Japan)10
274069182orthodoxconforming to the central, authoritative beliefs, especially with regard to religion11
274069183social classa ranking in society denoting privileges and restrictions, often arising from wealth, birth and/or occupation12
274069184casterefers to a sharply rigid class system based on hereditary with little to no chance of mobility (India)13
274069185hierarchya ranking system of individuals of a few with elite standing and more with lesser standing (i.e a triangular structure) (ex. political hierarchies, military hierarchies, church hierarchies, social hierarchies)14
274069186diffusionthe spreading of features from one culture to another, as in the spread of religions or technologies (ex. the diffusion of Buddhism from India to eastern and southeastern Asia)15
274069187consolidate (as in territory)to join together securely into one whole (ex. establishing full power over conquered lands and making them fully a part of the original state)16
274069188assimilate (as in people)to absorb a group into a culture; a group that is absorbed adopts many of the traits of another culture.17
274069189manufacturingthe making of goods by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale; often involves the use of technologies that are advanced for the time. (ex. the production of silk in China or cotton in India)18
274069190coercive labor systeman institution in which workers are compelled to work by force, intimidation, or authority, often against their will (ex. serfdom, slavery)19
274069191regionalan area divided into fully or partially autonomous (independent) areas or states; often the result of geographic barriers (ex. desert, mountains, jungles), diversity, or distance (ex. India)20
274069192legitimizeto make lawful, to make acceptable or to justify; can refer to the justification for a particular government or ruler or to establishing a belief system as acceptable (ex. the doctrine of the Mandate of heaven legitimized Chinese dynasties)21
274069193commercialengaged in trade or pertaining to trade and the exchange of goods and services. A type of class is involved directly (a merchant) or indirectly (a banker) in trade. This type of policy is intended to impact trade.22
274069194caliphaterefers to the area governed by a caliph or to the office of the caliph, a political and religious leader in Islam. Historically, this refers to the Muslim empire, governed by a caliph that lasted from the death of Muhammad to the murder of the last caliph by the Mongols23
274069195demographican important characteristic or statistic of a human population, as in death rate, migration, religious or racial composition, etc.24
274069196mysticala belief system in which there is direct connection between a person's soul and God or the ultimate reality especially a system which disregards orthodox beliefs in favor or more intuitive, possibly ecstatic, religious experience (ex. Sufism)25
274069197animisticthe belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhabit natural objects, such as rivers, trees, or mountains, and phenomena, such as storms or floods (ex. central africa in the postclassical age)26
274069198rationalismreliance on the human ability to reason as the best guide for belief and action. Rationalistic philosophies focus on the use of reason (as opposed to faith, tradition, or authority) to understand the world and morality; this thing in religion is the reliance on reason as the best way to understand doctrine.27

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