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Ms. Taylor's Vocab. Cumulative Units 4-7

Took the etymologies out for units 4-6 for the matching, left them in for unit 7 for possible extra credit

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251826574ad hoc(adj.) for this special purpose; improvised; (adv) concerning this
251826575depredation(n) the act of preying upon or plundering
251826576harbinger(n) a sign that something is coming; a portent, herald (vt) to indicate the approach of
251826577de facto(adj) actually existing or in effect, although not legally required or sanctioned (adv) in reality, actually
251826578aberration(n) a departure from what is proper, right, expected, or normal; a lapse from a sound mental state
251826579empathy(n) a sympathetic understanding of or identification with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of someone or something else
251826580bathos(n) grossly insincere or exaggerated sentimentality; trite material presented in an elevated tone; the lowest phase, nadir; an anticlimax, comedown
251826581bane(n) the source or cause of death, destruction, or ruin; death or ruin itself
251826582cantankerous(adj) ill-tempered; quarrelsome; difficult to get along with
251826583casuistry(n) deceptive, over-subtle, or false reasoning; the determination of right and wrong in specific questions of conduct by the application of general ethical principles
251826584peccadillo(n) a minor sin or offense; a trifling fault or shortcoming
251826585syndrome(n) a group of symptoms or signs that collectively characterize or indicate a disease, disorder, abnormality, etc.
251826586nepotism(n) unethical favoritism to or excessive patronage of one's relatives
251826587hedonism(n) the belief that the attainment of pleasure is life's chief aim; devotion to or pursuit of pleasure
251826588pièce de résistance(n) an outstanding accomplishment; the best part of something excellent; the main dish of a meal; the main event, incident, or item
251826589remand(vt) to send or order back; in law, to send back to jail or lower court
251826590pander(v prep) to cater to or provide satisfaction for the low tastes or vices of others (vt) in law, to sell or distribute by ________ing (n) a person who _______s; a pimp
251826591mellifluous(adj) flowing sweetly or smoothly; honeyed
251826592lackluster(adj) lacking brilliance or vitality; dull
251826593malcontent(adj) dissatisfied with or in open defiance of prevailing conditions (n) a person who is _________
251826594ignominy(n) shame, disgrace; dishonor, degradation
251826595caprice(n) whim; vagary; a sudden unpredictable change of one's mind; the tendency to change one's mind without apparent or adequate motive
251826596capricious(adj) fanciful, whimsical, erratic
251826597physiognomy(n) the "science" (popular at various times throughout history; now disproven) of determining a person's character from the physical features of his/her face or body; a person's face, when used as an index to his/her character
251826598incredulous(adj) skeptical, doubtful, unwilling or unable to believe; showing disbelief
251826599eminence(n) high station, rank, or repute; outstanding reputation; distinction, renown; high elevation; a title of honor for cardinals (not to be confused with imminence)
251826600sojourn(n) a temporary stay (not necessarily one day) (vi) to stay somewhere temporarily
251826601abash(vt) to destroy (someone's) confidence; to shame, humiliate, humble, abase, degrade
251826602purport(v) to claim or profess, to present the appearance of being; to convey, express, or imply (n) the meaning, import, or sense; a purpose or intention
251826603mien(n) demeanor, air, manner, deportment, or bearing; the affect created by one's behavior and appearance
251826604superfluous(adj) excessive, extra, unnecessary; being more than what is needed
251826605edifice(n) a building, especially one of large size or imposing appearance; any large, complex system or organization
251826606peremptory(adj) leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative, dictatorial, decisive, authoritative, bossy, demanding
251826607auspicious(adj) propitious, promising, encouraging, favored by fortune, likely to turn out well, boding good things (ant.: ominous)
251826608vivify(v) to give live to, animate; to enliven, brighten
251826609penitent(adj) repentant, contrite, remorseful, sorry for having sinned and seeking atonement (n) a person who confesses sin and submits to a penance
251826610congenial(adj) pleasant, agreeable; well-suited, compatible
251826611imbibe(v) to drink
251826612progenitor(n) ancestor; precursor, that which originates something and serves as a model
251826613retribution(n) vengeance, revenge, payback, justice, requital of evil acts; in theology, the distribution of rewards and punishments in an afterlife
251826614indict(vt) to charge (one) with committing a crime; to accuse, castigate, criticize
251826615gamut(n) an entire range or series
251826616derring-do(n) valor or heroism; daring deeds or exploits (often used to poke fun at false heroes)
251826617affinity(n) a natural attraction to a person, thing, or activity; a relationship, connection
251826618corollary(n) a proposition that follows one already proven; a natural consequence or result (adj) resultant or consequent
251826619bilious(adj) peevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant
251826620folderol(n) foolish talk, ideas, or procedures; nonsense; a trifle
251826621cognate(adj) closely related in origin, essential nature or function (n) such a person or thing
251826622elixir(n) a potion once thought capable of curing all ills and maintaining life indefinitely; a panacea, a sweet liquid used as a vehicle in medicines
251826623cul-de-sac(n) a blind alley or dead-end street; any situation in which further progress is impossible; an impasse
251826624divination(n) the art or act of predicting the future or discovering hidden knowledge
251826625risible(adj) pertaining to laughter; able to or inclined to laugh; laughable
251826626hoi polloi(n) the common people, the masses
251826627obloquy(n) public abuse indicating strong disapproval or censure; the disgrace resulting from such treatment
251826628symptomatic(adj) typical or characteristic; being or concerned with a symptom of a disease
251826629volte-face(n) an about face; a complete reversal
251826630ineffable(adj) not expressible in words; too great or too sacred to be uttered
251826631mnemonic(adj) relating to or designed to assist memory (n) a device to aid the memory
251826632lucubration(n) laborious study or thought especially at night; the result of such work
251826633parameter(n) determining or characteristic element; a factor that shapes the total outcome; a limit, boundary
251826634pundit(n) a learned person; one who gives authoritative opinions
251826635panache[L. penna-feather] (n) a confident and stylish manner; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display
251826636insouciant[Fr. in-not + soucier-to care] (adj) carefree, happy-go-lucky, blithely indifferent or unconcerned
251826637semantics[Gk. sema-sign] (n) the study of meaning; the meaning or the interpretation of meaning, of a word, sentence, etc.
251826638emolument[L. e-out + molere-to grind (miller's fee)] (n) payment; profit derived from an office or employment; a fee or salary
251826639hegemony[Gk. hegemon-leader] (n) predominant influence exercised by one nation over others; aggression or expansionism by large nations in an effort to achieve world domination
251826640philippic[Gk. Philip, king of Macedon, denounced in several of Demosthenes's speeches] (n) a bitter verbal attack
251826641immure[L. in + murus-a wall] (vt) to enclose or confine within walls; to imprison; to seclude or isolate
251826642commensurate[L. com-with + mensurare-to measure] (adj) equal in size, extent, duration, or importance; proportionate; measurable by the same standards
251826643inquiry[L. quaerere-to ask] (n) a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge; an investigation, as into an incident; charges; a question; query
251826644diaphanous[L. dia-through + phanes-appearing] (adj) very sheer and light, almost completely transparent
251826645sacrosanct[L. sacer-sacred + santus-holy] (adj) very sacred, extremely holy; inviolable; set apart or immune from questioning or attack
251826646vicissitude[L. vicis-a turn] (n) a change, variation, or alteration; pl.--successive changing phases, "ups and downs"
251826647premise[L. pre-before + mittere-to send] (n) a basis, stated or assumed, on which reasoning proceeds; a proposition supporting a conclusion; a tract of land including its buildings (vt) to set forth beforehand, as by way of introduction or explanation
251826648obsequies[L. ob-upon + sequi-to follow] (n) funeral rites or ceremonies
251826649tendentious[L. tendere-to stretch] (adj) intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine, or cause; biased or partisan
251826650explicit[L. ex-out + plicare-to fold] (adj) fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; having nothing merely implied; unequivocal; definite and unreserved in expression; having sexual acts or nudity clearly depicted
251826651persona[L. a face mask used by actors; hence, a character] (n) the outward character or role that a person assumes
251826652rejoinder[OF re-again + joindere-to join] (n) a comeback; an answer to a reply; a quick reply (especially a witty or critical one) to a question or remark
251826653incendiary(adj) tending to arouse strife; inflammatory; pertaining to the criminal setting on fire of property (n) a person who stirs up strife; an agitator
251826654repudiate[L. re-again + pudere-to shame] (v) to reject as having authority or binding force; to cast off or disown

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