432325375 | Tissues of the Body | Epithelial, Connective, Nerve, Blood | 0 | |
432325376 | Epithelial Tissue | tissue covers internal and external surfaces of body | 1 | |
432325377 | Connective Tissue | tissue that holds organs in place and binds different parts of the body together | 2 | |
432325378 | Nerve Tissue | carry messages back and forth between the brain and every other part of the body. | 3 | |
432325379 | Blood | classified as a sperate primary tissue because it consists of white and red cells | 4 | |
432325380 | Systems of the Body | skeletal, muscular, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, visceral (abdominal), lymphatic | 5 | |
432325381 | Skeletal system | has 206 bones | 6 | |
432367111 | Abdomen | The large cavity of the body, situated between the thorax and the pelvis, which contains the viscera or organs. | 7 | |
432367112 | Abduction (AB-Duction) | The lateral movement of the limbs away from the midline of the body. | 8 | |
432367113 | Abductor | A muscle which, upon contraction, draws a part away from the median plane of the body or axial line. | 9 | |
432367114 | AC joint | Bony articulation between the acromium and the clavicle. | 10 | |
432367115 | Acetabulum | The cup-shaped cavity, or the external surface, of the hip bone which receives the head of the femur. | 11 | |
432367116 | Acromial Process | The lateral extension of the spine of the scapula, forming the highest point of the shoulder. | 12 | |
432367117 | Adduction (AD-Duction) | Movement of a limb toward the midline of the body. | 13 | |
432367118 | Anterior | Situated in front of (ventral), or in the forward part of. | 14 | |
432367119 | Aponeurosis | An expanding tendon serving to connect a muscle with the parts it moves. | 15 | |
432367120 | Artery | Blood vessels which carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart. | 16 | |
432367121 | Articulation | A joint, the junction between two or more bones. | 17 | |
432367122 | Atlas | The first cervical vertebra. | 18 | |
432367123 | Axilla (Axillary) | The small hollow beneath the arm where it joins the body at the shoulder; the armpit. | 19 | |
432367124 | Axis | The second cervical vertebra. | 20 | |
432374303 | Ball and Socket Joints | Joints formed by a spherical head of a bone fitting into a cup-shaped cavity in another bone. | 21 | |
432374304 | Biceps | The muscles of the upper arm, which function to flex the forearm. | 22 | |
432374305 | Bilateral | Relating to two sides; pertaining to, or affecting, both sides of the body. | 23 | |
432374306 | Bone | Osseous tissue, the hardest connective tissue that forms the framework of the body. | 24 | |
432374307 | Brachium | The upper arm. | 25 | |
432374308 | Bridging (Steel Stays) | The method of leaving a space between the lumbar curve and the steel stay. Opposite of contouring. | 26 | |
432374309 | Bunion | Prominence of the medial eminence of the first metatarsal head. Often associated with a lateral deviation of the great toe (hallux valgus) and a widening of the angle between the first and second metatarsals. Often associated with improper fitting footwear. | 27 | |
432374310 | Calcaneous | The heel bone, the largest of the tarsals. | 28 | |
432374311 | Carpal | Refers to the wrist. | 29 | |
432374312 | Carpals | The eight bones of the wrist. | 30 | |
432374313 | Cartilage | Semi-opaque non-vascular connective tissue between bones. | 31 | |
432374314 | Cervical | The first seven vertebrae of the spinal column. | 32 | |
432374315 | Chairback Brace | A spinal orthosis with anterior, posterior and lateral motion control. Knight-type. | 33 | |
432374316 | Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) | Blood pooling in the distal lower extremities due to incompetent valves. | 34 | |
432374317 | Circumduction | Circular movement of a limb. | 35 | |
432374318 | Clavicle | The collar bone, which articulates the sternum and scapula, and lies horizontally at the root of the neck. | 36 | |
432374319 | Closed Kinetic Chain | A series of connected joints in which the distal segment is in a fixed position (i.e., weight bearing). | 37 | |
432374320 | Clubfeet | A congenital defect in which the soles of the feet face medially and the toes point inferiorly. | 38 | |
432374321 | Coccyx | The last bone in the spinal column, formed by the union of four or five rudimentary vertebrae. | 39 | |
432374322 | Coccygeal | Refers to the most inferior region of the vertebral column. | 40 | |
432374323 | Collateral Ligament | Any ligament running along the sides (lateral or medial) of a joint; named for a specific joint or bone. | 41 | |
432374324 | Contour (Steel Stays) | The method of shaping to the outline of the lumbar curve. The opposite of bridging. | 42 | |
432374325 | Coracoid Process | A projection from the upper part of the neck of the scapula, overhanging the shoulder joint. | 43 | |
432374326 | Coronal | Any vertical plane which divides the body into anterior and posterior parts. | 44 | |
432374327 | Costa | A rib. | 45 | |
432374328 | Costal Flare | The distal portion of the rib cage superior to the abdomen. | 46 | |
432374329 | Coxa | A hip bone. | 47 | |
432374330 | Crepitus | Joint grating sensation caused by rubbing together of dry synovial joint surfaces. | 48 | |
432374331 | Crest | A narrow ridge on a bone. | 49 | |
432374332 | Cruciate | Anterior and posterior ligaments, the two deep ligaments within the knee, that are crossed. | 50 | |
432374333 | Cubital | Refers to the elbow. | 51 | |
432374334 | Deltoid | A triangular muscle which flexes, abducts, extends and rotates the upper arm. | 52 | |
432374335 | Denis Browne Splint | A splint to hold the feet in internal or external rotation for the correction of clubfoot or tibial torsion. | 53 | |
432374336 | Dens (Ondontoid Process) | The projecting part of the second cervical vertebra about which the first cervical vertebra rotates, allowing head movement. | 54 | |
432374337 | Diaphragm | The partition separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities. | 55 | |
432374338 | Diaphysis | The shaft of a long bone. | 56 | |
432374339 | Diplegia | Paralysis affecting like parts on both sides of body. | 57 | |
432374340 | Disc (Disk) | A circular or rounded plate. | 58 | |
432374341 | Dislocation | Displacement of a bone from a joint. | 59 | |
432374342 | Distal | Farthest from the center, from the median, or from the trunk (usually pertaining to extremities). | 60 | |
432374343 | Dorsal | Pertaining to the back or posterior. The top of the foot as opposed to the plantar or bottom of the foot. The top of the hand as opposed to the palm side of the hand. | 61 | |
432374344 | Dorsal Vertebrae | Thoracic vertebrae. | 62 | |
432374345 | Dorsiflexion | Upward movement of the foot and toes at the ankle resulting in the foot moving toward the leg. | 63 | |
432374346 | Dupoytren's Contracture | Flexion deformity of the fingers or toes due to shortening, thickening, and fibrosis of the palmer or plantar fascia. | 64 | |
432374347 | Dynamic | Relating to energy or physical force in motion. | 65 | |
432374348 | Edema | Excessive accumulation of fluid in connective tissue. | 66 | |
432374349 | Elephantiasis | Enlargement and thickening of tissues. Hypertrophy and fibrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, especially of the lower extremities and genetalia, due to long-standing obstructed lymphatic vessels, caused chiefly by the presence of filarial worms. | 67 | |
432374350 | Elevation | Movement of a bone upward vertically. | 68 | |
432374351 | Epigastrium | The end of a long bone, wider than the shaft, usually cartilage, responsible for growth of the bone. | 69 | |
432374352 | Epiphysis | Cartilaginous center that growth in length of bone occurs. | 70 | |
432374353 | Eversion | Turning or rotating outward. | 71 | |
432374354 | Evert | To turn outward (eversion = movement of the sole of the foot outward or away from midline). | 72 | |
432374355 | Extension | The straightening out of a limb at the joint (increases the angle between bones in a joint). | 73 | |
432374356 | Extensor | Any muscle that extends a joint or other body part. | 74 | |
432395152 | Facet | A smooth, flattened articular surface. | 75 | |
432395153 | Fascia | A sheet or band of fibrous tissue under the skin for sheathing muscles, nerves and blood vessels. | 76 | |
432395154 | Femur | The long bone of the thigh. | 77 | |
432395155 | Fibrosis | Formation of fibrous tissue as a reparative or reactive process, as opposed to formation of fibrous tissue as a normal constituent of an organ or tissue. | 78 | |
432395156 | Fistula | An abnormal, tube-like passage within tissue or between organs that permits passage of fluids or secretions. | 79 | |
432395157 | Fixation | Held in a fixed position. | 80 | |
432395158 | Flexion | The act of bending or the condition of being bent (decreases the angle between bones). | 81 | |
432395159 | Flexor | A muscle that bends a joint. Opposite of extension. | 82 | |
432395160 | Foramen | A perforation or opening, especially in a bone. | 83 | |
432395161 | Fossa | An anatomical pit, groove, or depression. | 84 | |
432395162 | Fracture | The breaking of a bone or cartilage. | 85 | |
432395163 | Simple or Hairline Fx | Condition in which the bone breaks but does not protrude to the surface or damage the surrounding tissue. | 86 | |
432395164 | Compound Fx | Condition in which sharp pieces of bone damage the surrounding tissue, in some cases protruding from the skin. | 87 | |
432395165 | Comminuted Fx | Condition in which one bone is crushed. | 88 | |
432395166 | Compression Fx | Condition in which one bone is crushed into another. | 89 | |
432395167 | Dislocation Fx | Condition in which the broken bone is dislocated from its socket. | 90 | |
432395168 | Frontal Plane | Divides body into front and back portions. | 91 | |
432395169 | Genu | The knee. | 92 | |
432395170 | Genu Recurvatum | Knee joint hyperextension. | 93 | |
432395171 | Gibbus | Hump or kyphosis. | 94 | |
432395172 | Glenoid Cavity | Depression in the lateral angle of the scapula for articulation with the humerus. | 95 | |
432395173 | Gluteal | Of or pertaining to the region of the buttocks. | 96 | |
432395174 | Gluteal Fold | The crease between the thigh and the buttocks. | 97 | |
432395175 | Gluteus Maximus | The large muscle of the buttocks which is attached to the ilium and the femur. | 98 | |
432395176 | Gradient | Rate of change of temperature, pressure, or other variable as a function of distance, time, etc. | 99 | |
432395177 | Groin | The linear depression between the abdomen and the thigh; the inguinal region. | 100 | |
432395178 | Hallux | Refers to the big toe. | 101 | |
432395179 | Hammertoe | Common flexion deformity of the lesser toes. | 102 | |
432395180 | Head | A rounded projection beyond a constricted part or "neck" of a bone. | 103 | |
432395181 | Hamstrings | The muscles of the posterior thigh, which flex and rotate the leg laterally and extend the hip. | 104 | |
432395182 | Hemi | Combining form referring to half. | 105 | |
432395183 | Hyperextension | An extreme or abnormal extension, beyond the neutral plane. | 106 | |
432395184 | Iliac Crest | The outer, uppermost border of the ilium. | 107 | |
432395185 | Ilium | The wide upper portion of the innominate bone. | 108 | |
432395186 | Impinge | To put pressure on or against another structure. To encroach. | 109 | |
432395187 | Impingement Syndrome | Common shoulder problem in which the arm is abducted past 90 degrees. The greater tuberosity of the humerus compresses the rotator cuff against the acromion, causing pain and decreased motion in the shoulder. | 110 | |
432395188 | Inferior | Situated below; pertaining to trunk (away from the head). | 111 | |
432395189 | Inguinal | Pertaining to the groin. | 112 | |
432395190 | Innervation | The supply of nerves to a body part or area. | 113 | |
432395191 | Innominate | The hip bone, formed by the ilium, ischium, and pubis. | 114 | |
432395192 | Insertion | The site of attachment, as a tendon to the movable bone, in contrast to the origin. | 115 | |
432395193 | Inter | Combining form; between. | 116 | |
432395194 | Intercostal | Situated or extending between the ribs. | 117 | |
432395195 | Interosseus | Between bones. | 118 | |
432395196 | Interphalangeal | Between the fingers. | 119 | |
432395197 | Intervertebral | Between the vertebrae. | 120 | |
432395198 | Inversion | Movement of the sole of the foot inward or toward the midline. | 121 | |
432395199 | Irreducible | Not capable of being placed in a normal position. | 122 | |
432395200 | Ischium | The lower portion of the innominate bone. | 123 | |
432395201 | Jewett-Type Brace | A spinal hyperextension brace with anterior, posterior and lateral control. | 124 | |
432395202 | Joint | The point, or articulation, where two bones come together. Types of joints include: Gliding, ball and socket, hinge, condyloid, saddle, and pivot-trochoid. | 125 | |
432395203 | Klenzac | A short leg orthosis with dorsiflexion assist. | 126 | |
432395204 | Knee | The joint in the middle part of the leg between the femur proximally and the tibia and fibula distally, with the patella located centrally. | 127 | |
432395205 | Knight-Type Brace | A lumbosacral orthosis with anterior, posterior and lateral motion control. | 128 | |
432395206 | Kyphosis | Exaggeration of normal thoracic spine producing a humpback or "Dowager's Hump". | 129 | |
432395207 | Lamina | A thin, flat plate of bone, e.g. between the transverse process and spine of a vertebra. | 130 | |
432395208 | Lateral | Towards the side (pertaining to direction away from the midline of the body). | 131 | |
432395209 | Ligament | Dense, strap-shaped connective tissue connecting bone to bone. | 132 | |
432395210 | Linea Alba | A tendinous band in the center of the abdominal wall. | 133 | |
432395211 | Lordosis | Exaggeration of the normal lumbar spine, curving anteriorward (swayback). | 134 | |
432395212 | Lumbar | The last five vertebrae of the spinal column. | 135 | |
432395213 | Lymph | Fluid inside the lymphatic vessels. | 136 | |
432395214 | Lymphedema | Swelling (especially in subcutaneous tissues) as a result of obstruction of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes and the accumulation of large amounts of lymph in the affected region. | 137 | |
432395215 | Hereditary Lymphedema | Permanent pitting edema usually confined to the lower extremities; the two types are congenital (Milroy's Disease), or with onset at about the age of puberty (Meige's Disease), autosomal dominant inheritance. | 138 | |
432395216 | Primary Lymphedema | Precox, a form of lymphedema, observed in young women and girls, characterized by diffuse swelling of the lower extremities. | 139 | |
432395217 | Secondary Lymphedema | Secondary to lymph infection or traumatic or surgical disruption of lymph nodes. | 140 | |
432395218 | Malleolus | A rounded process at each side of the ankle joint. | 141 | |
432395219 | Mallet Finger | Involuntary flexion of the distal phalanx of a finger caused by avulsion of the distal interphalangeal joint. | 142 | |
432395220 | Malunion | Fracture that does not heal properly. | 143 | |
432395221 | Mandible | The bone of the lower jaw. | 144 | |
432395222 | Manus | The hand. | 145 | |
432401303 | Maxilla | Bone of the upper jaw. | 146 | |
432401304 | Medial | Movement toward the midline of the trunk. | 147 | |
432401305 | Membrane | A thin layer of tissue surrounding a part, separating adjacent parts or cavities, lining a cavity, or connecting adjacent structures. | 148 | |
432401306 | Menisci | Medial and lateral fibrocartilaginous pads on the proximal surfaces of the tibia that act as shock absorbers in the knee joint. | 149 | |
432401307 | Meniscus Tears | Overstretching or tearing of the menisci through flexing and twisting the knee under weight-bearing stress. | 150 | |
432401308 | Metacarpal | Part of the hand between the wrist and the fingers. | 151 | |
432401309 | Milwaukee-Type Brace | An orthosis used for the treatment of scoliosis. | 152 | |
432401310 | Modality | Method of treatment. | 153 | |
432401311 | Monoplegia | Paralysis of a single limb, muscle, or muscle group. | 154 | |
432401312 | Muscle | A body of connective tissue consisting of long cells that contract to produce movement. | 155 | |
432401313 | Muscle Tone | The resistance of muscles to passive elongation or stretch. | 156 | |
432401314 | Neural | Pertaining to the nervous system. | 157 | |
432401315 | Neuralgia | Acute pain in the nerve. | 158 | |
432401316 | Neuromuscular | Pertaining to the combined function of the muscles and nerves. | 159 | |
432401317 | Non-union | Failure of the ends of fractured bone to unite. | 160 | |
432401318 | Notch | Recess or depression in a bone. | 161 | |
432401319 | Nucleus Pulposus | Jelly-like; the center of the intervertebral disc. | 162 | |
432401320 | Obesity | A condition characterized by excessive body fat. | 163 | |
432401321 | Oblique | Slanting, inclined; between a horizontal and a vertical position. Any of several oblique muscles. | 164 | |
432401322 | Occiput | The back of the skull. | 165 | |
432401323 | Occlude | To close or obstruct. | 166 | |
432401324 | Odontoid Process | same as Dens. | 167 | |
432401325 | Open Kinetic Chain | A series of connected joints in which the distal segment is free to move (i.e. non-weight bearing). | 168 | |
432401326 | Opposition | Movement of the thumb to touch one or more of the fingertips. | 169 | |
432401327 | Origin | The attachment end of a muscle that stays relatively fixed during muscle contraction, as opposed to insertion. | 170 | |
432401328 | Orthopedic | Relating to the skeletal system, including bone, ligament, muscle/tendon, cartilage and proprioceptive sub-systems. | 171 | |
432401329 | Orthosis | An orthopedic appliance or apparatus used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities or to improve the function of moveable parts of the body. | 172 | |
432401330 | Orthotics | Pertaining to the use of an orthosis. | 173 | |
432401331 | Orthotist | A person skilled in orthotics. | 174 | |
432401332 | Osseus | Relating to, or composed of, bone. | 175 | |
432401333 | Osteo | Combining form, pertaining to bone. | 176 | |
432401334 | Osteotomy | Excision of a bone, or portion of bone. | 177 | |
432401335 | Osteoarthritis | A degenerative joint disease, causing increasing porosity of bones with resulting weakening. | 178 | |
432401336 | Osteochondritis | Inflammation of bone and cartilage. | 179 | |
432401337 | Osteogenesis | The formation and development of bone. | 180 | |
432401338 | Osteoporosis | Abnormal degeneration of bone, resulting in thinning, translucence, loss of bone density, and fragility. | 181 | |
432401339 | Palmar | Relating to or involving the palm of the hand. | 182 | |
432401340 | Palpation | The act of feeling with the hand to determine the location or condition of body parts. | 183 | |
432401341 | Paraspinal | Adjacent to the spinal column. | 184 | |
432401342 | Patella | The knee cap. | 185 | |
432401343 | Pavlik Harness | Orthosis used for hip abduction in congenital hip dysplasia. | 186 | |
432401344 | Pelvis | The lower portion of the trunk of the body forming a basin bounded by the innominate bones and the sacrum. | 187 | |
432401345 | Periosteum | The membrane of connective tissue covering the surface of bones. | 188 | |
432401346 | Phalanges | The long bones of the fingers and toes. | 189 | |
432401347 | Philadelphia-Style Collar | An orthosis with occipital and mandible rests and a circumference adjustable collar. | 190 | |
432401348 | Pistoning | Describes the motion of an orthosis during movement of an extremity in an up and down motion. | 191 | |
432401349 | Plantar | Pertaining to the sole of the foot. | 192 | |
432401350 | Plantar Flexion | With the foot or toes pointing downward. | 193 | |
432401351 | Plexus | A network of blood vessels and nerves. | 194 | |
432401352 | Pollex | The thumb. | 195 | |
432401353 | Polydactylism | Occurrence of more than usual number of fingers or toes. | 196 | |
432401354 | Posterior | Situated behind or to the rear. | 197 | |
432401355 | Process | A prominence or outgrowth. | 198 | |
432401356 | Prolapse | The falling or sinking downward of a body part from its usual position. | 199 | |
432401357 | Prone | Facing downward. | 200 | |
432401358 | Pronate | Pertaining to the locomotor system, tri-planar movements that occur as the body absorbs the shock of initial contact during gait; pertaining to the hand with the palm in a downward position. | 201 | |
432401359 | Proprioception | The body's position sense in space and its ability to respond to stimulus. | 202 | |
432401360 | Protuberance | An outgrowth, swelling, or knob. | 203 | |
432401361 | Proximal | Nearest to the body or the central part of the body, or some other point of a system; opposite of distal. | 204 | |
432401362 | Ptosis | Prolapse or sagging of an organ or body part. | 205 | |
432401363 | Pubis | The anterior portion of the hip bone. Pubic bone. | 206 | |
432401364 | Quadriceps | Muscles of the anterior thigh, functioning to extend the leg. | 207 | |
432401365 | Radius | Bone located on the lateral or outer side of forearm. | 208 | |
432401366 | Rectus | Describes something that is straight. | 209 | |
432401367 | Recurvatum | Abnormal backward bending of a joint. | 210 | |
432401368 | Reduction | To restore a body part to its original position. | 211 | |
432401369 | Reflex | An automatic response to a stimulus. | 212 | |
432401370 | Retro | Combining form; backward. | 213 | |
432401371 | Rotation | The process of turning around on an axis. | 214 | |
432401372 | Rotator Cuff | Shoulder muscles which help move and maintain the center of rotation of the joint. | 215 | |
432401373 | Rupture | A forcible tearing of a tissue. | 216 | |
432406596 | Sacral | Relating to, or lying near the sacrum. | 217 | |
432406597 | Sacrum | A curved, roughly triangular bone situated between the last lumbar vertebra above and the coccyx below, and the innominate bones on each side, forming the posterior body of the pelvis. | 218 | |
432406598 | Sacroiliac Joint | Joint between the sacrum and adjacent surface of the ilium. | 219 | |
432406599 | Sagittal Plane | The section parallel to the median plane of the body (any plane that divides body into right and left portions). | 220 | |
432406600 | Scapula | The shoulder blade. | 221 | |
432406601 | Sciatica | Pain radiating down the sciatic nerve into the posterior thigh and leg. Caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve in the back or hip region. | 222 | |
432406602 | Sclerosis | A pathological condition in which a tissue has become hard. | 223 | |
432406603 | Scoliosis | A lateral curvature in one or more regions of the spine. | 224 | |
432406604 | Slipped Disc | Lay term for a protrusion of a vertebral disc. | 225 | |
432406605 | Spina Bifida | Congenital absence of a large portion of the posterior spine, usually in the lumbosacral region, with hernial protrusion of the meninges. | 226 | |
432406606 | Spinal Column | The vertebral column. | 227 | |
432406607 | Splinting | The act of applying an appliance to support and limit movement of a joint. | 228 | |
432406608 | Spondylitis | Inflammation of the vertebra. | 229 | |
432406609 | Spondylolisthesis | Forward displacement of a vertebra over a lower segment. | 230 | |
432406610 | Spondylolysis | The breaking down of a vertebra; e.g., non-displaced fracture of the lamina. | 231 | |
432406611 | Spondylosis | Stiffness or fixation of a vertebral joint. | 232 | |
432406612 | Sprain | Wrenching or twisting of a joint, producing partial disruption of ligaments. | 233 | |
432406613 | Sternal Notch | Notch created by the bilateral sterno-clavicular joints at the superior edge of the manubrium. | 234 | |
432406614 | Sternum | Breastbone. | 235 | |
432406615 | Strain | Excessive stretching or overuse of a part, causing injury. | 236 | |
432406616 | Styloid | An elongated and tapered bony process for muscle attachment. | 237 | |
432406617 | Subluxation | An incomplete or partial dislocation. | 238 | |
432406618 | Superficial Veins | Near the surface or shallow, as opposed to deep. | 239 | |
432406619 | Superior | Situated above, pertaining to the trunk (toward the head). | 240 | |
432406620 | Supination | Lateral rotation of the forearm causing the palm of the hand to face anteriorly; opposite of pronation. | 241 | |
432406621 | Supine | Lying face upward. | 242 | |
432406622 | Supinate (Motion) Supination (Position) | Pertaining to closed chain position of the foot and ankle, a combination of motions in all three planes involving abduction, dorsiflexion and eversion. Pertaining to the hand and wrist, the position with the palm facing upward. | 243 | |
432406623 | Supraspinatus | Muscle which originates at the scapula and inserts at the humeral head, functioning to abduct the arm. | 244 | |
432406624 | Symphysis Pubis | The anterior joint between the innominate bones. | 245 | |
432406625 | Synovial Joint | A freely movable joint with a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by a joint capsule. | 246 | |
432406626 | Synovium | Membrane lining a joint capsule. | 247 | |
432406627 | Tailor's Bunion or Bunionette | Prominence of the lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint, which may result from a widened fifth metatarsal head. | 248 | |
432406628 | Talipes | Clubfoot. | 249 | |
432406629 | Talus | Ankle bone. | 250 | |
432406630 | Tarsus | Refers to the ankle; the seven proximal bones of the foot. | 251 | |
432406631 | Taylor-Type Brace | A thoracolumbar orthosis with anterior and posterior motion control. | 252 | |
432406632 | Tendon | A band of fibrous tissue connecting muscle to bone. | 253 | |
432406633 | Tendon Avulsion Injuries | Avulsion of a tendon at its insertion point tearing bone from its foundation. | 254 | |
432406634 | Tennis Elbow (Epicondylitis) | Microscopic disruption of the extensor muscle origin, which may result in chronic pain on the lateral aspect of the elbow. | 255 | |
432406635 | Thoracic | Pertaining to the thorax. | 256 | |
432406636 | Thorax | The chest. | 257 | |
432406637 | Thrombosis | Formation or presence of blood clots within a blood vessel | 258 | |
432406638 | Tonus | Slight, continuous contraction of a muscle which, in skeletal muscles, aids in the maintenance of posture and blood flow. | 259 | |
432406639 | Torticollis | A contracted state of the cervical muscles, producing twisting of the neck and an unnatural position of the head. | 260 | |
432406640 | Traction | Exertion of a pulling force. | 261 | |
432406641 | Trochanter | A large process for muscle attachment. | 262 | |
432406642 | Transverse | Extending from side to side. | 263 | |
432406643 | Transverse Plane | Divides body into superior and inferior portions. | 264 | |
432406644 | Trendelenburg Position | A supine position on a surface inclined with the head at the lowest point. | 265 | |
432406645 | Triceps | Muscles that extend the elbow. | 266 | |
432406646 | Trochanter | A large process on the upper end of the femur for the attachment of muscles. | 267 | |
432406647 | Truss | A device worn to reduce a hernia by pressure. | 268 | |
432406648 | Tubercle | A nodule or small eminence, especially on a bone for attachment of a ligament. | 269 | |
432406649 | Tuberosity | An elevation or protrusion of a bone serving to attach tendons or ligaments. | 270 | |
432406650 | Ulna | The inner, larger bone portion of the forearm, on the side opposite the thumb. | 271 | |
432406651 | Unilateral | Affecting one side of the body or one of its parts. | 272 | |
432406652 | Valgus | Toward midline; knock-knee position. | 273 | |
432406653 | Varus | Towards the midline of the body, distal to joint described. | 274 | |
432406654 | Vein | Blood vessels which carry blood back to the heart. | 275 | |
432406655 | Venous | Pertaining to the veins. | 276 | |
432406656 | Ventral | Pertaining to the abdomen or abdominal surface; opposite of dorsal. | 277 | |
432406657 | Vertebra | Any of the bony segments that make up the spinal column. | 278 | |
432406658 | Volar | The flexor surface of the forearm, wrist, or hand; pertaining to the sole of the foot. | 279 | |
432406659 | Whiplash | Non-medical term that describes a sudden hyperextension of the neck, followed by flexion, or vice versa. Classic symptoms are due to injuries of the vertebrae and soft tissues of the head and neck. | 280 | |
432406660 | Xyphoid | A process connected to the end of the sternum. | 281 | |
432410099 | Transverse Processes | two lateral projections from the vertebral arch | 282 | |
432410100 | Spinous Processes | Single process out back of vertebra, This is the posterior extension of vertebrae that you can feel when you run your fingers or thumb down the spine. | 283 |
Orthotics Fitters Course Flashcards
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