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Neurons Flashcards

Parts of neurons and their functions, Classification of Neurons, CNS and PNS neurons

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1965247399Cell Bodynucleus surrounded by cytoplasm0
1965247400Nissal Bodiesclusters of rough endoplasmic reticulum1
1965247401Endoplasmic Reticulummanufactures proteins2
1965247402Dendritesshort branches off the cell body and receives information3
1965247403Axongenerates &carries action potential4
1965247404Axon Hillockcone shaped area adjacent to cell body5
1965247405Axon Terminalend of the axon6
1965247406Myelin SheathLipid layer that surrounds parts of the axon. Speeds up the action potential as it travels down the axon7
1965247407Nodes of Ranviergaps between myelin8
1965247408NeurilemmaPlasma membrane surrounding neuron9
1965247409Multipolar Neuron-Most common -found in brain & spinal cord -many processes extending from cell body (many dendrites and one axon)10
1965247410Bipolar Neuron-found in the retina and inner ear -Two processes from cell body (one dendrite and one axon)11
1965247411Unipolar Neuron-found in sensory neurons -one process extending from cell body12
1965247412Nuclei(CNS Neuron) clusters of cell bodies13
1965247413Tracts(CNS Neuron) bundles of neuron processes14
1965247414Ganglia(PNS Neuron) clusters of cell bodies15
1965247415Nerves(PNS Neuron) bundles of neuron processes16
1965461808Classifications of Neuron-Longevity -Amitoric: can't undergo cell division -High metabolic rate: neurons contain a lot of glucose in order to obtain energy -Generate and conduct action potentials17
1965461809NeuronsNerve cells18

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