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Music Appreciation Midterm (1-9) Flashcards

Music: An Appreciation (Brief)
Roger Kamien
Connect Upgrade Edition

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2117470718Music can be defined as......an art based on the organization of sounds in time.0
2117470719The four main properties of musical sound are pitch, dynamic, tone color, and......duration.1
2117470720The relative highness or lowness of a sound is called......pitch.2
2117470721A sound that has a definite pitch is called a......tone.3
2117470722The distance in pitch between any two tones is called an......interval.4
2117470723When tones are separated by the interval called an _______, they sound very much alike.octave5
2117470724The distance between the lowest and highest tones an instrument can produce is called its......pitch range.6
2117470725Dynamics in music refers to......degrees of loudness and softness.7
2117470726A gradual decrease in loudness is known as a......diminuendo.8
2117470727Timbre is synonymous with......tone color.9
2117470728Which of the following is not a normal classification of male vocal ranges?Contralto (correct answer) Baritone Tenor Bass10
2117470729A symphonic band consists of mainly......brass, woodwind, and percussion.11
2117470730Plucking the string with a finger instead of using a bow is called.......pizzicato.12
2117470731Woodwind instruments are so named because......they were originally made of wood.13
2117470732The ______ are the only orchestral drums of definite pitch.timpani14
2117470733The ______ has strings that a plucked by a set of plastic, quill, or leather wedges.harpsichord15
2117470734Rapidly repeating tones by quick up and down strokes of the bow is known as......tremolo.16
2117470735regular, recurrent pulsation that divides music into equal units of timebeat17
2117470736organization of beats into regular groups is calledmeter18
2117470737the first, or stressed, beat of a measure is known as thedownbeat19
2117470738this term refers to the rate of speed of the beat of the musictempo20
2117470739in musical notation, pitches are written on a set of five lines called astaff21
2117470740the repetition of a melodic pattern at a higher or lower pitchsequence22
2117470741musical element that refers to the way chords are constructed and how they follow each otherharmony23
2117470742a series of chords is called aprogression24
2117470743the simplest most basic chord in western music is thetriad25
2117470744chromatic is used in music to refer to thetwelve tones of an octave26
2117470745when two or more melodic lines of equal interest are performed simultaneously, the texture ispolyphonic27
2117470746a round is an example ofstrict imitation28
2117470747homophonic texture consists ofone main melody accompanied by chords29
2117470748some feature of a music idea are changed, but others are retained, the technique is referred to asvariation30
2117470749ordered flow of music through timerhythm31
2117470750in musical notation, silence is indicated byrests32
2117470751combination of tones that are unusable and tensedissonance33
2117470752central tone around which a musical composition is organizedtonic34
2117470753texture of a single melodic line without accompaniment ismonophonic35
2117470754middle ages in european history450-145036
2117470755who held virtual monopoly on learning in middle agesmonks in monasteries37
2117470756most medieval music wasvocal38
2117470757the music medieval monks made wasgregorian chant39
2117470758texture of gregorian chantmonophonic40
2117470759earliest chant manuscripts from what centuryninth41
2117470760earliest extant liturgical morality play, Ordo virtutum (Play of the Virtues), was composed byHildegard of Bingen42
2117470761The first large body of secular songs that survives in decipherable notation was composed byfrench nobles called troubadors43
2117470762first steps toward the development of polyphony were taken sometime between 700 and 900, whenmonks began to add a second line to gregorian chant44
2117470763gregorian chant with one additional melodic lineorganum45
2117470764center of polyphonic music in europe after 1150 wasparis46
2117470765earliest known composers to write music with measured rhythmLoenin and Perotin47
2117470766"ars nova" refers toitalian and french music of the fourteenth century48
2117470767Renaissance in music occured between1450-160049
2117470768texture of renaissance music is chieflypolyphonic50
2117470769two main forms of sacred renaissance music aremass and motet51
2117470770the renaissance madrigal began around 1520 inItaly52
2117470771Weelkes's "As Vesta Was Descending" is notable for itsword painting53
2117470772nuns and monks sang at what two types of servicesoffice and mass54
2117470773a capella refers tounaccompanied choral music55
2117470774baroque style flourished in music during this period1600-175056
2117470775early baroque period was characterized byhomophonic texture57
2117470776Montoverdi created music that waspassionate and dramatic58
2117470777instrumental music became as important as vocal music a this timemiddle baroque59
2117470778a baroque musical composition usually expresses ________ within the same movementconstantly changing moods60
2117470779sudden alterations between loud and softterraced dynamics61
2117470780main keyboard instuments of the baroque era werepiano and harpsichord62
2117470781most characteristic feature of baroque music is its use ofbasso continuo63
2117470782a movement in music usually refers topiece that can be independent but is part of a larger composition64
2117470783three movements of concerto grossofast, slow, fast65
2117470784first and last movements of concerto grosso are in what formritornello66
2117470785main theme of a fugue is called thesubject67
2117470786a play set to music with orchestral accompaniment with costumes and actorsoperas68
2117470787the text or book of a musical dramatic worklibretto69
2117470788vocal line that imitates fluctuations of speechrecitative70
2117470789camerata wanted the vocal line of their music to followrhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech71
2117470790first european opera house to offer admission to anyone paying the price opened invenice, italy72
2117470791castratilung power of man, range of woman, highly paid, castrated (all answers correct)73
2117470792statement is not true about monteverdiall twelve of his operas are performed regularly in europe and america74
2117470793Dido and Aeneas was composed byHenry Purcell75
2117470794vivaldi spend most of his life working at an institution for orphaned and illegitimate girls invenice76
2117470795vivaldi was famous as a virtuoso on what instrumentviolin77
2117470796vivaldi wrote appox how many concerto grosso and solo concertos45078
2117470797Bach was most eminent of his day with what instrumentorgan79
2117470798Bach created masterpieces in every from exceptopera80
2117470799sets of dance inspired instrumental movementssuites81
2117470800baroque suites typically begin withfrench overture82
2117470801congregational singing of chorales was an important way for people toparticipate in the service83
2117470802bach's cantatas closely resembled what of that timeoperas84
2117470803sonata intended to be played in a churchsonata de chiesa85
2117470804Corelli's Trio Sonata in A Minor, op. 3, no. 10, is scored fortwo violins and basso continuo86
2117470805a vivaldi concerto typically hasthree87
2117470806vivaldi wrote concertos for a great variety of instruments (T/F)true88
2117470807A two-part collection of preludes and fugues, one in each major and minor key, basic to the repertoire of keyboard players today, is Bach'swell-tempered clavier89
2117470808which of the following is not a part of baroque suitewaltz90
2117470809two sections of a french overtureslow-fast91
2117470810A sung piece, or choral work with or without vocal soloists, usually with orchestral accompaniment, is thecantata92
2117470811how many performers in baroque trio sonatafour93
2117470812dates for classicism in western art music1750-182094
2117470813which is not a sonata form movementrondo95
2117470814concluding section of sonata form movementcoda96
2117470815theme and variations form may be outlined asAA'A''A'''A''''.97
2117470816minuet and trio movement of classical symphony is in what formABA98
2117470817minuet is generally what number movement of a classical symphonythird99
2117470818beethoven replaces what kind of movement for the minuet in many of his worksscherzo100
2117470819rondo may be schematically outlined asABACABA101
2117470820return of the main theme in rondo form is welcome because it is in what keytonic102
2117470821rondo most often serves as thefinale103
2117470822first movement of a classical symphony is almost always fast and in what formsonata104
2117470823usual order of movements in classical symphony isfast, slow, dance-related, fast105
2117470824a concerto is a large-scale work in several movements foran instrumental soloist and orchestra106
2117470825mozart and beethoven wrote concertos for their favorite instrument, thepiano107
2117470826sequence of movements in classical concerto isfast, slow, fast108
2117470827first movement of a classical concerto hastwo expositions109
2117470828classical concerto differs from the symphony in that it doesn't have these movementsminuet or scherzo110
2117470829In the classical period, comic operas sometimesridiculed the aristocracy111
2117470830In the exposition of a sonata form movement...the second theme is in a new key112
2117470831each successive variation in a theme with variationsretains some elements of the theme113
2117470832pieces of an oratorio are usually connected by means ofa narrators recitatives114
2117470833handel's messiah is an example ofan oratorio115
2117470834Handel spent a major portion of his time inEngland116
2117470835the core of Handel's output was english oratorios and italian...operas117
2117470836oratorio differs from opera in that is has noacting, costumes or scenery118
2117470837Oratorios first appeared inItaly119
21174708382 violins, viola, cello, four movements, most important form in chamber musicstring quartet120
2117470839Haydn's two popular oratorios: the seasons andthe creation121
2117470840Mozart's symphony no. 40 in Gmin isone of his last three symphonies122
2117470841major factor that distinguishes chamber music from symphonyone player per part123
2117470842in addition to 68 string quartets, how many symphonies did Haydn write?104124
2117470843where were the 12 symphonies for JP Saloman first performed? (Named the _______ symphonies)London125
2117470844family that helped make Haydn famousEsterhazy126
2117470845mozart's finest german operathe magic flute127
2117470846piano trio is written for what 3 instruments?violin, cello, piano128
2117470847after he went deaf, his compositions included piano sonatas, string quartets, and the 9th symphony. these are some of beethoven's...late works129
2117470848beethoven had 16 of these, and they were considered some of the greatest ever recordedstring quartets130
2117470849piano sonata is for...piano only131
2117470850Beethoven's third symphony commemoratedNapoleon132
2117470851beethoven had a habbit of carrying amusical sketchbook133
2117470852beethoven's only opera is entitledFidelio134

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