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Midterm Review Pt 5 Flashcards

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294571349Ibn RushdMuslim philosopher who blended Aristotle and Plato's views with Islam0
294571350Harun al-RashidMost famous of Abbasid caliphs; renowned for sumptuous and costly living; dependent on Persian advisors early in reign; death led to civil wars over succession1
294571351Meccaa place that attracts many visitors, the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace2
294571352Yathrib (Medina)A city Muhammad and his followers visited after death threats to Muhammad3
294571353Persian Gulfa shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula4
294571354Arabian Seaa northwestern arm of the Indian Ocean between India and Arabia5
294571355Iberian Peninsulaa peninsula in southwestern Europe6
294571356Damascusan ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria7
294571357Baghdadcapital and largest city of Iraq8
294571358Islamthe religion of Muslims collectively which governs their civilization and way of life9
294571359Grand Canalan inland waterway 1000 miles long in eastern China10
294571360Buddhismthe teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth11
294571361Neo-Confucianismterm that describes the resurgence of Confucianism and the influence of Confucian scholars during the T'ang Dynasty; a unification of Daoist or Buddhist metaphysics with Confucian pragmatism12
294571362Sui dynastyThe short dynasty between the Han and the Tang; built the Grand Canal, strengthened the government, and introduced Buddhism to China13
294571363Tang dynastythe imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 90714
294571364Song dynastythe imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 127915
294571365Equal-field systemThis Chinese system allotted land to individuals and their families according to the land's fertility and the recipients' needs.16
294571366Samuraifeudal Japanese military aristocracy17
294571367Nara period(704 - 794AD) when the capital was at Nara; a group of reformers try to reform the government after shotuku died; they didn't like the Chinese's civil service exam so they make the Taiho Code18
294571368Heian period(794 - 1100) move the capital to Heian; 300 years of developing a new culture; growth of large estates; arts and literature of china flourished; elaborate court life; personal diaries (pillow book and the take of genji); moved away from chinese culture19
294571369Kamakura shogunateThe first of Japan's decentralized military governments. (1185-1333). (p. 294)20
294571370Silla dynastyThe dynasty in Korea that rallied to prevent Chinese domination in the seventh century CE.21
294571371Chan BuddhismKnown as Zen in Japan; stressed meditation and appreciation of natural and artistic beauty; popular with members of elite Chinese society22
294571372Yang Jianconquered the south, unified China, created the Sui dynasty and finally ended the Period of Disunion23
294571373An LushanOne of the Tang dynasty's foremost military commanders who mounted a rebellion and captured the capital at Chang'an and the secondary capital at Luoyang in 755.24
294571374Chang'ana city of central China25
294571375White HunsInvaders who weakened the empire of the Guptas.26
294571376Umayyad dynastyWho: Governor of Syria, Muawiya, and his successors, Shi'ites, Sunnis, Kharijites, Uthman. What: Dynasty based on succession rather than election following the first period of caliphates. Continued advances in the kingdom, venturing as far as China and deep into Asia, claiming Afghanistan for a Muslim base. Fell apart due to tension in the kingdom between the Sunnis, Shi'ites, and Kharijites, the malawis (Muslim converts) and born Muslims, and the religion and state. When: 661-750 Where: Middle East, Damascus Why: Beginning of great strife in the Muslim community27
294571377Abbasid dynastyMuslim dynasty after Ummayd, a dynasty that lasted about two centuries that had about 150 years of Persia conquer and was created by Mohammad's youngest uncle's sons28
294571378Delhi sultanateA Muslim leader of Ghur who defeated Hindu armies made Delhi, the third largest city of India, his capital.29
294571379Chola kingdomKingdom situated in the deep south. At its high point, Chola forces conquered Ceylon and parts of southeast Asia, funded by the profits of trade, dominated the sea, did not build a tightly centralized state.30
294571380Vijayanagar kingdomThe mingling of all faiths and vernaculars inspired architectural innovation of Hindu temple construction, first in the Deccan and later in the Dravidian idioms using the local granite. Secular royal structures show the influence of the Northern Deccan Sultanate architecture. Efficient administration and vigorous overseas trade brought new technologies like water management systems for irrigation. The empire's patronage enabled fine arts and literature to reach new heights in the languages of Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Sanskrit, while Carnatic music evolved into its current form. This empire created an epoch in South Indian history that transcended regionalism by promoting Hinduism as a unifying factor.31
294571381MelakaThe first major center of Islam in Southeast Asia, a port kingdom on the southwestern coast of the Malay Peninsula.32
294571382Indianizedto cause to acquire or conform to the characteristics, culture, or usage of American Indians or of India33
294571383Angkor kingdomdominated cambodia from 889-1431, built monuments and temples that reflected indian culture-> Angor Thom Angor Watt34
294571384Bhakti(Hinduism) loving devotion to a deity leading to salvation and Nirvana35
294571385Emporiariverside markets36
294571386Harsha(r.606-648 CE) He restored centralized rule in northern India after the collapse of the Gupta. He can be compared to Charlemagne.37
294571387Mahmud of GhazniIslamic leader who raided throughout northern India, destroying Hindu and Buddhist temples. His many motive was money.38
294571388Shankaraa southern Indian devotee of Shiva who was active during the early ninth century, took it upon himself to digest all sacred consistent system of thought. Closely resembles Plato.39
294571389RamanujaIndian eleventh and twelfth century philosopher who believed that understanding of teh ultimate reality was less important than devotion40
294571390AngkorSoutheast Asian Khmer kingdom that was centered on the temple cities of Ankor Thom and Angkor Wat.41
294571391Khmerthe Mon-Khmer language spoken in Cambodia42
294571392Axuma town of northern Ethiopia. From the first to the eighth century A.D. it was the capital of an empire that controlled much of northern Ethiopia43
294571393Strait of Melakathe only way by sea from east asia(china) to south asia, controlled by muslims44
294571394Ostrogothsa Germanic tribe that attacked Rome in 476 AD. The Leader was Odoacar, who kicked out the last Roman Emperor.45
294571395AnglesAn ancient Low German tribe, that settled in Britain, which came to be called Engla-land (Angleland or England).46
294571396SaxonsGermanic people. During the 5th century ad groups from these communities migrated to Britain either by invitation or invasion and in due course founded kingdoms which can generally be recognized by the fact that their names have the suffix 'sex'47
294571397Missi dominiciRoyal officials under Charlemagne who traveled around the country to enforce the king's laws48
294571398KarakorumCapital of the Mongol empire under Chinggis Khan, 1162 - 1227.49

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