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Part 1 (Chapters 1-6) Flashcards

AP World vocab

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209686957AgarianRelating to land, especially its ownership and cultivation0
209686958AgriculturistsExpert pertaining to agriculture, farmer1
209686959ArchaeologyThe study of ancient relics, fossils, and other artifacts left behind by ancient civilizations and/or animals2
209686960AryansIndo-European speaking nomads who entered India from the Central Asian steppes between 1500 and 1000 BC and greatly affected Indian society.3
209686961AsceticismAusterity and self-denial, especially as a principled way of life4
209686962AustronesianNative or inhabitant of Austronesia5
209686963BureaucracyAdministrative system that divides work into specific categories carried out by nonelected officials6
209686964BrahmanThe highest of the four varnas: the priestly or sacerdotal category7
209686965BrahminsHindu caste of priests8
209686966CasteHindu system of organizing society into hereditary classes9
209686967CataractsSeries of river rapids and small waterfalls with moderate drop10
209686968Civilizationsociety that has a high level of culture and social organization11
209686969CuneiformWritten language of Sumerians, probably first written script in the world12
209686970DomesticationAccustom an animal to living with or near people, usually as a farm animal or working animal13
209686971DynastySuccession of rulers from the same family14
209686972Economic SpecializationIndividuals or groups that concentrate on one product or service15
209686973EgalitarianBelief that all people are equal and should enjoy equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities16
209686974ErosionGradual destruction or reduction and weakening of an object17
209686975ForagingThe search for food, supplies, and water18
209686976Hammurabi's CodeSophisticated law code associated with the Babyloninan King Hammurabi19
209686977HieroglyphicsAncient Egyptian written language20
209686978HittitesMember of an ancient Anatolian people whose empire was based in Asia Minor21
209686979Indo-EuropeanTribal groups from southern Russia who embarked on series of migration from India through western Europe22
209686980KarmaHindu concept that the total of good and bad in a person's life determines his or her status in the next life23
209686981LoessFine-grained yellowish brown deposit of soil left by the wind, allowed for productive farming in China24
209686982MaizeTall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears25
209686983Mandate of HeavenChinese belief that the emperors ruled through the mandate (approval) of heaven contingent on their ability to look after the welfare of the population26
209686984MatriarchalWoman who holds a position of dominance, authority, or respect27
209686985MercenaryProfessional killer paid to fight for an army not of his or her country28
209686986MetallurgyThe science and technology of metals29
209686987MokshaHindu concept of salvation of the soul30
209686988MonotheismBelief in only ONE god, rare concept in the ancient world31
209686989NeolithicNew Stone Age, marked by discovery and mastery of agriculture (10,000-4,000 BCE)32
209686990Nomadmember of people that roam seasonally in search for food & water or pasture for their livestock33
209686991ObsidianJet-black volcanic glass that was used by early civilizations for manufacturing tools and ceremonial objects34
209686992Oracle BonesChinese Shang dynasty (1766-1122 BCE) means of foretelling the future35
209686993PaleolithicOld Stone Age, long period of human development before agriculture36
209686994PastoralismWay of life that depends on raising livestock and living on its milk and meat37
209686995PatriarchalMan who is head of family or group38
209686996PharohEgyptian rulers considered to be gods on Earth39
209686997PictographsGraphic symbol or picture representing a word or idea in some writing systems40
209686998PolytheismBelief in MANY god, common concept in the ancient world41
209686999SamsaraHindu term for the concept of transmigration (soul passing into a new incarnation)42
209687000Sati(Suttee)- Indian practice of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband43
209687001SavannahFlat grassland, sometimes with scattered trees, in a tropical or subtropical region44
209687002Self-SufficientAble to provide what is needed without having to borrow or buy from others45
209687003VarnaHindu word for caste46
209687004VedasEarly collections of prayers & hymns that provide information about Indo-European Aryans who migrated into India around 1500 BCE47
209687005VenerationTo honor somebody or something as sacred or special48
209687006ZoroastrianismPersian religion based on the teaching of the sixth-century-BCE prophet Zarathustra; its emphasis on duality of good & evil and on role of individuals in determining their own fate would influence later religions49

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