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[PART 5] Ch. 28-30: World Wars and Europe Flashcards

Time: 1914-Present

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162110133Internationalizationthe idea that peoples should unite across national boundaries, gained popularity during 19th century, led to establishment of organizations like the International Red Cross0
162110134World Courtpermanent arbitration court established at The Hague in 1899, failed to resolve problems of international conflict1
162110135Western Frontwar line between Belgium and Switzerland during WWI, featured trench warfare and massive casualties among combatants2
162110136Italian Frontwar line between Italy and Austria-Hungary, also trench warfare3
162110137Eastern Frontwar zone from the Baltic to the Balkans where Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, and Balkan nations fought4
162110138Submarine Warfarea major part of the German naval effort against the allies during WWI, when used against the US helped with American participation in the war5
162110139Balfour Declaration1917, British promise of support for establishment of Jewish settlement in Palestine6
162110140Brest-Litovsk Treaty1918, Russia withdrew from WWI and lost territory to Germany in return for peace7
162110141Treaty of Versaillesended WWI, punished Germany with loss of territory and payment of reparations, didn't satisfy involved countries8
162110142League of Nationsinternational organization of nations created after WWI, designed to preserve world peace, US didn't participate9
162110143Socialism in one countryStalins' concept of Russian communism based solely upon internal soviet development, isolation helped Soviet Union to avoid some consequences of the Great Depression10
162110146Benito MussoliniItalian leader who created a fascist government during 1920s, agressive foreign policy and nationalist glories11
162110147Anschlussunion between Germany and Austria under Hitler in 193812
162110149Appeasementname given to the policy of British leader Neville Chamberlain because of his acceptance at the Munich Conference of German agression13
162110150Tripartite Pact1940 alliance between Japan, Germany, Italy14
162110152BlitzkriegGerman term meaning lightening warfare, rapid movement of troops and tanks15
162110153VichyFrench government at Vichy in 1940 after defeat by Germany16
162110154Winston ChurchillBritish prime minister during WWII, showed British determination to resist Germany17
162110160Potsdam Conference1945, between US, Britain, Soviet Union, allies accepted Soviet control of E Europe, Germany and Austria divided between victors18
162110162Eastern BlockE European countries of Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, E Germany dominated by the Soviet Union during the Cold War19
162110164Marshall PlanUS program (1947) to help W European nations recover from WWII20
162110168Vietnamese Warstruggle beginning with the Vietnamese effort to expel the French, the US failing to intervene led to communist victory21
162110169Nonalignmentnewly independent former colonies who proclaimed neutrality during the Cold War22
162110542Sovietcouncil of workers formed to seize government in Petrograd in 1917, basis for early political organization of Russian Revolution23
162110544LeninRussian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR24
162110545Russian Communist PartyBolshevik wing of Social Democratic Party in 1917, power under Lenin after removal of Kerensky's liberal government25
162110548Congress of SovietsLenin's parliamentary institution based on soviet and Bolshevik domination, replaced parliament by Social Revolutionary Party26
162110550Red Armymilitary organization under Trotsky, made use of people of humble background27
162110551New Economic Policyinitiated by Lenin in 1921, state set basic economic policies with individual initiative, allowed food production to recover28
162110553Supreme Sovietparliament of USSR, elected by universal suffrage, controlled by Communist party, served to ratify party decisions29
162110554Cominterninternational office of communism under USSR, encouraged formation of Communist parties in Europe, etc30
162110555Joseph Stalinsuccessor to Lenin as head of USSR, strongly nationalist view of Communism, represented anti-western strain of Russian tradition, crushed opposition to his rule, economic policy, fostered agriculture collectivization, led USSR through WWII, furthered Cold War with W Europe/US31
162110556Kulaksagricultural enterprenuers who utilized the Stolypin and later NEP reforms to increase agricultural production and buy additional land32
162110557Collectivizationcreation of large, state-run farms rather than individual holdings, allowed more efficient control over peasants, part of Stalin's economic and political planning, often adopted in other Communist regimes33
162110558Five-Year PlansStalin's plans to hasten industrialization of USSR, massive factories in metallurgy, mining, electric power, lead to massive state-planned industrialization at cost of availability of consumer products34
162110562Berlin Wallbuilt in 1961 to halt the flow of immigration from E to W (which was in response to lack of consumer goods), close Soviet control of economy and politics, torn down at end of Cold War35
162110565SolidarityPolish labor movement formed in 1970s under Lech Walesa, challenged USSR dominated government of Poland36
162110566Socialist realismattempt in USSR to relate formal culture to the masses in order to avoid adoption of W European cultural forms, under Stalin, fundamental method of Soviet fiction, art, literary criticism37
162110570Nikita KhrushchevStalin's sucessor as head of USSR, attacked Stalinism in 1956 for concentration of power, failure of Siberian development program and anti-Stalinists led to downfall, Sputnik in space38
162110573Mikhail GorbachevUSSR ruler after 1985, attacked Stalinism, urgued reduction and nuclear armament, policies of glasnost and perstroika39
162110574Glasnostpolicy of political liberation in Soviet Union in the late 1980's40
162110575Perestroikaa policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society41

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