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Period 2, Ap world Flashcards

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12100595584Mauryan Empire India 324-184 BCEThe first state to unify most of the Indian Subcontinent. ( centralized) It was founded by Chandragupta Maurya and then Asoka. Grew wealthy from taxes on agriculture (1/4), iron mining, and control of trade(silk,cotton) routes. Buddhism, Large imperial army(elephants), Rock and Pillar Edicts P E R S I A0
12100595585Buddhism India, China, Southeast Asia, Japan 563 BCEFollows the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path. ( mental and moral self-purification) Afterlife is Nirvana and believes in reincarnation, anyone can achieve nirvana.( appeals to the poor) No Caste R, S, I, A1
12100595586Arabic numerals Gupta India 320 CEa written number system with the concept of zero and the decimal system. (numeral style 1-9) 0. Adopted by the Islamic Empire before spreading further by the 600's. SA2
12100595587Qin Dynasty China 221-209BCEEastern Chinese states conquered surrounding territories creating the first empire. Centralized, standardization of laws, writing, and weights. Wall of China Paper press, Sundial, compass Legalism P E R S I A3
12100595588Persian Empire Egypt, Mediterranean, Greece 500 BCECyrus was the founder of the empire who was tolerate the territories he conquered. (Lydians, Phoenicians and Hebrews) Darius was the second leader who improves administration and adopted Zoroastrianism. satraps, great royal roads, Lydian coins, Phoenician alphabet PERSIA4
12100595589Great Royal Road Persian Empire1600 miles long, improved transportation and communication. S A5
12100595590Polis GreeceCity-states that shared a common culture, each independent from one another. Social Structure: citizens, free people, non citizens. P S6
12100595591Golden Age of Pericles Athens 480-404BCEPericles established democracy, the Delian league(city-states against foreginers) was established Socrates, Plato, and Aristole along with Greek drama. Partheon P R S I A7
12100595592Delian League Athens 480BCEalliance against aggression from its common enemies. P S8
12100595599Christianity Roman EmpireGrew from Judaism First tolerated by the Romans but they saw a threat from the religion to their power and Emperor Nero began to kill them in spectacles. Only stopped by the Edict of Milan. P R S9
12100595601Classical Period Greece, Rome, India, China 600BCE- 600 CEhttp://www.slideshare.net/Hugh_07/the-classical-period-in-ap-world-history First form or system to be of significance before modern times. P, E, R, S, I, A10
12100595602Zoroastrianism Central Asia 2nd millennium BCEThe belief of two gods of good, Ahura mazda, and then evil Made the concept of Heaven and Hell P R S11
12100595603Confucianism China 400BCEPhilosophy of moral and ethical in character and questioning political and social order. The five fundamental relationships, Filial Piety P S12
12100595604Daoism China 500BCEWay of nature, simple life in harmony, Counter balance to Confucian activism, added to the complexity of China. R, S13
12100595605Hinduism IndiaGoals is to merge with Brahma and want to achieve Moksha (internal peace) , Vedas (text) , follows Dharma (rules), Caste R S14
12100595606Judaism HebrewsTorah (text) , God's chosen people spawned Christianity and Islam. P R S15
12100595608Rock and Pillar Edicts India 321 BCEAshoka, reminded Mauryans to live generous and righteous lives. P R S A16
12100595609Chandragupta the Great Maurya India 375-415BCEThe revival of the Mauryan empire leads to the Gupta Empire P E R S I A17
12100595610Ashoka Maurya India 304-232BCESecond leader who lead the height of the Mauryan Empire, converted to Buddhism. rock and pillar edicts. Trade: silk and Cotton. Powerful military P E R S I A18
12100595611Chandragupta Maurya India 340-298BCEFounded Mauryan empire, unified smaller Aryan kingdoms into a civilization. P19
12100595612Wu Ti China - Han 141-87BCFamous Han ruler and enforced peace in China and surrounding areas P20
12100595614Phoenicians Persia - MediterraneanEstablished powerful naval city states, 22 letter alphabet. P S A21
12100595615Hebrews Persia, IsraelJudaism in the Persian Empire R S A22
12100595616Athens GreeceCity state in Greece, political, commercial, and cultural center of Greek civilization. Allied with Sparta in the Peloponnesian War First democracy in the world. Delian League PERSA23
12100595617Sparta GreeceCity state in Greece. Agricultural and highly militaristic P S A24
12100595618Pericles AthensLead the golden age,established democracy for all adult males, Athens was rebuilt after the Persian Wars, Delian league established. P S A25
12100595619Homer Greece 8th century BCEIliad and odyssey, widely regarded as western civilizations first two masterworks A26
12100595620Macedonians Persia, Greece 359 BCEConquered Greece and Persian empire, caused culture to flourish and spread. Hellenistic culture P E R S I A27
12100595623Mahayana Buddhism China, Japan, Central AsiaDeep respect for the Buddha and Bodhisattva R S28
12100595629Wang Mang China 9-23CEHelp destroy the Han dynasty. Tried to make economic reforms. Fueled peasant uprising, died in battle. Yellow River flood P29
12100595632Gupta empire India 320-550CEAfter Maurya empire, more decentralized, a golden age because it enjoyed relative peace, concept of pi and zero, Arabic numerals, Hinduism was dominant religion. P E R S I A30
12100595633Great Wall of China China - Qin 221BCEFortification of walls provide protection from enemies (Huns) shows a very territorial and centralized empire A31
12100595634Peloponnesian War 431-404BCE Athens and SpartaAthens and Sparta became fearful of each others power, Sparta was victorious and spared Athens due to its help in the Persian war. But the Macedonians conquered. Athens hid behind walls and the plague hit.Persians destroyed it's farmland. P S A32

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