If you were absent, or just want the full definition she gave us in class, (with the etymology, and big words to be held accountable for) here you go!
[Edit: corrected savoir-faire spelling]
258740633 | gambol | [It. gamba-leg] (vi) frolic; to jump or skip playfully | |
258740634 | microcosm | [Gk. micros-small + kosmos-universe] (n) a group or system viewed as the model of a larger group or system; a miniature world or universe | |
258740635 | ambivalent | [L. ambi-both + valere-to be strong] (adj) having opposite and conflicting feelings, torn | |
258740636 | éclat | [Fr. brilliance] (n) dazzling or conspicuous or acclaim; great brilliance (of performance or achievement); elaborate display, pomp | |
258740637 | sanguine | [L. sanguis-blood] (adj) having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful, confident, or optimistic outlook | |
258740638 | abeyance | [MFr. abaer-to expect] (n) a state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside | |
258740639 | imbue | [L. imbuere- to wet, drench] (vt) to instill feelings, opinions, etc. profoundly; to soak or stain thoroughly | |
258740640 | carte blanche | [Fr. "white card"-blank but for king's signature] (n) full freedom or authority to act at one's own discretion | |
258740641 | verisimilitude | [L. verus- true + similis- like] (n) the state of being lifelike, appearing to be true, real, likely, or probable | |
258740642 | fastidious | [L. fastus- pride + taedium-tedium/tedious] (adj) excessively careful in regard to details, meticulous; overly demanding or hard to please; easily disgusted | |
258740643 | cataclysm | [Gk. kata-down + klyzein-to wash] (n) a disaster, tragedy; a sudden, violent, or devastating upheaval; a surging flood, deluge | |
258740644 | solecism | [Gk. Soloi, a city where a nonstandard form of Attic Greek was spoken] (n) a nonstandard or ungrammatical usage (like "unflammable" or "they was"); a breach of manners or etiquette, faux-pas, gaffe; any error, impropriety, or inconsistency | |
258740645 | beleaguer | [be-about + Du. leger-camp] (vt) to set upon from all sides; to surround with an army; to trouble, harass | |
258740646 | debauch | [Fr. débaucher-to deprave] (vt) to seduce or corrupt; to lead away from duties (vi) to indulge in dissipation(n) an uninhibited spree or party | |
258740647 | savoir-faire | [Fr. knowing how to do] (n) the ability to say and do the right thing in any situation; social competence, tact | |
258740648 | inchoate | [L. inchoare-to begin] (adj) just beginning; not fully shaped or formed | |
258740649 | tacit | [L. tacere-to be silent] (adj) understood without being openly expressed, implied, implicit; silent; unspoken | |
258740650 | refractory | [L. re-again + frangere- to break] (adj) stubborn, intractable, obstinate; difficult to manage; not responsive to treatment or cure | |
258740651 | philistine | (adj) lacking in, hostile to, or smugly indifferent to cultural and artistic values or refinements (n) such a person | |
258740652 | malleable | [L. malleus-hammer] (adj) moldable, shapeable, adaptable; capable of being shaped by hammering or pressure |