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Out of Many Chapter 20 Flashcards

Shout out to Ya Boiz Caleb V. Shout out to yo girl Gravie Gilbs. Reluctant Shout out to Slynch.
Out of Many 5th Edition

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2054829830Edward Bellamy's Looking BackwardYear 2000, no poverty/crime/war/taxes/pollution/housework. --Community + cooperation + mechanization. "highest possible physical + mental development for everyone" --Elected officials plan production + distribution of goods. --Nation's businesses get cownership of the people. --Huge dptmnt stores + marvelous goods + industrial army enlists all adult men + women, Automated machinery eliminate tasks. --Short workday, much vacation. --All we need to do to reach this is create a commonwealth. --Moved many readers, fan like "new nation" idea. create NATIONALIST MOVEMENT. --Knights of Labor president support, woman suffrage support.0
2054829831Bellamy's Impact?His disciples attempt creat new communities like the book. --Point Loma, California. 330 acres, physically beauty. Married couples live scattered on the grounds. Met twice daily spend leisure hours together. --Founded by Katherin Tingley. Nobody get Wages, but all 500ppl live comfortable. --Men work agriculture, children got got very good education w/ fine arts. --Albert Spalding live there, support it. Others donated too. Stayed even in the 1950's1
2054829832Why didn't this Point Loma community succeed?couldn't bring changes, only mobilization of citizens NATIONWIDE, can make change. --the political leadership would continue to consolidate power + further be removed from popular control.2
2054829833"moment of democratic promise" in the last quarter of the 19th century?Ordinary People want renew older values of community through farm + labor organizations + create massive political movement called POPULISM --middle class men and women were inspired by rising religious movement called SOCIAL GOSPEL. sponsor philanthropic/charity to stop poverty problems....but did little to stop problems (racial tension +Jim Crow) People opposed to Bellamy's plan for cooperative commonwealth (business ppl + politicians). they envisioned American EMPIRE across distant lands. More profit + overseas. --If foreign markets buy goods that we can't afford no more, we will be saved of social tensions!3
2054829834Growth of GovernmentBefore: local gov't deal w/ + regulation of trade. Rely on private enterprise to supply services (fire protection + water supply) Now: more responsible for well-being. Had professional police + firefight forces. School systesm libraries, parks. DEMAND FOR TAXATION @civil war, Mobilization + Reconstruction demand more Gov't control. Fed revenues increase. Administrative employes increase. --Depart. of Agricult. created. --Depart. of Interior= LARGEST + most important department...other than Post Office. --FIRST INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGECY=interstate Commerce commission (ICC)= bring order to state laws w/ Railroads.4
2054829835Department of the InteriorLargest and Most important department other than Post Office. --Had 20 agencies. e.g. Bureau Indian Affairs, U.S. Geological Survey, --Bureau of Territorial + International Affairs. --Department of the Treasury=responsible for collect fed. taxes + customs + print money + stamps.5
2054829836Interstate commerce commission (ICC)Bring order to state laws concerning railroads --5 members. Approve freigt and passenger rates set by railroads. Tke public testimony on possible violations + examine company records --Oversee enforcement of law. **Set regulation of trade + positive gov't for intervention of gov't into affairs of private enterprise --Shift of balance of power from states to Fed. Gov't!!!!6
2054829837Republicans Vs. DemocratsPresidents: Hayes, Garfield, Cleveland, Harrison-yielded power to Congress + state legislature. Very tight races --tight congress races too. Demos had majority in House + Senate, nether party strong to govern effectively. *Both: act like state/local organization. Spectacular political campaigns. --leaflets/banners/hats/playing cards/pipes.= Major expesne!** --embrace Donkey and Elephant. Parties had to get more reveue. --system of payoffs for winners. if you support RR subsidies, got cash bribes +stocks. Unethical7
2054829838Problems with da Tariff? (demos vs. Repubs on Tariff)--Manufacturing favor protective tariff, south + West oppose to pay steep fees on imported necessities. Demos: argue reduce tariff to save rural + boost to workers. Repubs: raise tariffs to NEW LEVELS on goods during War. + KEPT high tariffs when they had power.8
2054829839How, , did powerful bosses + political machines dominate both parties (corruption/spoils)Boss Tweed + Mike Kenna gave municipal jobs to loyal voters + holiday food baskets to families Other machines ruled cities + rural courhouses w/ "boodle" (bribe money) + personal favors Federal jobs changed from one party to another. **over 50% federal jobs= PATRONAGE POSITIONS (jobs awards to loyal supporters). --Decisions about congress patronage= occupy 1/3 of legislator's time!!!9
2054829840Civil ReformOrganized Civil Service Reform Association. Pendleton Sponsored this --Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act--> allowed The Pres. create: 1. 3 person commission to draw up guidelines for executive + legislative appointments. 2. They establish standards "open competitive examinations for testing the fitness of applicants for public service." 3. Barred political candidates from fund campaigns by assessing a tax on salaries of ppl w/ party sponsored gov't jobs. Effect: many departments became professional. just like the American medial Association, American Historical Association. --Judiciary act more aggresive, establish parameter of gov't. **Circuit Courts of Appeals Act 1891*- Give US Supreme Court right to review ALL CASES at will.10
2054829841Patrons of Husbandry + Da Granger MovementWhite Midwest Farmers. Led by Kelley. Fraternal society --Whole families staff complex array of offices + mysterious rituals w/ passwords/costumes. --Headquarters of local chapters= "GRANGE", become main social centers --Movement spread rapid, in areas where farmers experienced greateest hardships. e.g. GREAT PLAINS (grasshopper, blizzards). ***Prices of grains + cotton fall w/ competition of (Canada., Austral. etc.) Blamed: hardtimes bc of band of "thieves in the night"- esp. railroads + banks- that charge huge fees for service. Hate USA manufacturers, e.g. Cyrus McCormick, who sold cheap in Eur., but costly in USA. --Hate banks tht charge High interest rate ***MOSTLY RailRd.*** hate. bc they bribe legisltors, got exclusive rate policy, charge farmers more to ship crops short distances vs. Long hauls!! --passed Granger LAws, Warehouse Act11
2054829842Acts, Laws, Court Cases Passed During the Granger MovementGranger Laws= Created Maximum shipping rates --Then they complained to lawmakers about price-fixing policies of grain wholesalers + operators of grain elevators. Warehouse Act= establish maximum rates for storing grains. **Chicago firms challenge WarehouseAct's legality. --Munn vs. Illinois--> Supreme Court held the law, state had power to regulate privately owned businesses like Railroads in the public interest.12
2054829843Granger created Cooperative EnterprisesWant buy less + produce more --purchase supplies + marketing crops. --Establish local grain elevators --Set up Retail stores --Manufacture their own farm machinery. Grangers ran banks + Fraternal life + Fire Insurance companies in other states. **Depression of '70s wiped out most cooperative programs. Grange Membership fell to 100k in '80. Supreme Court overturn Key Legislation regulating railroads. --They still were a model of action + cooperation that would remain at heart of agrarian protest movement!13
2054829844Farmer's AllianceFarmers organized in communities w/ both poverty + crop-lien system. --*politicians advise farmers trim expenditures + diversify out of cotton.* , but No leeway to cut expenses! --cost of shipping pershiable crops made diversifying impossible, even w/ falling price of cotton **TX farmers organize. had 500 Chapters, + cooperative stores + merchandising of crops.** --SOUTHERN FARMERS' ALLIANCE became alternative of capitalist marketplace. (for whites) --COLORED FARMERS' ALLIANCE organized. Both: cooperate + had meetings at same time.but relationship strained when Blacks want higher wage from whites. White Farmers distance away from them,14
2054829845Grangers vs. Farmers AllianceGrangers: Pushed legislation that'll limit salaries of public officials, provide public school students w/ books @ little cost. *-establish program of teacher certification --widen admissions of new state colleges --RARELY put up candidates for office* Farmers: few reservations about political stands. Alliances drafted campaign platforms--demand state ownership of railroads. --Want graduated income tax, lower tariffs, restriction of landownership to citizens --Easier access to money through "free + unlimited coinage of silver". Some states candidates won elections15
2054829846Railroads vs. Workers' ProtestsRailroad became focus of protests of Workers + farmers --Strikes failed mostly. Revealed readiness of workers to express problems in direct manner. --show # of ppl, who depend on workers' wages (merchants), would support strikes + make COMMUNITY Uprisings. **Great Uprising of 1877.= 1st NATIONWIDE strike. Start in WV. No trains run, until wage was restored. spread to NY, Chicago, San Fran. Halted train traffic, pulled up entire RAILS + seize loads of food!. --St. Louis, some took over city Administration!! Weeklong Consequence: deportation/arrest/execution of strike leaders. --Hayes fear "nat'l insurrection". Call Army suppress them.16
2054829847Effect of Uprising of 1877prompt CREATION OF NATIONAL GUARD + construction of armories in working-class neighborhoods. --Workers still struck. --Farmers' Alliance put up candidates in South + Plains. --Workers launch labor parties in industrial places17
2054829848IT'S YA BOY: Henry George (What he do?)wants sweeping tax on all property to generate revenue to allow USA ppl live in comfort. --Called upon all honest ppl, to join in independent political action to stop extortion + speculation from professional/corrupt politicians. **Tammany Hall threw his ballots into da River! Still beat Teddy Roosevelt doe. Effect: he was a warning to politicians. Influenced labor groups in cities to form own parties! --> those parties won seats on city + state legislatures. e.g. Milwaukee Ppl's Party. ***Also in places where workers outnumbered Middle class.18
2054829849Women + Knights of LaborKnights of Labor: lobby for creation of special department in the organization to investigate the abuses they endure from employers, and get equal pay + abolish child labor. --Leonora M. Barry= general investigator. -- Knights ran day-care center for children of working mothers + set up co-op kitchens to reduce drudgery of cooking Grangers: Issued a charter to local cahpter only when women were well represented. Delegates routinely gave speeches endorsing woman suffrage + dress reform. --Some advance through the ranks + become leading speakers + organizers (MAry E. Lease) "raise less corn + more hell!"19
2054829850IT'S YA GIRL: Frances E. Willard*most famous woman of 19th Century*. assumed that women, who guarded families' physical + spiritual welfare, if allowed to vote, would extend influence throughout whole society. --Presided over the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), @ the time, the largest organization of women in the world. Encourage followers "do everything." (that's what Gracie said) WCTU Preached: total abstinence from booze, reform prison system, stop prostitution, stop wage system. --Wiliard made plans for gov't where all offices shared by men + women!. --WCTU= one of few South organiz. for *"interracial cooperation"* They soon surpass the Nat'l Woman Suffrage Association. **women still fail to get support for suffrage. ONLY in CO, did 3rd party candiddates support suffrage. **Southern Women opposed suffrage...20
2054829851Populism and the People's PartyFarmer's Alliance -Formed NAt'l Party. "LARGEST OPPORTUNITY" --Ppl from Farmer's Alliance, Knights, + Colored Farmer's Alliance ask for justice' *Demands: gov't ownership of railroads/banks/telegraph lines, stop large landholding companies, graduated income tax, 8-hour workday, restrict immigration* ----SubTreasuries: build local warehouses where farmers could store crops until prices reached acceptable levels. Farmers can borrowing 80% against the current value of their produce+ pay a very small interest rate. --Populists cooperate w/ Repubs to sponsor *"pepper + salt"* state and local tickets that put blacks + white candidates on single slate. --Some Demos adopt Populist platform entirely...others had to use Massive voter fraud, + intimidation. Election: *1st time since Civil War that 3rd party got ANY electoral votes.*21
2054829852Depression of 1893Railroads Overextended, esp. in construction. Major rail lines went Bankrupt Philly + Reading Railroads collapsed, then NAtioal Cordage Company.-->Crash in stock market. +150 Banks "receivership", others closed. --200 RR, and 15k businesses bankrupt. Agriculture prices PLUMMET. Unemployment rates= 3million. --Inadequate diets led to diseases (TB and pellagra) --people "went on the tramp" to look for work in a new place. -Panhandled + sleep in parks. ***Vagrancy Laws: force them into prison. *** --Blamed growing crime rates on "dangerous classes" **Jacob Sechler Coxey22
2054829853IT'S YA BOY: Jacob Sechler CoxeyGather masses of unemployed into huge army + March ti DC, demand congress a public works program. --had 100's of followers. --Brigades across country joined "petition in boots" --When reach the capital, police clubbed + arrested leaders for trespassing. ""Coxey's Army" disband, but voice public's impatience w/ gov't apathy.23
2054829854Conflicts between Miners and the Mineowners?Wage cuts in silver + lead mines. bitterest conflicts of decade --Mineowners form "protective association" to halt organized labor --Miner's Union reject wage cut, then Owners lock out all Union members. Brought in strike breakers. --Unionists try peaceful protests,...but loaded railcar w/ explosives + blew up a mine. Members herded into bullpens before trial. --*Ore production resumed w/ "scab" labor. Mineowners won., most members regained jobs.*24
2054829855Conflicts at Homestead, PennsylvaniaSteelworkers take guns to defend union. Members of Amalgamated Iron, Stell + Tin workers (MOST POWERFUL UNION OF AFL). --They were *well paid* But Carnegie+ Frick want more control. --When Amalgamated contract expired, Frick announce wage cut. --*Gunfire, and National Guard restore order. * -Union= DEFEATED. Owners Reduce workforce, lengthen workday, cut wages those who stayed. ----Industry brought down these "Aristrocrats of Labor", s --*eVery major steel company operated w/o union interference thereafter.*25
2054829856Conflicts at Pullman + Ya Boy, Eugene DebsPullman Palace Car company deduct rent + bill from weekly pay of workers.-Company cut wages --*Pullman fired members of committee that draw up list of grievances*--> workers struck. Workers: their leader= Eugene Debs. he formed the American Railway Union earlier --*Boycott all Pullman cars*. Sympathy strike by RR workers ACROSS COUNTRY. **Little violence at first. Prez. Cleveland send troops to Chicago. Army disperse strikers. Arrested Debs et al. *Conclusion: arrogance of Class Privilege encourage gov't use brute force.* SOCIALISM influenced Debs. Debs Ran for President as a Socialist.26
2054829857The Social GospelChristianity can't support economy that made ppl work long hours w/ bad conditions, etc. Ministers: want civil service reform, end child labor. --support Labor's right to organize and strike., petition gov't to regulate industries + LIMIT on PROFITS --Washington Gladden + Applied Christianity *Catholics accept poverty as natural...didn't join movement much* Literature: If Christ come to Chicago. Middle class readers think "What would Jesus do?" Question social inequalities Women: guided the movement in their communities. WCTU. establish small cheap hotels for working women. YWCA sponsor services for needy. Homes for elderly/single moms.+Programs of vocational instruction + fitness. Others did schools/ hospitals orphanage Black women: same programs. Racial uplift!!. Create own institutions (orphanages, hopital etc.). Temporary lodging to young black women new to city. *Main project: Phyllis Wheatly Home: provide Christian influence. * --Fannie Barrier Williams: leader in racial uplift. Importance of churches!!27
2054829858It's Ya boy, Washington GladdenChurchs must not ignore social problems, or they'd just be places w/ stupid rituals + superstitions. --Called on his Congregation to fight against Social injustice --applied christianity= appeal to nation's business leaders to return to Christ's Teachings28
2054829859Catholics during the Social gospel Movement?didn't join as much. --Polish broke from Roman catholic to form Polish Nat'l church which= concern w/ working people Irish: encourage priest ally themselves with the LAbor **POPE Leo wrote: Rerum Novarum--> endorse right of workers to form trade unions!!!29
2054829860Election of 1896Currency Reform: Prez. Cleveland repeal Sherman Silver Purchase Act (restored gov't support for silver mining). --He want GOLD STANDARD, to anchor the real value of currency. -1894: LARGEST SHIFT IN CONGRESS POWER--> Repubs got 117 seats, Demos lost 113!! Demos: "silver democrats" use Populist Ideas: unlimited coinage of silver. + easy repayment of debts, rapid economy growth. Populists: Gained inroads in South, political excitement. but less than 7% popular votes... --Democratic candidate: William jennings Bryan took Populist ideas: gov't ownership of RR, and Subtreasury plan --Demos refused to "fuse" with Populists. Repubs: "battle of standards". Willliam McKinley Campaign *spent unprecedented $$*. Used Negative Campaign, Call Bryan "dangerous radical" and a risk. --Mckinley won. Populists dwindled away.30
2054829861It's Ya Boy: William Jennings Bryan (Democratic Candidate)Threat to Populists SEIZED POPULIST SLOGAN: "equal rights to all, Special privilege to nonw" --became contender for Prez. Wooed many ppl. --Pushed Silver Democrats to the front!! **Agrarian Ideals. --had one of the most famous speeches of all time. of all time. Pretended he was christ, don't crucify USA on "cross of gold"31
2054829862Once in Office, after the Election, what did McKinley's Administration do?Probusiness + expansion! *Dingley Tariff 1897= raise import tax to ALL TIME HIGH *Create US Industrial Commission= plan business regulation *Bankruptcy act= ease financial situation of small business *Erdman Act= system of arbitration to avoid RAIL STRIKES ***GOLD STANDARD ACT Supreme Court: Found 18 RR's violate antitrust laws --Give States right to regulate hours of labor Brought USA back to prosperity, Stock prices Skyrocketed **No one supported social equality tho. WHITE SUPREMACY control politics32
2054829863Nativism + Jim crowStriking workers + employers blame foreigners for hard times. *"Asiatic Coolierism"--> support chinese Exclusion Act. (1st Act to exclude immigrants racially)* *Catholic Conspiracy from Pope!!*-- organizations like American Protective Association (APA) created to protect institutions The South: Gov'ts pass discriminatory + segregation laws "Jim Crow Laws" -- others forestall any social equality. -white only + Colored signs appeared everywhere. -Blacks must wait until all whites were served @ stores, etc. -can't try on clothes before buying! Supreme Court rulings upheld discriminatory laws Voting Rights: literacy tests, property qualifications for voting, -Poor whites got loopholes so they can vote. -*-"Grandfather Clauses"*, if you could vote in '67, then you are exempt of the restrictions. --Poll taxes. We just want "QUALIFIED" voters. -Blacks banned from public office + jury service. "legal inferiority".33
2054829864Who was Jim Crow?White guy, w/ Black-face paint. This term described segregated Railroad Cars Now it became laws, and customs of segregation of the south.34
2054829865What Supreme court rulings Upheld Discriminatory Laws?1.Cvil Rights Cases 1883= overturned CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of '75 2. Plessy v. Ferguson= Louisiana state law to segregate RR passenger cars on basis of "separate but EQUAL". ---This established precedent for Segregation. 3. Cumming vs. Richmond county Board of Education= allowed separate schools for blacks and whites, even where facilities for Black kids didn't exist! --Grand Father clauses35
2054829866Mob violence + Lynching (marshawn)Wilmington Massacre: White Gov't Leagues try to Hunt down 12 blacks who were in minor political office. --Alex Manly: Wrote editorial, challenged Purity of white southern Womanhood + Some women CHOSE to have sex w/ black men.-white mob burn down Manly's office. - 12 Blacks shot down. the Blacks in office RESIGNED.Nearly 1500 Blacks left office + fled. *Lynchings: 1000's. Burned + dismembered victims. Became public spectacles. ENTERTAINMENT for ENTIRE WHITE FAMILIES* --*RR's had special rates for travel to these events,* Merchants printed graphic postcards!!36
2054829867It's Ya Girl: Ida B. Wells (Antilynching activsm)Denounced lynching Blame white business competitors of the victims Local whites destroy her press + made her flee Tennessee. Investigated lynching: paid attention to white ppl's defense, that it was necessary against black men trying to rape white women. --But, in "A Red Record", most victims..not even accused of sexual assault. -Concluded: lynching= brutal device to elminiate prosperous/powerful Blacks! Lecture across the country + EUROPE. --Work inspire black women clubs. NAtional Association of Colored Women gave home to black women activists. --The NACW fought to protect black women from exploitation by white men.37
2054829868Tom WatsonRacist Turn in the Populist movement. Watson: want restore civil rights of South Blacks. Gov't Ownership of RR's + Banks. --Plan to overturn democrat Rule by capturing + increase black vote for People's Party. Support "equal rights", OPPOSED "social equality" --1000's call him a savior. Crowds stand in pouring rain to listen to him. *After McKinley won, he withdrew from Politics --He returned, bitterly attacked rich class, now BLAMED blacks for conspiring against poor whites!* --Now we need WHITE SUPREMACY --Colonize distant lands!38
2054829869What did Americans attribute Economic problems of '93-'97 to?Structural problems: overbuilt economy, insufficient market for goods --Output increased more than Profits. --Majority of working ppl, lacked enough income to buy a portion of what they produced Raising more than they can consume. Need new markets!39
2054829870The World's Fair (aka The columbian Expo, the chicago World's Fair)Opened less than 2 months after the nation's economy collapsed. --All eyes on WORLDWIDE markets for USA products. --One of Most popular: Mock ocean liner, ppl imagine being "tourists" across the world. --displayed representatives of people of foreign lands. --gave ppl chance to see advantages of civilization in mankind! Celebrate american industry brilliance, but...portray the rest of the world's peopple as ENTERTAINMENT. --Fred douglass recognize: fair made USA + Europe better than rest of the world. Civilization vs. savagery. Superiority of Americans. "Imperialism of Righteousness", we were good at civilizing other peoples, like it was our job.40
2054829871Foreign MissionsProtestant missionaries, head west + stay on Indian reservations. -others work w/ immigrants in cities --some go to Sandwich islands of hawaiii. Student Volunteers Young Protestant women join foreign missionary socieites. USA Protestant church establish missions in China. More women in Missionary societies than all other women orgs. --India, Africa, Syria, Pacific Islands, Latin America China: Missionaries convert many. Taught school, medical care, vocational training, encourage young ppl pursue college education. YWCA: went to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and china. Mssionaries: generate public interest in Foreign land + economic expansion preparation.41
2054829872Overseas EmpireEuropean markets for USA goods shrunk!, Now we look for to Asia and nearby lands. Consensus: We can conquer nearby nations easily when time is right. --Must get carribbean (the "american lake") and Latin America! **ECONOMIC Control more important than Military *James Blain: want Good Neighbor Policy*= absorb the money they send to other countries! --Bilateral Treaties w/ West Indies, Mex, Colombia, El Salvador, Domin. Repub. --allow us import raw materials at low prices + FLOOD their markets w/ our goods. Military improvements: Most were wooden ships, now Good Steel ships. "Great White Fleet" --*Naval War College*. Alfred Mahan's book "Influence of Sea Power upon American history" defined our foreign policy. We need annex bases in the Carrib. and Pacific, to make us better at war.42
2054829873Annexation of Hawai'iAmerican Missionaries buy up huge land. Buy Sugar plantations. UsA dominated the sugar trade now. --New Treaty allow USA build naval base at Pearl Harbor. We want annexation! --Want Overthrow King Kalakaua + secure new gov't. Queen Liluokalani: issue constitution give her more power. --US minister call for military assitance. Liluo. was deposed, we set upt new gov't. --Hawaii proclaimed American Protectorate! Then it was annexed w/o consulting Natives!! **Viewed as stepping stone to Asian markets.43
2054829874American Imperialism in Asia (Mainly China)American China Development company: to accelerate RR investment + trade. --Fear that Manchu dynasty fall to Europe + Russia + Japan powers and prevent USA from trading! *Open Door Policy: USA had right to advance commercial interest ANYWHERE.* Rebellion: Antiforeign secret society "Harmonious righteous Fists" riots repeatedly. They took over the Capital. --McKinley, w/o Congress approval, sent 5k US troops to an internat'l army, that put down their riot. "Boxer Rebellion" --This rebellion gave us more Reason to be involved with China.44
2054829875CubaWe wanted Cuba, got rejected. Now we want PROTECT Spain's control over Cuba. --Cuban movement for Independence when Spain impose taxes. Rally under Jose Marti., but he was killed, became a martyr. --Rebels declare Cuba a republic + estabslish basic gov't. *Many ppl support "Cuba Libre". Sympathy --Demos + Repubs support. *Cleveland want Spain give them limited autonomy, not freedom.* *McKinley drew back, no want involvement.* **USS Maine explosion --prepare for intervention. citizens want revenge for Death of US sailors!45
2054829876Spanish American WarWar Resolution barely passed McKinley call 125k volunteers. --For the 1st time: former Confeds. serve in *HIGHER* ranks of US Army. Showed UNITING of North + South!! --Patriotism + sympathy. Parades, songs. *Just like the Civil War, women form relief groups. --The Women's Relief corps + other clubs raise money + send food/medical supplies Teddy roosevelt + Rough Riders: destroy Spanish fleet. Santiago surrendered, war closed.* disease killed USA men more than combat did. Invigorating war "splendid little war" --Spain surrender. Cuba got Independence, but not sovereignty! We got Sovereignty over the island. -- business took over Sugar plantations + we made it a protectorate of USA. **PLATT ammendment incorporated into CUBAN AMERICAN TREATY*, paved way for American Domination of Cuban sugar industry + anti American sentiment.46
2054829877The Platt Amendment (over Cuba)1. Must provide Land for USA bases 2. Must devote nat'l revenues to pay back debts to USA 3. Must sign NO treaty that'd be detrimental to USA interests 7. Acknowledge right of USA to intervene any time to protect our Interest in Cuba. **The Platt Ammendment was incorporated into CUBAN AMERICAN TREATY of 1903.47
2054829878War in the PhilippinesIt was Another Spain colony. After we declare war on Spain, McKinley send 5k troops occupy Philip. --George Dewey "start offensive action". Demolish Spanish fleet. After Spanish War, McKinley refuse sign armistice, until Spain end claims to Pacific Islands! Filipino Rebels: @ 1st, they welcome troops+ fight w/ them. -Saw they no want to leave. So they attacked them. --American underestimate Filipino's ability to endure more suffering for Independence --Americans provoked them:called them "gugus", insulted + physically abused + raped civilians --Used Guerilla warfare w/ brutalities on both sides. Taft: After pulling out, he appoint filipino governor to maintain their gov't. The American bought the Best land + invest in its sugar economy. --Another stepping stone to China.48
2054829879What other conquering did the USA do after the War in the Philipines?1. Caribbean-- Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands (from Denmark) 2. Pacific territories: Guam. --THIS MARKED USA as a GLOBAL COLONIAL Power!!49
2054829880Josiah Strong1. Social Gospeler, spent life Convert Indians to Christianity. Said Americans were best suited for "imperialism of righteousness" w/ their genius for colonizing + civilizing. --Americans divinely commissioned to be "his brother's Keeper" --This is "the white man's burden" 2.Defended American Overseas Involvement. Distinguish between Freedom + Independence --Whites proven themselves superior in Gov't. they could best bring "freedom" to others.50
2054829881Critics of EmpireOpposition: When Grant want annex Santo Domingo, ppl insist that they have right to Self-determination + consent of the governed. --Others say dark-skinned ppl= unworthy of citizenship. *Anti Imperialist League:*--25k members. Most support American economic expansion, but want FREE TRADE, not political domination. --oppose annexation. Got Mark Twain to join. . Called Filipino Rebels: heroes. --Morrison Swift form Filipino *LIBERATION SOCIETY, SEND ANTIWAR MATERIALS TO US TROOPS.* **GOMPERS hated Filipinos, just didn't want them to immigrate, so he joined. **College Students support war **Opposition Mainly in Black + Labor Newspapers.*51

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