Bipolar, unibioplar, cyclothymia, theoretical perspectives
347871974 | Mood disorders | Psychological disorders characterized by a disturbance in mood | |
347871975 | Unipolar | Characterized by depression. Major depressive disorder. Dysthymic disorder | |
347871976 | Bipolar | Characterized by both depression and mania (alternating pattern). Bipolar disorder. Cyclothymic disorder | |
347871977 | 5 symptoms of depression | Emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive and physical | |
347871978 | Emotional symptoms | Sad, cry, feel isolated, empty, agitated, crying spells, feel humiliated, little pleasure from anything. Reduced interest in food, sex, social connection. | |
347871979 | Motivational symptoms | Lack of drive, lack of initiative, lack of spontaneity, lack of interest in life. No interest in activity, failure to respond to praise or rewards. Don't achieve potential. | |
347871980 | Behavioral symptoms | Fatigue, lack of productivity, insomnia, hypersomnia, slow speech, slow movement, psychomotor agitation. | |
347871981 | Cognitive symptoms | Negative views of themselves. Feel inadequate, inferior, worthless, stupid. Pessimism feelings. Thoughts of helplessness, hopelessness. Social ideation, difficulty concentrating. | |
347871982 | Physical symptoms | Disturbance in appetite, disturbance in sleep. General medical problems. Headaches, constipation, indigestion, pain. | |
347871983 | Delusions | Disturbed beliefs. Usually mood congruent. | |
347871984 | Hallucinations | Disturbed perceptions. Usually mood congruent. | |
347871985 | Major Depressive Disorder | There has only been 1 depressive episode- can't have any other episode. An episode lasts at least 2 weeks. Symptoms may develop over days to weeks. May have prodromal period of foreboding for months in advance. Twice as often in women than men. Can last years. | |
347871986 | Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder | Loss in activities, weight loss/weight gain, insomnia, psychomotor agitation, guilt, think worthlessness thoughts. Thoughts of death/suicide. | |
347871987 | Specifiers | Features that can be applied to a disorder to increase diagnostic specificity: with psychotic features, with catatonic, postpartum and seasonal types. | |
347871988 | Catatonic specifier | Being in a stoop, not even being able to get out of a chair, for example. | |
347871989 | Seasonal pattern (SAD) | Depression when people do not get enough sunlight. Light helps you to produce Vitamin D which helps you to produce serotonin and helps your mood. | |
347871990 | Postpartum depression | Involves a significant change in mood that new mothers experience following the birth of their child. Usually lasts a few days but can last up to a year. High risk for developing major depressive disorder long term. | |
347871991 | Dysthymia | Milder form of depression. Starts in childhood. Depressive symptoms; general way of being, not episodes. Chronic and must have had symptoms for 2 yrs. Drag themselves through day then crash. Poor appetite/over eat. Insomnia/hypersomnia. Fatigue. Low self esteem. Poor concentration. Hopelessness. | |
347871992 | Double depression | Both dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder. | |
347871993 | Bipolar disorder | A psychological disorder characterized by mood swings between states of extreme elation and depression. 3 types: Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2 and Cyclothymia. | |
347871994 | Bipolar 1 | Manic episode, usually depressive episode. Significant distress or impairment. | |
347871995 | Bipolar 2 | Hypothymic episode and depressive episode. No history of manic episodes. Significant distress or impairment. | |
347871996 | Cyclothymia | Hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms. | |
347871997 | Manic episode | When a person is trying to do everything in one day. Aroused and full of energy. Poor judgement. The id has gone wild. Don't have a stopping point. Don't finish tasks. Lasts at least 1 week. Inflated self esteem, decreased need for sleep, more talkative, distracted, excessive involvement in pleasurable activities: sex, shopping, foolish business investments. | |
347871998 | Hypomanic episode | Milder form of manic episode. Persistantly evelated. Expansive or irritable mood. Judgement isn't as bad as manic episode. Lasts at least 4 days. Does not cause impairment in social or occupational functioning like a manic episode would. | |
347871999 | Manic/Hypomanic episode | Shorter than depressive episodes. Come on quicker and end more abruptly. Can last a few weeks to several months. | |
347872000 | Specifiers of Bipolar 1 disorder | Psychotic features Catatonic features Postpartum onset Seasonal pattern Rapid cycling | |
347872001 | Bipolar 2 disorder | 1 or more major depressive episodes. Presence or history of at least 1 hypomanic episode. There has never been a manic or mixed episode. More frequent depressive episodes than Bipolar 1. After 5 years, 10% of Bipolar 2 become Bipolar 1. | |
347872002 | Cyclothymia | A mood disorder characterized by a chronic pattern of less severe mood swings than Bipolar disorder. Have experienced symptoms for at least 2 years. Hypomanic symptoms to a lesser degree. There isn't a period of 2 months where you're not having these symptoms. | |
347879956 | Other mood related disorders | Adjustment disorder, Minor depressive disorder, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Substance induced mood disorder and Bereavement. | |
347879957 | Adjustment disorder | Emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to a psychosocial stressor. | |
347879958 | Bereavement | Major Depressive Episode as a result of death of loved one. After 2 months, diagnosis becomes MDD. | |
347879959 | Biological Factors in depressive disorders | Genes, Neurotransmitters, hormones and brain abnormalities. | |
347879960 | Biological factors (Neurotransmitters) | Disturbance in interaction of key neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinepherine). Lack of enough receptors of key neurotransmitters. Abnormality in the sensitivity of receptors. Irregularities in the way chemicals bind to the receptors. Deficiency of proteins within neurons. | |
347879961 | Biological factors (Brain abnormalities) | Prefrontal cortex- abnormal activity Hippocampus- decrease in neurogenesis; decrease in size. Amyglada- greater activity. | |
347879962 | Psychoanalytic Theory | Loss, dependency, regression, anger turned inward. | |
347879963 | Behavioral | Loss of reinforcement. | |
347879964 | Cognitive Theory | Learned Helplessness and Negative Thinking. | |
347879965 | Cognitive Theory (Learned helplessness) | Martin Seligman. Attributional style: Internal, Global and Stable | |
347879966 | Cognitive Theory (Negative thinking) | Aaron Beck. Maladaptive attitudes, cognitive triad, automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions: all or nothing thinking, overgeneralization, mental filter, disqualifying the positive, jumping to conclusions, magnification/minimization, emotional reasoning, should statements, labeling/mislabeling, personalization. | |
347879967 | Humanistic Theory | Self-esteem, self-actualization. Loss of self worth. | |
347879968 | Sociocultural Theory | Artifact theory, hormones, life stress theory, bod dissatisfaction, lack of control, rumination theory | |
347879969 | Casual factors in Bipolar disorder | Neurotransmitters: overactivity of NE and low Serotonin. Ion activity- irregularity in transport of ions. Brain structure- smaller basal ganglia and cerebellum. Genes. |