Out of Many, AP Edition, 5th edition, Chapter 24 people, places, and events.
2185304346 | Bull Market | A period of increased stock trading and rising stock prices during the late 1920s | 0 | |
2185304347 | Great Depression | the nation's worst economic crisis, extending through the 1930s, producing unprecedented bank failures, unemployment, and industrial and agricultural collaspe | 1 | |
2185304348 | Margaret Mitchell | author of Gone With the Wind, a sweeping story of the Old South set during the Civil War and Reconstruction | 2 | |
2185304349 | margin accounts | very useful, permits an investor to borrow part of the cost of investments from brokerage firm | 3 | |
2185304350 | Emergency Banking Act | gave the President power over the banking system and set up a system by which banks would be reorganized or reopened | 4 | |
2185304351 | swing era | Jazz in the 30's and 40's. Used sections, "Big Band Jazz." Was very composed | 5 | |
2185304352 | Black Tuesday | October 29, 1929; date of the worst stock-market crash in American history and beginning of the Great Depression. | 6 | |
2185304353 | National Labor Relations Board | also known as the Wagner Act; right to form a union, bargain with their employer, and participate in concerted union activities | 7 | |
2185304354 | Eleanor Roosevelt | (1884-1962) Author, diplomat, humanitarian, and first lady of FDR, she supported much New Deal legislation aimed at young people and minorities(e.g. NYA) | 8 | |
2185304355 | POUR | the President's Organization for Unemployment Relief; was created by Hoover but wasn't very effective and only encouraged local groups to help the unemployed | 9 | |
2185304356 | Fair Labor Standards Act | 1938 act which provided for a minimum wage and restricted shipments of goods produced with child labor | 10 | |
2185304357 | court packing | FDR plan to add up to six new justices to the nine member Supreme Court after the Court had ruled that some New Deal legislation was unconstitutional; was fiercely opposed and rejected | 11 | |
2185304358 | RFC | Gave government credit to institutions like insurance companies and railroads. Also lent money to banks so that they can extend loans. | 12 | |
2185304359 | Fireside Chat | A series of informal radio speeches given by FDR to calm fears of the Depression and to explain his policies to the American public. | 13 | |
2185304360 | Roosevelt Recession | Economic downturn in 1937 which happened when FDR tried to reduce government spending on relief and job programs | 14 | |
2185304361 | Bonus Army | Group of WWI vets. that marched to D.C. in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of their goverment war bonuses in cash | 15 | |
2185304362 | Okies | Displaced farm families from the Oklahoma dust bowl who migrated to California during the 1930s in search of jobs. | 16 | |
2185304363 | RA (Resettlement Organization) | led by Ruxford Tugwell,it helped to relocate poor farm families to more productive areas; however, because of its lack of funds and poor management, it only moved 1% of the intended families | 17 | |
2185304364 | Election of 1932 | Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, beat the Republican, Herbert Hoover, who was running for reelection. FDR promised relief for the unemployed, help for farmers, and a balanced budget | 18 | |
2185304365 | Federal Communications Commission | It has limited the number of stations a company can own | 19 | |
2185304366 | New Deal | A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression. | 20 | |
2185304367 | John Steinbeck | United States writer noted for his novels about agricultural workers such as Of Mice and Mien and The Grapes of Wrath | 21 | |
2185304368 | Hundred Days | 100 days after FDR was sworn into office. Congress passed into law every request of FDR enacting more major legislation than any single Congress in history | 22 | |
2185304369 | Black Cabinet | Group of African Americans FDR appointed to key government positions; served as unofficial advisors to the president. | 23 | |
2185304370 | American Liberty League | formed by anti-New Deal politicians and business leaders to oppose Roosevelt's policies | 24 | |
2185304371 | Frances Perkins | U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first woman ever appointed to the cabinet. | 25 | |
2185304372 | Father Charles Coughlin | "The Radio Priest" who blamed the problems on the Jews and the banking system and preached "social justice" | 26 | |
2185304373 | public works | 1933; set aside $3 billion to create jobs and build roads, sewers, public housing units, and other civic necessities; also created jobs | 27 | |
2185304374 | Upton Sinclair | Socialist writer and reformer whose novel The Jungle helped bring about government regulation of meatpacking and other industries | 28 | |
2185304375 | CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) | proposed by John L. Lewis in 1932. a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the United States and Canada from 1935 to 1955. | 29 | |
2185304376 | Francis Townshend | an American physician who was best known for his revolving old-age pension proposal during the Great Depression | 30 | |
2185304377 | Huey Long | Louisiana Senator who opposed FDR's New Deal and came up with a "Share the Wealth" policy that wanted to give $5k to all families; was later assasinated | 31 | |
2185304378 | Dust Bowl | when a region of the Great Plains experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages. | 32 | |
2185304379 | New Deal Coalition | Alliance of southern conservatives, religious, and ethnic minorities who supported the Democratic Party for 40 years | 33 | |
2185304380 | Schecter vs. US | declared the NRA unconstitutional because it gave government too much control of business | 34 | |
2185304381 | Indian Reorganization Act | reversed the provisions of the Dawes Severalty Act and permitted the reorganization of surplus lands to tribes and allocated funds for the purchase of more Indian lands | 35 |