This is from Roger Kamien's Music: An Appreciation 9th Edition textbook. All the definitions are either from the glossary or from the pages. Page numbers are listed on the term side of the card. Some are not the exact description as described in the book.
100902575 | sonata form (619) | Form of a single movement, consisting of three main sections: the exposition, where the themes are presented; the development, where themes are treated in new ways; and the recapitulation, where the themes return. A concluding section, the coda, often follows the recapitulation. | 0 | |
100902576 | exposition (607) | First section of a sonata-form movement, which sets up a strong conflict between the tonic key and the new key; and between the first theme (or the group of themes), and the second theme (or group of themes) | 1 | |
100902577 | bridge (transition) (602) | In the exposition of the sonata form, a section which leads from the first theme in the tonic, or home, key to the second theme, which is in a new key. | 2 | |
100902578 | development (605) | Second section of the sonata-form movement, in which the themes from the exposition are developed and the music moves through several different keys. | 3 | |
100902579 | motive (613) | Fragment of a theme, or short musical idea which is developed within a composition. | 4 | |
100902580 | recapitulation (617) | Third section of a sonata-form movement. in which the first theme, bridge, second theme, and the concluding section are presented more or less as they were in the exposition, with one crucial difference: all the principal material is now in the tonic key. | 5 | |
100902581 | coda (604) | In a sonata-form movement, a concluding section following the recapitulation and rounding off the movement by repeating themes or developing them further. | 6 | |
100902582 | rondo (618) | Compositional form featuring a main theme (A) that returns in alteration with other themes, such as A B A C A and A B A C A B A. Rondo is often the form of the last movement in classical symphonies, string quartets, and sonatas. | 7 | |
100902583 | sonata-rondo (620) | Compositional form that combines the repeating theme of rondo form with a development section similar to that in sonata form, outlined A B A -development_ A B A. | 8 | |
100902584 | symphony (621) | Orchestral composition, usually in four movements, typically lasting 20-45 minutes, exploiting the expanded range of tone color and dynamics of the orchestra. | 9 | |
100902585 | concerto (604) | Extended composition for instrumental soloist and orchestra, usually in three movements: the first is fast, the second is slow, and the final one is fast. | 10 | |
100902586 | cadenza (602) | Unaccompanied section of virtuoso display for the soloist in a concerto, usually appearing near the end of the first movement and sometimes the last movement. | 11 | |
100902587 | chamber music (603) | Music using a small group of musicians, with one player to a part. | 12 | |
100902588 | string quartet (620) | Composition for two violins, a viola, and a cello; usually consisting of four movements. (Also, the four instrumentalists) | 13 | |
100902589 | requiem (617) | Mass for the dead. | 14 |