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Period 1: 1491-1607 AP US History Flashcards

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7267185474Bering StraitPlace where Siberian tribes crossed into present-day Alaska and the Americas approximately 20,000 years ago0
7267185475Three-sister farmingmaize, squash, and beans1
7267185476CahokiaLarge settlement in the Mississippi Valley; Site of sedentary agriculture cultivators2
7267185477PuebloSpanish for "village"; Indians in the Southwest who built fortified settlements3
7267185478Iroquois ConfederacyFive Indian tribes form an alliance and control trade east of the Great Lakes4
7267185479Algonquian IndiansMajor native group distributed in the Northeast and along the Atlantic seaboard who cultivated three sisters. Notably included the Powhatan Confederacy of the Chesapeake Bay and Wampanoag of New England, both of which clashed with English settlers).5
7267185480Sioux IndiansGreat Plains Indians; Hunter-gatherers; Buffalo hunters6
7267185481Shoshone IndiansSocieties in the Northwest and present-day California who supported themselves by hunting and gathering, and in some areas developed settled communities supported by the vast resources of the ocean.7
7267185482Catholic ChurchThe most powerful organization in history; Controlled mostly all of Europe during the Middle Ages8
7267185483caravelnaval technology developed by the Purtuguese and used by Henry the Navigator along the African Coast, Vasco de Gama to India, and Christopher Columbus to the New World9
7267185484capitalismPrivate property; Market prices; Investment in ventures10
7267185485Renaissance"Rebirth"; Humanism11
7267185486Protestant ReformationMartin Luther's demand that the Catholic Church reform. When the church refused, he started a competing church, the Protestant (Reformed) church.12
7267185487Ferdinand and Isabella"The Catholic Monarchs"; United Spain, reconquered Spain (Reconquista), and commissioned Columbus13
7267185488ReconquistaFerdinand and Isabella's successful campaign to expel Muslim Moors (and Jews) from the Iberian Peninsula and unify Spain Under the Spanish crown and Catholic religion.14
7267185489Doctrine of Discovery (1493)A.K.A. Inter caetera; Papal Bull that declared all non-Christian land "discoverable" by Christian powers.15
7267185490Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)Divides America between Portugal and Spain for exploration16
7267185491Colombian ExchangeThe trade of biological elements, ideas, and goods; Transformed mostly all of the world as a result.17
7267185492Middle PassageThe route in the Triangular Trade where slaves passed from West Africa to the New World18
7267185493conquistadoresHernan Cortez and Francisco Pizarro, for example; agents of both the Reconquista and the conquest of the New World19
7267185494EncomiendaSpanish labor system; included a caste system with Peninsulares at the top20
7267185495casta systemThe Spanish developed a caste system that incorporated, and carefully defined the status of, the diverse population of Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans in their empire.21
7267185496MestizosMixed blood Spanish and Indian; Result of lack of Spanish ladies in the New World22
7267185497San Diego (Est. 1769)First and southernmost Spanish mission in California; Established to "civilize" the Indians and create a buffer between New Spain and competing colonial powers.23
7267185498San Francisco (Est. 1776)Last and northernmost Spanish mission in California; Established to "civilize" the Indians and create a buffer between New Spain and competing colonial powers.24
7267185499Spanish missionEstablished in the New World, especially in California, to "civilize" the Indians and create a buffer between New Spain and competing colonial powers.25
7267185500Bartolome de Las CasasIndian apologist who preached against the cruel treatment of the Indians; His writings and activities led to the "Black Legend"26
7267185501Juan Gines de SepulvedaSaw the Indians as uncivilized and barbaric27
7267185502"Black Legend"The (historically debatable) reputation that the Spanish destroyed the Indians through slavery and disease28
7267185503St. Augustine (Est. 1565)First enduring European settlement in North America; Established by the Spanish in modern-day Florida.29
7267185504Pueblo Revolt (1680)Rebellion of Pueblo Indians against Spanish rule in New Mexico; Led by the Indian Popé.30

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