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17508835Paleolithic periodmost of the period during which humans have been alive; ended 12,000 B.C.; stone tools; hunting and gathering0
17508836Hammurabi's codeHammurabi was Babylonian ruler; most famous early code of law1
17508837Mesopatamiacivilizations that arose in the Tigris-Euphrates valleys2
17508838civilizationsocieties distinguished by reliance on sedentary agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, and existence of nonfarming elites, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups3
17508839Neolithic period8000-5000 B.C.; adaptation of sedentary agriculture; domestication of plants and animals4
17508840Confuciusborn in 6th century B.C.; need for restoration of order through advice of superior men to be found among shi5
17508841Silk roadsconnected European, Chinese, and Indian civilizations; allowed spread of goods, ideas6
17508842Legalismstrict; emphasis on military7
17508843DaoismLaozi; need for connection with Dao/cosmic force8
17508844Great Wallinitiated in Qin dynasty by Shi Huangdi9
17508845Sanskritsacred and classical Indian language10
17508846Ashokacompleted conquests of Indian subcontinent; spread Buddhism11
17508847caste systemdivided into professions; rigid; almost impossible to rise; untouchables at bottom performed menial labor12
17508848HinduismVishnu=preserver; Shiva=destroyer; no one founder; no one religious figure13
17508849Buddhaenlightened one; originally Siddhartha Guatama; in 563 B.C. he challenged Hindu beliefs14
17508850Punic warsfought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in western Mediterranean; after 3 conflicts, Rome won15
17508851consulstwo chief executives or magistrates of the Roman republic; elected by annual assembly dominated by aristocracy16
17508852ConstantineRoman emperor from 312-337 A.D.; established 2nd capital at Constantinople; attempted to unify empire under Christianity17
17508854architecture (columns)Doric--simple, square; Ionic--double swirl; Corinthian--elaborate swirls19
17508855EthiopiaChristian kingdom in Africa; King Lalaibela20
17508856OlmecIndian group in Central America 800-400 B.C.; lacked writing; religious pyramid-like structures21
17508857ShintoismJapan; numerous gods/spirits associated with nature; offers of food and prayers22
17508858JustinianEastern Roman emperor from 527-565 A.D.; tried to restore unity of Roman empire; issued most famous compilation of Roman law23
17508859Yellow TurbansChinese Daoists; launched revolt in 184 A.D. in China; promising golden age to be brought about by divine magic24
17508860bedouinnomads of Arabian peninsula; culture based on camel and goat nomadism; early converts to Islam25
17508861Muhammadborn 570, revelations 610, death 63226
175088625 pillarsconfession of faith (no God but Allah), pray facing Mecca five times a day, fasting during Ramadan, zakat (charity tax), hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)27
17508863Islammeans submission to Allah28
17508864Qur'anrevelations by Allah to Muhammad; "Muslim Bible"29
17508865Seljuk Turksnomadic invaders of Asia via Persia; staunch Sunnis, ruled in name of Abbasid caliphs from mid-11th century30
17508866SaladinMuslim leader in last decades of 12th century; reconquered most of crusader outposts for Islam31
17508867Crusadesholy wars launched by Christians in an attempt to win back the Holy Land from the Muslims; originally captured Jerusalem, set up Christian kingdoms; later used as commerical wars or to exterminate heresy32
17508868Sufismystics within Islam; responsible for expansion of Islam to southeastern Asia33
17508869Bhaktic cultsHindu groups dedicated to gods/godesses; most widely worshipped gods=Vishnu/Shiva; strong emotional bonds between members and gods34
17508870stateless societiesAfrican societies organized around kinship; lacking concentration of political power and authority35
17508871Sudanic stateskingdoms that developed during height of Ghana's power; included Mali and Songhay36
17508872Demographic Transitionshift to low birth rate, low infant death rate, stable population in western Europe in late 19th century37
17508873Almoravidspuritanical reformist movement among Islamic Berber tribes of northern Africa; controlled gold trade across Sahara; conquered Ghana in 107638
17508876Hagia Sofianew church constructed in Constantinople during reign of Justinian41
17508877Iconaclasmreligious controversy in Byzantine empire in 8th century; emperor attempted to stop veneration of icons; "breaking of images"; icon veneration restored after long struggle42
17508878Kievtrade city in southern Russia; founded 9th century; focal point for Russian kingdom 12th century43
17508879Cyril/Methodiusmissionaries sent by Byzantine empire to eastern Europe and Balkans; converted southern Russia and Balkans to Orthodox Christianity; written script Cyrillic44
17508880feudalismexchanging grants of land or fiefs for formal oaths of allegiance and loyal service; Zhou dynasty, European Middle Ages; protection for military service45
17508881manorialismmore economic than feudalism; rent or labor for access to land46
17508882vassalsmembers of military elite; received land or benefice; provided service47
17508883CharlemagneCarolingian monarch who set up empire in France and Germany 800 A.D.; Charles the Great48
17508884Charles Martelended Muslim threat to western Europe; defeated them at battle of Tours 732; Carolingian monarch of Franks49
17508886chinampasfloating gardens used by Aztecs51
17508887Toltecssucceeded Teotihuacan culture in central Mexico; strongly militaristic; human sacrifice; declined after 1200 A.D.52
17508888Inca Socialismview of Incas by Spanish historians as utopia; every community contributed to the whole53
17508889split inheritanceInca practice of descent; titles and political power to successor; wealth and land to male descendants54
17508890Grand Canalbuilt in 7th century under Yangdi of Sui dynasty; nearly 1200 miles long55
17508891footbindingpainful practice of making Chinese women's feet smaller; restricted movement; easier to confine women to household56
17508892Yang Guifeiroyal concubine during reign of Xuanzong; introduction of relatives into administration led to revolt57
17508893junksChinese ships with watertight bulkheads, sternpost rudders, compasses, bamboo fenders; dominant force in Asian seas58
17508894flying moneyChinese credit instrument that provided credit vouchers to merchants to be redeemed at the end of the voyage; reduced danger of robbery; early form of currency59
17508895tale of Genjiwritten by Lady Murasaki; first novel in any language; evidence of mannered style of Japanese society60
17508896seppukuritual suicide of samurai in Japan61
17508897shogunmilitary leaders of government in 12th century Japan62
17508898samuraimounted troops of Japanese warrior leaders; loyal to local lords, not emperor63
17508899daimyowarlord rulers of 300 small states following disruption of Ashikaga Shogunate; consolidated into mini-states64
17508900Trung sistersHai ba Trung Rebellion 40 A.D.; drowned themselves in river when defeated by Chinese; they were Vietnamese65
17508901Taika reformsattempt to remake Japanese monarch into absolute Chinese-style emperor; attempts to create professional bureaucracy and peasant conscript army66
17508902sinificationextensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions; typical of Korea and Japan, less typical of Vietnam67
17508903Heian periodk68
17508904Gempei warswaged for 5 years from 1180 on Honshu between Taira and Minamoto families; resulted in destruction of Taira69
17508905Chinggis Khanborn 1170s; khagan of all Mongol tribes in 1206; conquest of northern kingdoms of China; far west as Abbasid regions; died 122770
17508906Kubilai Khangrandson of Chinggis Khan; commander of Mongol forces responsible for conquest of China; khagan in 1260; established Yuan dynasty 127171
17508907Prester Johnmythical Christian monarch; supposedly cut off from Europe by Muslim conquests; Chinggis Khan originally believed to be Prester John72
17508908Baturuler of Golden Horde; grandson of Chinggis Khan; invasion of Russia 123673
17508909Golden Hordeone of 4 subdivisions of Mongol empire after death of Chinggis Khan; ruled by Batu; territory covered much of today's southern Russia74
17508910White Lotus Societysecret religious society dedicated to overthrow of Yuan dynasty in China75
17508911Shamanistic religionk76
17508912Chabiwife of Kubilai Khan; promoted Buddhist interests in China; refused Mongol women to adopt restrictive social conventions of Chinese77
17508913tumensfighting units of Mongol forces; 10,000 cavalry; divided into units of 1000, 100, and 1078
17508914Timur-i Langleader of Turkic nomads, 1360s launched attacks on Persia, India, Fertile Crescent, southern Russia; empire disintegrated after his death in 140579
17508916Ming Dynastysucceeded Yuan dynasty; lasted until 1644; initially lots of trade expeditions; then focused on internal development81
17508917ZhengheChinese Muslim admiral; commanded series of trade expeditions under Ming dynasty between 1405 and 1433; only Chinese attempt to create worldwide trade empire82
17508919Black Deathplague in Europe in 14th century84
17508920Hundred Year's Warconflict between England and France; 1337-1453; fought over English lands in France and feudal rights vs. claims of national states85
17508921Renaissancebegan in Italy in 1400; urban vitality and expanding commerce; distinctly secular in literature and art86
17508922Marco Polok87
17508923Iberian Peninsulak88
17508924Portugal, Castile, and AragonCastile and Aragon united in 1469 through marriage of Isabel and Ferdinand89
17508927DeMedici familyk92
17508928Humanismfocus on humankind as center of intellectual/artistic endeavor93
17508929Machiavelliauthor of The Prince 16th century; realistic discussions of how to seize/maintain power; one of most influential authors of Renaissance94
17508930Francesco Petrarchone of major literary figures of western Renaissance95
17508932Leonardo da Vinci"Renaissance Man"--well-rounded man; paintings, sculptures, architecture, science, engineering, inventing; 1452-151997
17508933Vivaldi Brotherstwo Genoese brothers; attempted to find Western route to Indies; disappeared 129198
17508934Vasco de GamaPortuguese captain who sailed for India in 1497; established early Portuguese dominance in Indian Ocean99
17508935Prince Henry the NavigatorPortuguese prince responsible for series of expeditions along African coast in 15th century; beginning of western European expansion100
17508936Christopher ColumbusGenoese captain in service of king/queen of Castile and Aragon (Isabel and Ferdinand); initiated European discoveries in Americas101

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