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48009691Geographyinvolves the evolving character and organization of the earth's surface0
48009692Thomas MalthusFood increases arithmetically; population increases exponentially; food will run out1
48009693• World Population Distribution Where are the concentrations?The Northern Hemisphere,coastal areas (larger land masses, better climates)2
48009694• Where is the fastest growth occurring? Poorer countries of Africa and Asia; their cities are growing rapidly Why is this a problem?Poverty, lack of infrastructure in the cities3
48009695• Crude Birth Rate How are these rates reported?xx births per 10004
48009696Why is China's crude birth lower than ours?Birth control; one-child policy; there's been a significant decrease in the birth rate the past 25 years.5
48009697• Crude Death Rate How can the U.S.'s crude death be "high"?We have a higher percentage of elderly in the population.6
48009698What is the "rate of natural increase"?birth rate - death rate /107
48009699What is "net migration"?immigration - emigration8
48009700How else is population growth measured?total fertility rate (per woman)9
48009701Toponyms Place namesThink of place names that have Saint in the name10
48009702Cultural ecologyThis is the study that deals with the relationship between the earth and humans; the outcome of this relationship is the cultural ______landscape________(see book cover!) Another way to say it: Cultural ecology influences the cultural landscape, the landscape built by humans.11
48009703Types of religious architectureJerusalem12
48009704GerrymanderingTo benefit one group or political party in creating Congressional districts13
48009705ExclaveKaliningrad and West __Berlin___.14
48009706EnclaveVatican City, San Marino, Lesotho15
48009707Latitude and longitudeThese are angular distances measured either from the Equator or the Greenwich Prime Meridian.; they form the grid system. Former indicates latitude belts and climates; latter creates time zones every 15 degrees.16
48009708Chain migrationImportance pull factor for migrants.17
48009709Brain drainCountries lose educated, talented emigrants (true for many Asian countries)18
48009710Internal migrationMigration within a country19
48009711Map projection and distortionHappens when a round surface is made flat; distortion may be in size or shape of land forms, distance between land forms, or in direction.20
48009712Map scaleDistance on the map represents distance on the ground proportionately.21
48009713Carrying capacityThe resource base of an area supports a sustainable population.22
48009714• Where are the cultural centers today for Hindus, Jews and Muslims?India Israel N. Africa/SW Asia23
48009715• What has been the significance of rivers in world history for early urban developmentCity-states began in fertile river valleys in Mesopotamia; in Europe earliest and largest cities began on rivers necessary for transportation.24
48009716• Who were the major colonial powers in Africa?Great Britain and France25
48009717Folk cultureMore isolated Popular culture Spread by diffusion26
48009718• Population distribution in the U.S. Are we more urban or rural?We are more urban/metropolitan. More urban since the 1920s; more suburban since the 1950s.27
48009719However, why was it not until after World War II that suburbia started mushrooming?Better transportation: GIs could get GI loans, boomer parents could buy cars, and gov. built freeways.28
48009720Where is our core area?Industrial: Great lakes to New England Political: Boston to Washington. Esp. Washington, D.C. and NYC29
48009721Transnational CorporationsThese corporations either export U.S. goods and services or import other countries' resources. Example: Coca-Cola/technology Example: coffee30
48009722In what ways do transnational corporations "look out for themselves"?They seek locations abroad where labor is cheap, laws are more lax. They may move locations of production often.31
48009723were the early cultural hearths?Places like Mesopotamia, China, India, Mexico32
48009724Sitedeals with a description relative to physical features--like near a harbor or mountain;33
48009725; situationdeals with a relative location--near by or close to some other place34
48009726• In the cultural landscape, how can religion affect food production?Religions may ban the eating of certain foods (Jews and Muslims don't eat pork; Hindus don't eat beef.)35
48009727• In the cultural landscape, how can the environment affect housing types?Pioneers had to use the resources at hand (logs, sod); housing designs reflected climate (Ex.: Salt-box roofs in New England; dog-trot house in the rural south).36
48009728Nation-state definition and examplesAn ethnostate. Ex.: Denmark, Israel, Japan. The Palestinians want to be a nation-state.37
48009729What is a Formal region?It has uniformity and shared characteristics; like citizenship38
48009730What is a functional region?It has a node or center. Ex. business territory39
48009731What is a vernacular region?It varies according to what the criteria is or who you ask. Ex: The Midwest40
48009732• Clashes between groups: What are the causes?Clashes may come because of religion, language or ethnicity; we saw may examples in Chapters 7 and 8. However, religion, language or ethnicity don't have to cause clashes--multi-ethnic states like the U.S. may prove so.41
48009733What does the term "ethnonational" mean and why does this "up the ante"?Clashes as described above are more likely to happen when one ethnic group claims political power over another or when one ethic group has lost political power and is resentful. Ex.: Palestinians; Hutus or Tutsis in Rwanda., Shias vs. Sunnis in Iraq.42
48009734• What are the "parts" of language?That is, family to __branch__, to _group__ to __language to_dialect_. Our family is Indo-European; our branch is Germanic; our group is West Germanic; our language is English. Is your dialect "Texan"? Most widely spoken family is Indo-European, but most widely single language is Mandarin Chinese.43
48009735• What can population pyramids show?High mortality at any given age; war; influx of guest workers; Boomer generation44
48009736• Guest workers in the U.S., in Europe and elsewhere...where do they come from?Latin Americans to U.S. N. Africans to France, Italy Turks to Germany Other Asians to Middle East Many, if not most, are men.45
48009737• Sun Belt vs. Rust BeltClimate, cost of living, loss of jobs due to closing factories. What are the political implications? After the census in 2000 and 2010, states in the south did gain and will gain electoral votes, and therefore, more Federal spending.46
48009738time zones.Every 15 degrees; initiated in 1883-84 for railroads in U.S. and better cable communication in Europe. Ironically China doesn't use International Time Zone system.47
48009739HierarchicalU.S. laws in Iraq.48
48009741StimulusThe Apple Mouse50
48009742• Why is cultural extinction in places like the rainforest a problem?Mankind may lose knowledge about the ecosystem and medicinal customs51
48009743• Why does language extinction happen?Usually by acculturation; take-over by a hierarchial groupGenocide and conquest were historical factors that have eliminated many ethnic languages Hierarchical examples: a language like English becomes the language of doing-business; a language like Swahili becomes dominant in sub-Saharan Africa. (These are called Lingua Franca.)52
48009744• How do acculturation and assimilation differ?Acculturation is cultural modification; a cultural group adopts the traits of a host or dominant group through borrowing. Assimilation implies that the minority group blends completely into the larger group.53
48009745• What's the difference between a reference map and a thematic map?We use reference maps usually for location purposes for place or region; a thematic map shows certain variables that may be located, compared, analyzed, etc54
48009746Centripetal forces:What brings people together into a nationality; examples--language, customs, history, etc.55
48009747Centrifugal forces: Forces that may lead to devolution (decentralizing) or Balkanization (breaking up) of a state. These may include ethnic differences, uneven development, proruption, allegiance to a substate over the national state (e.g., loyalty to the Confederacy by Southerners)), or even local control when national control is difficult because of distance decay.56
48009748• Distance Decay...is also called "friction of distance"When distance from a node or core region increases, efficiency or control decreases.57
48009749Unitary stateExamples: Russia Central government has the power58
48009750Federal statePower is shared by Central government and its substate territorial units (state, county, etc)59
48009751difference between colonialism and imperialism.Colonialism involves benign rule by the mother country, but imperialism implies economic and political domination.60
48009752What is "self-determination"?A substate wants to rule itself Chechnya, now; Quebec, 1995 Palestinians, since 194861
48009753Are there still forced migrations?Yes, Africans because of tribal warfare. Sudan Yes, because of natural disasters. Cajun Diaspora62
48009754• What are examples of the "parts" of world religions?Branches, denominations, Sects63
48009755• What's the difference between a universalizing religion and an ethnic religion?Universalizing is not seeking any religious members, and there are diverse peoplethat are members. Ethnic is more like Jewish because your born into it and they dont seek people to be in it64
48009756What is a census tract?Used by the Census Bureau to canvas neighborhoods and collect data.65
48009757What does the census have to do with politics?Census data determines each state's representation in House of Representatives, determines number of electoral votes for president, and will impact amount of federal66
48009758NAFTA and EU NAFTA• Canada, U.S., Mexico. EU is 20+ European states67
48009759OPEC and the World Trade OrganizationOPEC is the Oil Producing Countries in Middle East + Venezuela; World Trade Organization is newer and aims to decrease world trade barriers.68
48009760NATO and Warsaw PactThe military alliances during the Cold War; West vs. East; democracies vs. Communist states.69
48009762CompactEx. Poland71
48009763PerforatedSouth Africa72
48009764ElongatedChile, italy73

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