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MPCS AP World History Flashcards

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30851109The Neolithic Revelotution first occured inthe Middle East0
30851110Jewish Monotheismemphasized the power and abstration of God1
30851111The development of Agriculture did not cause important changes inthe tendency to believe in many gods2
30851112A society is almost certainly a civilization ifit practices sedentary agriculture3
30851113Among the early river civilizationsthe Huang He was the most isolated4
30851114Which of the following areas were not one of the earliest civilizations to developWest Africa5
30851115The development of writinghelps explain why governments could become more formal and bureaucratic6
30851116Hunting and gathering societiesorganize rather small groups into political units7
30851117A famous example of "cultural diffusion" in early China history wasthe introduction and spread of Buddhism8
30851118Daoist would not agree with Confucianist aboutthe importance of political activity9
30851119Women in the Han Chinese societysometimes became quite powerful in a household10
30851120The qin dynasty differed from the Zhou in thatit was more centralized11
30851121Chinese views of nature emphasizedharmony and balance12
30851122"Nirvana" meantfull union with divine essence13
30851123In CONTRAST to china, the social values that developed in classical Indiaencouraged greater emotional spontaneity14
30851124Buddhism differed from hinduism by not believing inthe caste system15
30851125the Mauryan dynasty differed from the Gupta dynasty in thatit ruled a larger territory16
30851126Paleolithic Age refers tothe period in which simple stone tools were developed17
30851127Sumerian civilization producedwritten law code18
30851128The Chinese government accepted Daoism except forDaoist believed that nobles were holier than peasants19
30851129Ceremony became an important part of upper-class Chinese life becausethe chinese believed it would help unify society and prevent greed20
30851130The Aryan conquerors brought to Indiadistintive religious ideas21
30851131A characteristic of the human species before advent of civilization wasthe ability to spread to various geographic settings and climate zones22
30851132The "Son of Heaven" concept was not designed to promotepriests' control of the state23
30851133which of the following does NOT describe important features of Indian Artopposed to the use of animal figures24
30851134What were some developments to humans during the late Paleolithic Agegroups killed by others, stone tools, speech development, development of riuals, religion and fear of death, population shift to Asia and Europe and eventually to North America, and weapons25
30851135Characteristics of Civilizationsformal states, writing, monuments, trading centers, political territories26

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