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Modern Era Flashcards

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61080486Louis XVIKing of France (1774-1792). In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed. He and Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793.0
61080487RobespierreFrench revolutionary Ex. leader of the Jacobins and architect of the Reign of Terror; was himself executed in a coup d'etat (1758-1794)1
61080488gens de couleur"people of color",, Free men and women of color in Haiti. They sought greater political rights and later supported the Haitian Revolution2
61080489Boukmanvoodoo chief who began Haitian Revolution3
61080490Toussaint L'Ouvertureimportant leader of the Haïtian Revolution; first leader of a free Haiti. In a long struggle again the institution of slavery, he led the blacks to victory over the whites and free coloreds and secured native control over the colony in 1797, calling himself a dictator. Napoleon jailed him4
61080491Miguel de Hidalgopriest of Catholic church that fought for Native American rights5
61080492Augusin de IturbideLed upperclass revolutions in Mexico; became leader6
61080493Simon BolivarVenezuelan statesman who led the revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule; founded Bolivia in 1825 (1783-1830)7
61080494Dom Pedro Ison of Portuguese King who was left in power in Brazil; declared Brazil independent8
61080495caudillosMilitary dictators that gained control after independence movements9
61080496Monroe Doctrinean American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers10
61080497conservativehave traditional beliefs11
61080498liberala person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties12
61080499radicalbroader voting rights, reforms13
61080500Marxismthe idea of communism written by a German guy14
61080501nationalismthe doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other15
61080502Social DarwinismThe application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion16
61080503Count Camillos di Cavourunited Italy; attacked Austria with France17
61080504Otto von Bismarckunited Germany through a series of wars18
61080505feminist movementwas largely unsuccessful during this time period; laid a foundation for future movements19
61080506White Dominioncolonies inhabited mostly by whites and European descendents (ex. Australia!)20
61080507contested settler colonyequal amounts of Europeans and natives21
61080508tropical dependencymore natives that are ruled by a few Europeans22
61080509sepoysnative Indian soldiers allied to a European power23
61080510Ram Mohan Royefforts to protect Hinduism and Indian rights in participating in British government; tried to abolish sati24
61080511Indian National CongressA movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor.25
61080512Berlin Conferencea meeting at which representatives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa26
61080513Boer WarLasting from 1899 to 1902, Dutch colonists and the British competed for control of territory in South Africa. British won.27
61080514Shaka Zulufought the Dutch in the Zulu war, Around 1816 used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a large centralized state. The Zulu land became part of British-controlled land in 1887.28
61080515the Great Gamerefers to a strategic rivalry between British and Russian over control of Central Asia29
61080516Mexican-American WarWar declared in 1846 after Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande into Texas. Was ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which gave the U.S. Texas, New Mexico, and California in exchange for $15 million to Mexico30
61080517Spainish-American WarFought between Spain and the U.S, permitted American intervention in the Caribbean; U.S. gained Puerto Rico, Phillipenes, Guam31
61080518Panama Canalcanal created in Central America that let U.S. have a shorter trade route from East to West32
61080519Santa Annacaudillo leader of Mexico33
61080520Benito JuarezMexican national hero; brought liberal reforms to Mexico, including separation of church and state, land distribution to the poor, and an educational system for all of Mexico34
61080521Porfirio Diaza dictator who dominated Mexico, permitted foriegn companies to develop natural resources and had allowed landowners to buy much of the countries land from poor peasants35
61080522Juan Manuel de RosasArgintina caudillo36
61080523Opium WarWar between Britain and the Qing Empire that was, in the British view, occasioned by the Qing government's refusal to permit the importation of opium into its territories. The victorious British imposed the one-sided Treaty of Nanking on China37
61080524Taiping Rebelliona mid-19th century rebellion against the Qing Dynasty in China, led by Hong Xiuquan ("brother of Jesus")38
61080525Self-Strengthening MovementChinese modernize the army, improve infrastructure, relied on foriegn investment39
61080526Boxer RebellionChinese kill foriegners; Europe and U.S. step in40
61080527Dowager CixiAgainst the reform of China41
61080528spheres of influencehow different European countiries influenced different parts of China42
61080529Sun Yatsen1st President of the Republic of China43
61080530Tanzimat ReformsOttoman reforms that modernized the military and burecaracy, established good education, Western technology, and new constitution44
61080531Muhammad Aliattempted to reforganize Egyptian society, streamline the economy, train a professional bureuacracy45
61080532Mahdithe propesized redeemer of Islam that will return along with Jesus to "fix the world" (not all Muslims believe this)46
61080533Suez Canalcanal built to link Mediterranean and Red Seas47
61080534zaibatsuHuge industrial combines created in Japan in the 1890s as part of the process of industrialization (formerly samurai)48

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