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Part 1: The Nature of Crime, Law, & Criminal Justice Flashcards

Part 1
Chapter 1
1. Myth vs Reality
2. Developing the Criminal Justice System
A. The Modern Era of Justice
B. Federal Involvement in the Criminal Justice
3. The Contemporary Criminal Justice
4. The Formal Criminal Justice Process
A. The Criminal Justice Assembly Line
5. The Informal Criminal Justice Process
A. The "Wedding Cake" Model of Justice
6. Perspectives on Justice
A. Crime Control Perspective
B. Rehabilitation Perspective
C. Due Process Perspective
D. Nonintervention Perspective
E. Equal Justice Perspective
F. Restorative Justice Perspective
G. Perspectives in Perspective
7. Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice-
Evidence-Based Justice: Does Monitoring *** Offenders Really Work?
8. Ethics in Criminal Justice
A. Ethics and Law Enforcement
B. Ethics and the Courts
C. Ethics and Corrections
9. Criminal Justice and Technology-
Using Biometrics to Fight Terrorism: US-VISIT

Chapter 2
1. How Is Crime Defined?
A. Consensus View?
B. Conflict View
C. Interactionist View
2. How Is Crime Measured?
A. Official Crime Data: The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
B. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
C. Self-Report Surveys
D.Compatibility of Crime Data Sources
3. Crime Trends
A. Trends in Self-Reporting
4. What the Future Holds
5. Crime Patterns
A. Ecological Patterns
B. Gender Patterns
C. Racial Patterns
6. Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice: Is The United States Crime Prone?

Chapter 3
1. Similarities and differences between criminal law and civil law
2. Historical Development of the Criminal Law
A. Common Law and the Principle of Stare Decisis
3. Sources of the Criminal Law
A. Constitutional Limits
B. Crimes and Classifications
4. The Legal Definition of a Crime
A. Actus Reus
B. Mens Rea
C. The Relationship betwen Mens Rea and Actus Reus
D. Strict Liability
5. Criminal Defenses
A. Excuse Defenses
B. Justification Defenses
6. Reforming the Criminal Law
A. Creating New Crimes
7. Constitutional Criminal Procedure
8. Due Process of Law
A. Interpreting the Constitution

Terms : Hide Images
482648634Consensus View of CrimeThe majority of citizen's in society share common ideals and work toward a common good. Crimes are acts that are outlawed because they conflict with the rules of the majority and are harmful to society.
482648635Conflict View of CrimeThe law is controlled by the rich and powerful who shape its content to ensure their continued economic domination of society. The crimina justice system is an instrument of social and economic repression.
482648636Interactionist View of CrimeCriminal law reflects the values of people who use their social and political power to shape the legal system.
482648637Moral EntrepreneursPeople who wage moral crusades to control criminal law so that it reflects their own personal values.
482648638CrimeA violation of societal rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed by a criminal legal code created by people holding social and political power. Individuals who violate these rules are subject to sanctions by state authority, social stigma, and loss of status.
482648639Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)The FBI's yearly publication of where, when, and how much serious crime occurred in the prior years.
482648640Official Crime StatisticsCompiled by the FBI in its Uniform Crime Reports, these are a tally of serious crimes reported to police agencies each year.
482648641Part I CrimesThe eight crimes for which, because of their seriousness and frequency, the FBI reports their incidence in its annual Uniform Crime Reports. The Part I crimes are murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft.
482648642Part II CrimesAll other crimes except the eight Part I crimes. The FBI records all arrest made for Part II crimes, including race, gender, and age information.
482648643National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)The ongoing victimization study conducted jointly by the Justice Department and the U.S. Census Bureau that surveys victims about their experiences with law violation.
482648644Self-Report SurveyA research approach that requires subjects to reveal their own participation in delinquent or criminal acts.
482648645Racial Threat HypothesisThe view the percentage of minorities in the population shapes the level of police activity.
482648646Relative DeprivationThe view that extreme social and economic differences among people living in the same community exacerbate criminal activity.
482648647Broken Windows HypothesisThe view that deteriorated communities attract criminal activity.
482648648Chronic OffenderA delinquent offender who is arrested five or more times before he or she is 18 and who stands a good chance of becoming an adult criminal; these offenders are responsible for more than half of all serious crimes.
482648649Rational Choice TheoryPeople will engage in delinquent and criminal behavior after weighing the consequences and benefits of their actions. Delinquent behavior is a rational choice made by a motivated offender who perceives the chances of gain as outweighing any perceived punishment or loss.
482648650Biosocial TheoryHuman behavior is a function of the interaction of biochemical, neurological, and genetic factors with environmental stimuli.
482648651Psychodynamic ViewCriminals are driven by unconscious thought patterns, developed in early childhood, that control behaviors over the life course.
482648652Bipolar DisorderA psychological condition marked by mood swings between periods of wild elation and deep depression.
482648653Social Learning TheoryBehavior patterns are modeled and learned in interactions with others.
482648654Antisocial (Sociopathic, psychopathic) PersonalityIndividuals who are always in trouble and do not learn from either experience or punishment. They are loners who engage in frequent callous and hedonistic behaviors are emotionally immature, and empathy.
482648655Social Structure TheoryA person's position in the social structure controls his or her behavior. Those in the lowest socioeconomic tier are more likely to succumb to crime-promoting elements in their environment, whereas those in the highest tier enjoy social and economic advantages that insulate them from crime-producing forces.
482648656Culture of PovertyThe crushing lifestyle of slum areas produces a culture of poverty, passed from one generation to the next, marked by apathy, cynicism, feelings of helplessness, and mistrust of social institutions, such as schools, government agencies, and the police.
482648657SubcultureA substratum of society that maintains a unique set of values and beliefs.
482648658Cultural TransmissionThe passing of cultural values from one generation to the next.
482648659Social Process TheoryAn individual's behavior is shaped by interactions with key social institutions--family, school, peer group, and the like.
482648660Social Conflict TheoryHuman behavior is shaped by interpersonal conflict, and those who maintain social power use it to further their own interest.
482648661Developmental TheorySocial interactions that are developed over the life course shape behavior. Some interactions (such as involvement with deviant peers) encourage laws violations, whereas other (such as marriage and military service) may help people desist from crime.
482648662Substantive Criminal LawA body of specific rules that declare what conduct is criminal and prescribe the punishment to be imposed for such conduct
482648663Criminal ProcedureThe rules and laws that define the operation of criminal proceedings. Procedure law describes the methods that must be followed in obtaining: warrants, investigating offenses, effecting lawful arrests, conducting trials, introducing evidence, sentencing convicted offenders, and reviewing cases by appellate courts.
482648664Civil lawAll law that is not criminal, including the law of torts (personal wrongs) and contract, property, maritime, and commercial law.
482648665TortA personal injury or wrong for which an action for damages may be brought.
482648666Public LawThe branch of law that deals with the state of government and its relationships with individuals or other governments.
482648667Lex TalionisLatin for "law as retaliation." From Hammurabi's ancient legal code, the belief that the purpose of the law is to provide retaliation for an offended party and that the punishment should fit the crime.
482648668Stare DecisisLatin for "to stand by decided cases." The legal principle by which the decision or holding in an earlier case becomes the standard by which the subsequent similar cases are judged.
482648669Common LawEarly english law, developed by judges, that incorporated Anglo-Saxon tribal custom, feudal rules, and practices, and the everyday rules of behavior of local villages. Common law became the standardized law of the land in England and eventually formed the basis for the criminal law in the United States.
482648670Mala in SeA term that refers to the acts that society considers inherently evil, such as murder and rape, and that violate the basic principles of Judeo-Christian morality.
482648671Mala ProhibitumCrimes created by legislative bodies that reflect prevailing moral beliefs and practices.
482648672FelonyA more serious offense that carries a penalty of incarceration in a state prison, usually one year or more. Persons convicted of felony offenses lose such rights as the right to vote, hold elective office, or maintain certain licenses.
482648673MisdemeanorA minor crime usually punished by less than one year's imprisonment in a local institution, such as county jail.
482648674Actus ReusAn Illegal act. The actus reus can be an affirmative act, such as taking money or shooting someone, or a failure to act, such as failing to take proper precautions while driving a car.
482648675Mens ReaGuilty mind. The mental element of a crime or the intent to commit a criminal act.
482648676Strict Liability CrimeIllegal act whose elements do not contain the need for intent, or means rea; usually, an act that endangers the public welfare, such as illegal dumping of toxic wastes.
482648677InsanityA legal defense that maintains a defendant was incapable of forming criminal intent because he or she suffers from a defect of some reason or mental illness.
482648678Self-DefenseA legal defense in which defendants claim that their behavior was legally justified by the necessity to protect their own life and property, or that another victim, from potential harm.
482648679EntrapmentA criminal defense that maintains the police originated the criminal idea or initiated the criminal action.
482648680ObitiatryHelping people take their own lives.
482648681StalkingThe willful, malicious, and repeated following and harassing of another person.
482648682USA Patriot Act (USAPA)A law designed to grant new powers to domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies in an effort to fight terrorism.
482648683Bill Of RightsThe first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
482648684Exclusionary RuleEvidence seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used in a court of law.
482648685Criminal Justice SystemThe law enforcement, court, and correctional agencies that work together to effect the apprehension, prosecution, and control of criminal offenders. The justice system is responsible for maintaining order, enforcing the law, identifying transgressors, bringing the guilty to justice, and treating the criminal behavior.
482648686Criminal Justice ProcessThe decision-making points, from the initial investigation or arrest by police to the eventual release of the offender and his or her reentry into society; the various sequential criminal justice stages through which the offender passes.
482648687Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)Funded by the federal government's Safe Street Act, this agency provided technical assistance and hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to local and state justice agencies between 1969 and 1982.
482648688Social ControlThe control of an individual's behavior by social and institutional forces in society.
482648689In-Presence RequirementThe condition that in order to make an arrest in a misdemeanor, the arresting officer must have personally witnessed the crime being committed.
482648690Nolle ProsequiThe term used when a prosecutor decides to drop a case after a complaint has been formally made. Reasons for this include evidence insufficiency, reluctance of witnesses to testify, police error, and office policy.
482648691Grand JuryA type of jury responsible for investigating alleged crimes, examining evidence, and issuing indictments.
482648692True Bill of IndictmentA written statement charging a defendant with the commission of a crime, drawn up by a prosecuting attorney and considered by a grand jury. If the grand jury finds sufficient evidence to support to indictment, it will issue this.
482648693InformationCharging document filed by the prosecution that forms the basis of the preliminary hearing.
482648694Probable Cause HearingTerm used in some jurisdictions for a preliminary hearing to show cause to bring a case to trial.
482648695The Formal Criminal Justice Process1. Initial Contact 2. Investigation 3. Arrest 4. Custody 5. Charging 6. Preliminary Hearing/ Grand Jury 7. Arraignment 8. Bail/ Detention 9. Plea Bargaining 10. Trail/ Adjudication 11. Sentencing/ Disposition 12. Appeal/ Postconviction Remedies 13. Correctional Treatment 14. Release 15. Post Release
482648696The System: Agencies of Crime Control 1. PoliceThe Process: 1. Initial Contact 2. Investigation 3. Arrest 4. Custody
482648697The System: Agencies of Crime Control 2. Prosecution and DefenseThe Process: 5. Complaint/ Charging 6. Preliminary Hearing/ Grand Jury 7. Arraignment 8. Bail/ Detention 9. Plea Bargaining/ Plea Negotiations
482648698The System: Agencies of Crime Control 3. CourtThe Process: 10. Trail/ Adjudication 11. Sentencing/ Disposition 12. Appeal/ Postconviction Remedies
482648699The System: Agencies of Crime Control 4. CorrectionsThe Process: 13. Correctional Treatment 14. Release 15. Post Release
482648700Courtroom Work GroupThe phrase used to indicate that all parties in the adversary process work together and cooperatively to settle cases with the least amount of effort and conflict.
482648701The Criminal Justice "Wedding Cake"1. Celebrated Cases 2. Serious Felonies 3. Less Serious Felonies 4. Misdemeanors
482648702Crime Control PerspectiveA model of criminal justice that emphasizes the control of dangerous offenders and the protection of society. Its advocates call for harsh punishments as deterrent to crime and support availability of the death penalty.
482648703Rehabilitation PerspectiveThe view that the primary purpose of criminal justice is helping to care for people who cannot manage themselves. Crime is an expression of frustration and anger created by social inequality and can be controlled by giving people the means to improve their lifestyle through conventional endeavors.
482648704Due Process PerspectiveA basic constitutional principle based on the concept of an individual's expectations of civil rights and justice and the complementary concept of limitation on governmental power; it is safeguard against arbitrary and unfair state procedures in judicial or administrative proceedings. Embodied in the due process concept are the basic right of a defendant in criminal proceedings and the requirements for a fair trail.
482648705Nonintervention PerspectiveA view of criminal justice that emphasizes the least intrusive treatment possible. Among its central policies are decarceration, diversion, and decriminalization. In other words, less is better.
482648706DecriminalizationReducing the penalty for a criminal act, but not actually legalizing it.
482648707LegalizationThe removal of all criminal penalties from a previously outlawed act.
482648708DeinstitutionalizationThe policy of removing as many offenders as possible from secure confinement and treating them in the community.
482648709Pretrail DiversionA program that provides nonpunitive, community-based alternatives to more intrusive forms of punishment such as jail or prison.
482648710Widening the Net of JusticeThe view that programs designed to divert offenders from the justice system actually enmesh them further in the process by substituting more intrusive treatment programs for less intrusive punishment-oriented outcomes.
482648711Equal Justice PerspectiveThe view that all people should be treated equally before the law. Equality may be best achieved through individual discretion in the justice process.
482648712Truth-in-Sentencing LawsA sentencing scheme requiring that offenders serve at least 85% of their original sentence before being eligible for parole or other forms of early release.
482648713Restorative Justice PerspectiveA view of criminal justice that advocates peaceful solutions and mediation rather than coercive punishments.

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