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Period 2 Part 2 Flashcards

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88255278Charlemagnefirst to create an empire in Europe after the fall of the Byzantine Empire0
88255279Scandinavian HomelandsNorway, Denmark, Sweden1
88255280Motives for Norse Expansionpopulation pressure, and resisting Christian missionaries2
88255281Norse Expansionvikings; some mounted raids from Russia to Spain; outstanding seafarers; established a colony in Canada about 1000 CE3
88255282Establishment of Regional AuthoritiesEngland: Small kingdoms merged to defend against Scandinavian raids Germany: after Carolingian empire, took matters into own hands France: counts and local authorities became local lords4
88260750Major Source of Orderfeudalism and Catholic Church5
88260751lords an retainers=regional aristocrats6
88260752benefice/ fiefgranted land that a lord provided a retainer7
88260753serfs and manorscould not be bought or sold8
88260754serf obligationslabor service and rents= share of harvest; could not move lands without permission9
88260755manorslargely self- sufficient communities10
88260756early medieval European inventionsheavy plows, watermills, rotating crops, and rural society (surplus not enough for large cities)11
88260757Roles of Monasterieswestern Europe-dominant feature in social and cultural life large landholdings organized labor force and agricultural production provided social services- inns, schools, orphanages, and hospitals12
88260758center of learning for monasterieslibraries and scriptoria13
88260759Literate people in Europe become___clergy and monks for the Catholic Church14
88260760Problems in churchvillage priest were married & families; bishops sold church positions; king determined bishop15
88260761Great SchismFrench and Romans split; French and Romans have separate popes; Which is real?16
88264061Crusadesfailed to take Palestine from Muslims17
882640621095Pope Urban II called Christian knights to take arms and seize the Holy Land18
88264063Consequences of Crusadesestablished states in Syria and Palestine; encouraged trade with Muslims/ demanded more luxury; Muslim ideas filter to Europe (aristotle, science, astronomy, numbers, paper)19
88264064Holy Roman Empire Investiture ContestChurch officials no longer appointed by local rulers20
88264065Duke Williams of Normandyinvaded England in 1066 (last successful one)21
88264066Popes rule good size area in ItalyRegional States in Italy and Iberia22
88264067Prosperous northern Italian city-statesFlorence, Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Venice23
88264068Christian Muslim States in IberiaMuslim conquerors ruled 8-11th centuries; Christian Kingdoms take over (except Granada) late 13th century24
88277555Europe developed in isolationneeded protection from vikings, in response established feudalism and manorialism25
88277556Primogenitureland and titles past to eldest son26
88277557Crop rotation system3 field system grew crops on 2/3 of property= more food27
88277558new tools and technology that increased land cultivationwatermills, heavy plows, horseshoes, and horse collars28
88277559New food SuppliesBefore: mostly grains After: meat, dairy, fish, vegetables, legumes29
88277560Mediterranean tradeItalian merchants dominated and established colonies30
88277561The Hanseatic Leagueassociation of trading cities; Hansa dominated trade in norther Europe31
88277562Improved business techniquesbankers issued letters of credit to merchants; commercial partnerships for limiting risks of commercial investment32
88277563Three Estatespray, fight, work33
88277564Chivalrycode of ethics for feudal nobles; directed toward Christian faith and piety34
88277565Knights fought for______lord, lady, God35
88277566Independent Citiesurban populations increasingly resisted demands of feudal nobles36
88277567Guildsregulate production of sale goods; admitted women37
88277568Commercial Revolutionencouraged growth of trade, banking, and trading alliances; would make more money if it had avoided Middle East; caravel- allowed sailing against the wind38
88277569School Theologytied to church; Greek texts idea of "reason" challenged the idea of faith39
88277570Influence of Aristotleobtained work from Byzantine and Muslim philosophers40

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