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Mr. Treat's APWH Glossary (Foundations Unit) Flashcards

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96354443agricultural villagesmall, mostly egalitarian settlement of people who were "farmers" as opposed to nomadic hunter/gatherers; appearing c. 10,000BCE0
96354444fertile crescent/Mesopotamiawhere the first agricultural villages appear c.10,000 BCE; land bewtween the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; earliest site of innovative urbanization1
96354445SumerAn ancient region of city-states in southern Mesopotamia which rose around 3300 B.C. The first site of urbanization in Mesopotamia and is credited with inventing the first writing system.2
96354446Sargon of AkkadA conqueror from Akkad (north of Sumer) who took over the Sumerian city-states in the fertile crescent, leading the world's first empire in .3
96354447Gilgameshthe king/god/hero of Uruk who searched for immortality, not acheiving it but maintaining legendary Sumerian status4
96354448ziggurata temple tower of ancient Mesopotamia, made of square/rectangular terraces of decreasing size, w/ a shrine on top; each was home to the city's god5
96354449pictogramspicture representations of the objects of writing, first developed c. 3000BCE6
96354450cuneiformwedge-shaped signs that were the culmination of written language in Sumer c. 2400BCE; for business purposes at first7
96354451ideogramswritten language where the idea of a thing is represented rather than it name; i.e. Chinese8
96354452Code of Hammurabi1750BCE; legal code of 282 laws of King Hammurabi which gives9
96354453Shang Dynastyfirst Dynasty in China; Anyang was the last capital, first form of Chinese writing appeared in oracle bones (c.10
96354454ma'atEgyptian idea of justice and peace, which the king, or pharoah, was in charge of maintaining11
96354455pyramidmassive tombs of Egyptian pharaohs built during the Old Kingdom using human labor12
96354456Old Kingdomperiod of Egypt bewtween 2700 BCE - 2200 BCE.; Upper and Lower Egypt seperate (?), later built unified government. Developed basic features of its civilization, built the pyramids13
96354457Middle Kingdomperiod of Egypt between 2050 BCE. - 1800 BCE.: new dynasty reunites Egypt; capital in Thebes; irrigation projects including canal between NIle and Red Sea for trade to coasts of Arabian Penninsula and East Africa. Expanded Egyptian territory: Nubia, Syria.14
96354458AryansIndo-European speaking nomads who entered India (no one realy knows where from) 1500 and 1000 BCE; established caste system in Indus valley15
96354459caste systema set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society16
96354460Babyloniansancient people of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley; their civilization flourishes under Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar II but declines after 562 BCE. and falls to Persia in 539BCE.17
96354461HittitesIndo-Europeans who settled in highlands of Anatolia in 2000 BCE, first Indo-Europeans to make use of iron18
96354462Zhou Dynastythe imperial dynasty of China from 1122 to 221 BC; notable for the rise of Confucianism and Daoism;19
96354463oracle bonesanimal bones that were inscribed w/ markings, placed in fire, tapped, cracks read to predict the future; a crucial development in Chinese civilization--writing20
96354464sage kingsLegendary rulers of China c. 2800-c. 2200. Of the three sovereigns and five emperors based in the Huang He (Yellow River) region, Huang-tu (reigned c. 2697 BC) is credited with defeating the barbarians.21
96354465Anyangthe last ancient Chinese capital of the Shang Dynasty; had previously changed constantly22
96354466Mandate of HeavenChinese religious and political ideology developed by the Zhou, was the will of Heaven to grant power to the proper ruler of China; used by other dynasties to justify overthrowing23
96354467Nubiaan ancient region of northeastern Africa (southern Egypt and northern Sudan) on the Nile24
96354468Olmecs"The Rubber People;" (1400 B.C.E. to 500 B.C.E.) civilization lived in rainforests along the Gulf of Mexico, developed calendar and constructed public buildings and temples, carried on trade with other groups. Famous for giant stone heads25
96354469TeotihuancanA powerful city-state in central Mexico (100 B.C.-750 A.D.). It's population was 150,000 in its peak in 600 CE; largest city in the Americas; remembered for giant Pyramid of the Sun26
96354470Mayaancient people of the Yucatan peninsula who had a culture (which reached its peak between AD 300 and 900) characterized by outstanding architecture, pottery and astronomy27
96354471MocheCivilization of north coast of Peru (200-700 C.E.). An important Andean civilization that built extensive irrigation networks as well as impressive urban centers dominated by brick temples.28
96354472Chavinthe first major South American civilization, which flourished in the highlands of what is now Peru from about 900 to 200 B.C.29
96354473Nok Cultureearliest known West African culture; consisted of farmers, first to smelt iron weapons and tools; traded; Settled in Jenne-Jenno near Niger river, also located on important trade routes30
96354474ZapotecsCivilization that flourished in southern Mexico's Oaxaca Valley (c. 500 B.C.E. to C.E. 600)31
96354475hegemonyimperial conquest where the conquered peoples willingly accept their new rulers if they can be convinced it's in their best interest32
96354476dominancewhen a group rules over another group, imposing laws often through force33
96354477Athensa Greek city-state; the birthplace of democracy, the Parthenon34
96354478oligarchsmall, elite group of rulers that retained political institutions after the founding of the Roman Republic, their armies as a center of power35
96354479democracya political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them; put into place by the Athenians of Greece36
96354480Indo-EuropeanPeople from around the the Black Sea and the Caspian sea; Between 2500 and 2000 BC, they migrated all over Eurasia; known as Hittites or Aryans, became ancestors of Romans and Greeks37
96354481SolonAthenian reformer of the 6th century; established laws that eased the burden of debt on farmers, forbade enslavement for debt; citizens gained more power38
96354482Assyriansknown as a warrior people who ruthlessly conquered neighboring countries; their empire stretched from east to north of the Tigris River all the way to centeral Egypt; used ladders, weapons like iron-tipped spears, daggers and swords, tunnels, and fearful military tactics to gain strength in their empire39
96354483hoplitea heavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece; moved around in groups called phalanxes40
96354484HatshepsutQueen of Egypt (1473-1458 B.C.E.); expanded Egypt throught trade; adopted all pharaonic customs, including wearing the false beard41
96354485Peloponnesian Wara war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta; 431-404 BC42
96354486triumvirateunofficial coalition between Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus formed 60 BCE. After Caesar's murder in 44BCE, another coalition w/ heir Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus Lepidus appointed to keep public order43
96354487Alexander the Greatsuccessor of Philip of Macedon; 1st global empire, but no lasting bureaucracy; spread of Hellenism was his greatest achievement44
96354488Julius Caesar58 BC became governor and military commander of the Roman province of Gaul; part of the first Triumvirate; first emperor of Rome45
96354489Hellenistica word meaning to "imitate Greeks"; Greek-speaking civilization which spread through many lands of the eastern Mediterranean and beyond following the conquests of Alexander the Great46
96354490satrapythe twenty provinces that Darius divided the Persian empire into; each province was ruled by a governor47
96354491Cyrus the Greatfirst Persian king, founded Persian empire 559BC, known for benevolent ruling,ex. freed Jews48
96354492Zoroastrianismsystem of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster; cosmic struggle over good and bad; influenced by Judaism and Christianity49
96354493Hyksosthe people who invaded Egypt thus beginning the second Intermediate period during which the Hyksos ( a word meaning "foreigner) ruled as pharaohs in Lower Egypt and exacted tribute from the royal families in Thebes.50
96354494Minoansearliest Greek civilization that had developed on the island of Crete by 2000 B.C51
96354495New Kingdomthe period of ancient Egyptian history that followed the overthrow of the Hyksos rulers, lasting from about1570 to 1075 B.C.; the time period when they reached their apex52
96354496Mycenaeansan Indo-European people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C.; conquered the Minoans in Crete in about 1400 B.C.53
96354497Akhenatenearly ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship (died in 1358 BC); monotheism54
96354498polisancient Greek city-state55
96354499Pax Romana"The Roman Peace;" the state of comparative concord prevailing w/in the boundaries of the Roman Empire from the reign of Augustus to that of Marcus Aurelius enforced by Roman rule and military control; 27BCE-180CE56
96354500Punic WarsA series of three wars between Rome and Carthage (264-146 B.C.); resulted in the destruction of Carthage and Rome's dominance over the western Mediterranean.57
96354501plebiana citizen of ancient Rome who was not a member of the privileged patrician class; from the later Republican period, the term implied low social class58
96354502paterfamiliasthe head of a family or household in Roman law--always a male--and the only member to have full legal rights; he had absolute power over his family, which extended to life and death("pater"="father")59
96354503Octavian AugustusCaesar's nephew, physically weak/nerdy; after beating Cleopatra and Antony he became 1st emperor of Rome60
96354504Mark AntonyCaesar's contemporary, teamed with Octavian to punish Caesar's murders, fell in love with Cleopatra, went into civil war, at Battle of Actium, he and Cleopatra fled and committed suicide61
96354505Cleopatra VIIRuler of egypt 51-30BC, mistress of Caesar, mother of Caesarion (Ptolemy XV). After Cesar's asassination, Cleopatra became the mistress of the Roman general Marc Antony62
96354506Battle of Actiumbattle between Marcus Antony and Octavian for control of the empire. Octavian won in 31 B.C.63
96354507stoicismHuman reason is the source of virtue, perfection, and happiness64
96354508ConstantineRoman emperor (r. 312-337). After reuniting the Roman Empire, he moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity a favored religion. (p.159)65
96354509Edict of Milana ruling by Constantine that allowed Christians to openly practice their faith in the Roman empire.66
96354510oligarchya system of government in which a small group holds power67
96354511Warring States periodthe period from 5th century BC to the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC when regional warlords battled amongst each other and there was no ruler68
96354512legalismschool of Chinese philosophy that appeared in the Warring States Pd., had great influence in the policies of the Qin Dynasty; believed social harmony attained through strong government control and imposition of strict laws, enforced absolutely69
96354513Daoisma mystical Chinese philosophy that wasn't directly applicable to government, but for private life solace; teachings were paradoxical; emphasis on simplicity and diminished need for government; founder Laozi(c.604-517BCE); facilitated acceptance of Buddhism70
96354514Han Dynastyimperial dynasty that ruled China (200BCE to 200CE) and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy; exam as way of social promotion; Confucian71
96354515Liu Banghelped overthrow Qin dynasty, 1st emperor and founder of Han dynasty, was a soldier and worked way up to emperor72
96354516Wudiruled the chinese empire from 140-86 b.c; brought the han dynasty to its peak; expanded the chinese empire;73
96354517Yellow TurbansChinese Daoists who launched a revolt in China promising a Golden Age to be brought by divine magic74
96354518Qin Dynastythe Chinese dynasty (from 221 BCE to 210 BCE) that established the first centralized Chinese imperial government and built much of the Great Wall75
96354519Qin Shi Huangdiunified Warring States of China; known for his book burning; not popular, scholars and poor people hated him; built great wall to protect china; legalist76
96354520Confucius(551-479BCE) Chinese philosopher who believed moral order came from good, educated officials(men of "jen"); emphasize on schools and hierarchy; ideal that moral leader is a gentleman made, not born("junzi"); created school of philosophy that dominated Han Dynasty thinking77
96354521Indo-Aryana branch of the Indo-Iranian family of languages; people named for their language that migrated into Indus valley; started Vedas and caste system78
96354522brahminA priest who held the highest position in Aryan society79
96354523Chandragupta MauryaHe founded India's first empire. He was an Indian prince who conquered a large area in the Ganges River valley soon after Alexander invaded western India.80
96354524Mauryan Empirethe largest and most powerful political and military empire of ancient India81
96354525Siddartha Guatamathe first Buddha who set forth the Four Noble Truth, The Middle Way to Nirvana, and The Eight-fold Path.82
96354526Gupta EmpireGolden Age of India; ruled through central government but allowed village power; restored Hinduism83
96354527Chandra Gupta IEstablished the Gupta Empire but came form no historical background. He married a princess of the powerful Licchaui lineage and named himself after the founder of the Mauryan Empire.84
96354528HunasThe group who attacked the Guptas, leading to their fall. (also related to the groups that invade China and Rome)85
96354529monsoonseasonal wind pattern in southern Asia southwest winds during the summer, bringing heavy rains, and northeast winds during the winter; using winds Roman traders could make trip in only 1 year86
96354530Asokagrandson of Chandragupta; most honored emperor for his commitment to spreading peace and prosperity to all; was buddhist but accepted other religions; decline came after his death87
96354531Vedassacred texts in the Hindu religion, they are a set of four collections of hymns and religious ceremonies transmitted by memory through the centuries by Aryan priests88
96354532ChimuPowerful Peruvian civilization based on conquest. Located in the region earlier dominated by Moche. Conquered by Inca in 1465.89
96614322republica state that is not ruled by a hereditary leader (monarchy) but by a person or persons appointed under the constitution; created by the Romans c.509BCE90

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