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Mrs. Hayes history-World war 2 Flashcards

American history

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526100990Japan's emperorHirohito
526100991Japans governmentMilitarism
526100992Japan's prime ministerTojo
526100993Italy's governmentFascism
526100994Who was the "Duce"Mussolini
526100995Who was the leader of EthiopiaSelassie
526100996Was the league of nations effectiveNo
526100997Germany's governmentNazism
526100998Who was Germany's leaderHitler
526100999What does "Fuehrer" meanLeader
526101000What was the Third ReichHitlers government
526101001Mein KampfMy Struggle- Hitler's book- wrote while he was in jail
526101002Anti-Semitismprejudice or actions that harm or discriminate against Jews
526101003Nuremberg LawsJews are not citizens
526101004KristallnachtNight of broken glass- all synagogues were destroyed
526101005LebensraumLiving space
526101006AnschlussWhen Germany annexes Austria
526101007When and what is the Munich Conference1938 and the conference that decided Czech fate
526101008Who was at the Munich conferenceHitler and prime minister Chamberlain
526101009What does appeasement mean?To give in to
526101010Who said, "peace in our time"Prime Minster Chamberlain
526101011When and who was the non- aggression pact between1939 and Hitler and Stalin
526101012When was the invasion of Poland1939
526101013When did England and France declare war on Germany?September, 1939
526101014BlitzkriegLightning War- an all out attack
526101015Phony WarWar was declared but no fighting for a while because countries were preparing for war
526101016Who did Germany defeat (7 countries)Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium, and France
526101017DunkirkCity in France and was in 1940
526101018Vichy FranceWhere French pro- Nazis ruled southern France
526101019When and what is the Battle of BritainR.A.F ( royal air force) vs. Luftwaffe ( German air force) and it was in 1940
526101020Operation Sea LionGerman code name for the battle of Britain
526101021When and what is the Lend Lease Act1941 and when the USA would loan equipment to Britain
526101022Who said, "arsenal for democracy"FDR
526101023When did Germany invade the USSRJune 1941
526101024What was Germans code name for the invasion of the USSROperation Bararsossa
526101025What happened on December 7th, 1941Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
526101026When did the USA enter the war1941
526101027Who said, "a date which will live in infamy"FDR
526101028In the battle of Stalingrad who was fighting ?Germans vs. Russians
526101029In the war in Africa and Europe who were the americans and the british troops led by?USA= Patton, Britain= Montgomery
526101030Where is the battle of El Alamein and who wins.Egypt and the British win
526101031What was Erwin Rommel nick nameThe desert fox
526101032What were Rommel's troops calledThe Afrika Korps
526101033What was the first place to be liberatedNorth Africa
526101034When does Italy switch to the Allies side?1943
526101035When was the Normandy invasion?June 6, 1944
526101036What was D-days code nameOperation Overlord
526101037Who was in charge of the allied troopsGen. Eisenhower
526101038Where was the battle of BulgeBelgium
526101039When did Hitler commit suicide1945
526101040What and when is V-E DayWhen Germany surrendered and it is May, 1945
526101041Who won the battle of MidwayUSA
526101042Who won the battle of GuadalcanalUSA
526101043Who said, "I shall return"Gen. MacArther
526101044What is a kami-kazi pilotSuicide pilot
526101045When, Where and what is the Yalta conference1945 in USSR Churchill, FDR and Stalin make post war plans
526101046Who is the president during the atomic bombPres. Truman
526101047What is the Manhattan ProjectThe making of the atomic bomb
526101048What 2 places is the bomb dropped onHiroshima, Japan. And Nagasaki, Japan
526101049When and what is V-J DaySeptember, 1945 and Japan surrenders
526101050What is the final solution?Killing of all Jews
526101051What is AuschwitzThe worst concentration camp
526101052Germany and Berlin were divide into how many zones4

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