CVIM section leader music terms list (for 2012-13 school year)
173055004 | a capella | designation for choral music without instrumental accompaniment | |
173055005 | a tempo | return to original tempo | |
173055006 | accelerando | gradually increasing in tempo | |
173055007 | ad libitum | at pleasure, freely | |
173055008 | adagio | slowing, smoothly, gently | |
173055009 | agitato | agitated, excited | |
173055010 | al fine | to the end | |
173055011 | alla breve | as if in 2 beats per measure | |
173055012 | alla marcia | in the style of a march | |
173055013 | allargando | gradually decreasing | |
173055014 | allegretto | moderately fast tempo, slower than allegro | |
173055015 | allegro | fast tempo | |
173055016 | amoroso | agreeable, tender, lovingly | |
173055017 | andante | moderately slow tempo | |
173055018 | andantino | usually interpreted as meaning slightly faster than andante | |
173055019 | animato | animated, spirited, brisk, buoyant | |
173055020 | appassionata | with passion | |
173055021 | assai | much, very much | |
173055022 | attacca | begin the next section or movement immediately, without a break | |
173055023 | ben marcato | well marked | |
173055024 | bravura | spirit, dash, skill, flair | |
173055025 | brilliante | sparkling, brilliant, glittering | |
173055026 | brio | vigor, spirit, animation | |
173055027 | cadenza | ornamental unaccompanied passage, cadence | |
173055028 | calando | smorzando, dying away | |
173055029 | cantabile | in a singing style | |
173055030 | capo | head, beginning | |
173055031 | capriccioso | whimsical, capricious | |
173055032 | coda | literally "tail" meaning the closing section of a work or movement | |
173055033 | col, coll, colla | with the | |
173055034 | come | as, like | |
173055035 | con | with | |
173055036 | con fuoco | with fire | |
173055037 | crescendo | gradually growing louder | |
173055038 | da capo | D.C., meaning from the beginning to the end or place marked fine | |
173055039 | dal segno | D.S., from the sign | |
173055040 | deciso | decisively, boldly | |
173055041 | decrescendo/diminuendo | gradually growing softer (de______/di_______) | |
173055042 | divisi | an instruction for one part or section to divide itself into two or more | |
173055043 | dolce | sweet, soft, pleasant, mild, charming | |
173055044 | doloroso | sadly | |
173055045 | doppio meno mosso | half as fast (the m one) | |
173055046 | doppio movimento | twice as fast (the m one) | |
173055047 | doppio piu lento | half as fast (the p one) | |
173055048 | doppio piu mosso | twice as fast (the p one) | |
173055049 | expressivo | expressively, vividly | |
173055050 | fermata | pause, hold | |
173055051 | feroce | wild, fierce, savage | |
173055052 | fine | end, closing | |
173055053 | forte | f - loud, strong | |
173055054 | fortissimo | ff - very loud | |
173055055 | fortississimo | fff - loud as possible | |
173055056 | forte piano | fp - loudly, immediately followed by soft | |
173055057 | forzando | with force | |
173055058 | forzato | accent a single note or chord, forced | |
173055059 | fuoco | fire | |
173055060 | furioso | furious, violent | |
173055061 | giocoso | playful, humorous, frantic | |
173055062 | giusto | strict, exact, precise | |
173055063 | grave | solemn, heavy, serious | |
173055064 | grazioso | graceful, charming, pretty | |
173080640 | il piu forte | most loudly | |
173080641 | il piu piano | most softly | |
173080642 | largamente | broadly | |
173080643 | larghetto | slow, but faster than largo | |
173080644 | largo | extremely slow, broad | |
173080645 | legato | smooth, connected | |
173080646 | leggiero | light, delicate, nimble, quick | |
173080647 | lento | slow | |
173080648 | l'istesso tempo | the same tempo | |
173080649 | ma non troppo | but not too much | |
173080650 | maestoso | majestic, stately, grand | |
173080651 | marcato | marked, accentuated, pronounced | |
173080652 | marcia | march | |
173080653 | marziale | martial, warlike | |
173080654 | meno | less | |
173080655 | mezzo | half, middle; also moderately, as in _____ piano | |
173080656 | mezzo forte | mf - moderately loud | |
173080657 | mezzo piano | mp - moderately soft | |
173080658 | moderato | moderate tempo | |
173080659 | molto | very, greatly, well | |
173080660 | morendo | dying away | |
173080661 | moto | motion | |
173080662 | non | not, no | |
173080663 | non troppo | not too much | |
173080664 | pesante | heavy, ponderous | |
173080665 | pianissimo | pp - very softly | |
173080666 | pianississimo | ppp - softly as possible | |
173080667 | piano | p - softly | |
173080668 | piano assai | very softly | |
173080669 | piu | more | |
173080670 | piu forte | more loudly | |
173080671 | piu piano | more softly | |
173080672 | poco a poco | little by little | |
173080673 | prestissimo | extremely fast | |
173080674 | presto | very fast | |
173080675 | prima/primo | first | |
173080676 | prima volta | the first time | |
173080677 | quasi | almost, as if, nearly | |
173080678 | rallentando | gradually slowing down | |
173080679 | risoluto | resolute, energetic, determined | |
173080680 | ritardando | rit., ritard., gradually slowing down | |
173080681 | scherzando | joking, playful | |
173080682 | scherzo | joke, jest; movement in moderate or rapid tempo, usually light or mocking in tone | |
173080683 | segno | sign | |
173080684 | seque | follow, continue indefinitely | |
173080685 | sempre | always, ever | |
173080686 | senza | without, free from | |
173080687 | sforzando | sf, sfz - sudden strong accent | |
173080688 | simile | similar, in the same manner | |
173080689 | sostenuto | sustained | |
173080690 | sotto voce | in a low, soft voice; quietly | |
173080691 | spiritoso | spirited, vivacious, jocular | |
173080692 | staccato | detached, short | |
173080693 | stretto | pressed, hurried | |
173080694 | stringendo | hastened, accelerating | |
173080695 | subito | sudden, quick, at once, immediately | |
173080696 | tacet | to be silent | |
173080697 | tempo | time, speed of beat | |
173080698 | tempo primo | original tempo | |
173080699 | tenuto | sustained, held | |
173080700 | tranquillo | tranquil, calm, quiet, peaceful | |
173080701 | tutti | all, whole | |
173080702 | un, una, uno | one | |
173080703 | unison | simultaneous performance of the same notes or melody by various instruments/voices, at exactly the same pitch or in a different octave | |
173080704 | vibrato | a slight fluctuation of pitch produced to increase the emotional quality of the sound | |
173080705 | vigoroso | vigorous, robust | |
173080706 | vivace | lively, vivacious | |
173080707 | vivo | lively, brisk, animated |