If you were absent, or just want the full definition she gave us in class, (with the etymology, and big words to be held accountable for) here you go!
251815940 | panache | [L. penna-feather] (n) a confident and stylish manner; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display | |
251815941 | insouciant | [Fr. in-not + soucier-to care] (adj) carefree, happy-go-lucky, blithely indifferent or unconcerned | |
251815942 | semantics | [Gk. sema-sign] (n) the study of meaning; the meaning or the interpretation of meaning, of a word, sentence, etc. | |
251815943 | emolument | [L. e-out + molere-to grind (miller's fee)] (n) payment; profit derived from an office or employment; a fee or salary | |
251815944 | hegemony | [Gk. hegemon-leader] (n) predominant influence exercised by one nation over others; aggression or expansionism by large nations in an effort to achieve world domination | |
251815945 | philippic | [Gk. Philip, king of Macedon, denounced in several of Demosthenes's speeches] (n) a bitter verbal attack | |
251815946 | immure | [L. in + murus-a wall] (vt) to enclose or confine within walls; to imprison; to seclude or isolate | |
251815947 | commensurate | [L. com-with + mensurare-to measure] (adj) equal in size, extent, duration, or importance; proportionate; measurable by the same standards | |
251815948 | inquiry | [L. quaerere-to ask] (n) a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge; an investigation, as into an incident; charges; a question; query | |
251815949 | diaphanous | [L. dia-through + phanes-appearing] (adj) very sheer and light, almost completely transparent | |
251815950 | sacrosanct | [L. sacer-sacred + santus-holy] (adj) very sacred, extremely holy; inviolable; set apart or immune from questioning or attack | |
251815951 | vicissitude | [L. vicis-a turn] (n) a change, variation, or alteration; pl.--successive changing phases, "ups and downs" | |
251815952 | premise | [L. pre-before + mittere-to send] (n) a basis, stated or assumed, on which reasoning proceeds; a proposition supporting a conclusion; a tract of land including its buildings (vt) to set forth beforehand, as by way of introduction or explanation | |
251815953 | obsequies | [L. ob-upon + sequi-to follow] (n) funeral rites or ceremonies | |
251815954 | tendentious | [L. tendere-to stretch] (adj) intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine, or cause; biased or partisan | |
251815955 | explicit | [L. ex-out + plicare-to fold] (adj) fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; having nothing merely implied; unequivocal; definite and unreserved in expression; having sexual acts or nudity clearly depicted | |
251815956 | persona | [L. a face mask used by actors; hence, a character] (n) the outward character or role that a person assumes | |
251815957 | rejoinder | [OF re-again + joindere-to join] (n) a comeback; an answer to a reply; a quick reply (especially a witty or critical one) to a question or remark | |
251815958 | incendiary | (adj) tending to arouse strife; inflammatory; pertaining to the criminal setting on fire of property (n) a person who stirs up strife; an agitator | |
251815959 | repudiate | [L. re-again + pudere-to shame] (v) to reject as having authority or binding force; to cast off or disown |