You must know these words for the quiz on Tuesday.
321292430 | Grand Canal | Created in 486 BCE, a thousand-mile long connector between the Yellow and Yangzi rivers, linking North and South china respectively. | 0 | |
321292431 | Silver Islands | Term used by European merchants in the sixteenth century to refer to Japan | 1 | |
321292432 | Caravans | Companies of men who transported and traded goods along overland routes, in North Africa and central Asia | 2 | |
321292433 | Caravansarais | Inns along major trade routes that accommodated large numbers of traders, their animals, and their wares. | 3 | |
321292434 | Conversos | Jewish and Muslim converts in Iberia and The "New" World | 4 | |
321292435 | Caravel | A small 15th and 16th century ship, with a broad bow, a high stern, and usually three masts. Used for sailing estuaries. | 5 | |
321292436 | Carrack | Ship used on open bodies of water, such as the Mediterranean | 6 | |
321292437 | Gold Coast | Name that European Mariners and Merchants gave to that part of west africa where gold was mined | 7 | |
321292438 | Atlantic System | New System of trade and expansion that linked europe, africa, and the america's. | 8 | |
321292439 | Encomiendas | Grants from Spanish governors to control the labor services of colonized people | 9 | |
321292440 | Encomenderos | Commanders of the labor services of the colonized peoples in spanish america | 10 | |
321292441 | Conquistador | Spanish military leaders who led the conquest of the New world in the Sixteenth century | 11 | |
321292442 | Tlaxcalans | Mesoamerican society of the 1400s, these people were enemies of the powerful Aztec Empire | 12 | |
321292443 | Tarascans | Mesoamerican society of the 1400s, these people were enemies of the powerful Aztec Empire | 13 | |
321292444 | Quetzalcoatl | Ancient Deity and Legendary Ruler of the Native American peoples living in mexico | 14 | |
321292445 | Mestizos | MIxed-blood offspring of Spanish settlers and native indians | 15 | |
321292446 | Reformation | Time of split between Catholicism and Protestantism | 16 | |
321292447 | Protestantism | Division of Christianity that emerged in western Europe during the Protestant reformation | 17 | |
321292448 | Catholicism | Division of Christianity prominent in western europe | 18 | |
321292449 | Counter-reformation | Movement to counter Reformation initiated by the catholic Church. Jesuits founded at this time. | 19 | |
321292450 | Huguenot | French Protestants who endured persecution in the 16th and 15th centuries | 20 | |
321292451 | Treaty of Tordesillas | Treaty in which the Pope decreed that the pope decreed that the non-european world would be divided into spheres of trade and missionary responsibility between Portugal and Spain | 21 | |
321292452 | Jesuits | Religious order founded by Ignatius Loyola to counter Protestantism | 22 |