The Post-Classical World, 500-1450
5608038836 | Mecca | Arabian commercial center; dominated by the Quraysh; the home of Muhammad and the future center of Islam | 0 | |
5608038837 | Medina | town northeast of Mecca; asked Muhammad to resolve its intergroup differences; Muhammad's flight to Medina, the hijra, in 622 began the Muslim calendar | 1 | |
5608038838 | Umayyad | clan of the Quraysh that dominated Mecca; later an Islamic dynasty | 2 | |
5608038839 | Muhammad | (570-632); prophet of Allah; originally a merchant of the Quraysh | 3 | |
5608038840 | Qur'an | the word of god as revealed through Muhammad; made into the holy book of Islam | 4 | |
5608038841 | Umma | community of the faithful within Islam | 5 | |
5608038842 | Five Pillars | the obligatory religious duties for all Muslims; confession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) | 6 | |
5608038843 | Caliph | the successor to Muhammad as head of the Islamic community | 7 | |
5608038844 | Ali | cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; one of the orthodox caliphs; focus for the development of shi'ism | 8 | |
5608038845 | Abu Bakr | succeeded Muhammad as the first caliph | 9 | |
5608038846 | Jihad | Islamic holy war | 10 | |
5608038847 | Sunnis | followers of the majority interpretation within Islam; included the Umayyads | 11 | |
5608038848 | Shi'a | followers of Ali's interpretation of Islam | 12 | |
5608038850 | Abbasids | dynasty that succeeded the Umayyads in 750; their capital was at Baghdad | 13 | |
5608038851 | Hadiths | "traditions" of the prophet Muhammad; added to the Qur'an, form the essential writings of Islam | 14 | |
5608038852 | Dhows | Arab sailing vessels; equipped with lateen sails; used by Arab merchants | 15 | |
5608038853 | Seljuk Turks | nomadic invaders from central Asia; staunch Sunnis; ruled from the 11th c. in the name of the Abbasids | 16 | |
5608038856 | Sufis | Islamic mystics; spread Islam to many Afro-Asian regions | 17 | |
5608038860 | Arabic numerals | Indian numerical notation brought by the Arabs to the West | 18 | |
5608038861 | Shrivijaya | trading empire based on the Malacca straits; its Buddhist government resisted Muslim missionaries; when it fell, southeastern Asia was opened to Islam | 19 | |
5608038864 | Ibn Battuta | Arab traveler throughout the Muslim world | 20 | |
5608038894 | Grand Canal | great canal system begun by Yangdi; joined Yellow River region to the Yangtze basin | 21 | |
5608038895 | Junks | Chinese ships equipped with watertight bulkheads, stern-post rudders, compasses, and bamboo fenders; dominant force in Asian seas east of the Malayan peninsula | 22 | |
5608038896 | Footbinding | male imposed practice to mutilate women's feet in order to reduce size; produced pain and restricted movement; helped to confine women to the household; seen as beautiful to the elite. | 23 | |
5608038897 | Fujiwara | mid-9th c Japanese aristocratic family; exercised exceptional influence over imperial affairs; aided in decline of imperial power | 24 | |
5608038898 | Samurai | mounted troops of the bushi; loyal to local lords, not the emperor | 25 | |
5608038899 | Seppuku | ritual suicide in Japan; also known as hari-kiri; demonstrated courage and was a means to restore family honor | 26 | |
5608038900 | Shoguns | military leaders of the bakufu | 27 | |
5608038901 | Daimyos | warlord rulers of small states following Onin war and disruption of Ashikaga shogunate; holding consolidated into unified and bounded mini-states | 28 | |
5608038914 | Silk Road Trade system | ![]() | 29 | |
5608038917 | Important continuity in social structure of states and empires 600-1450 | land holding aristocracies, patriarchies, peasant systems still in place | 30 | |
5608038918 | Champa Rice | tributary gift from Vietnam to China, led to population increase | 31 | |
5608038920 | Effect of Muslim conquests | collapse of other empires, mass conversion | 32 | |
5608038921 | Tang Dynasty | followed Sui, established tributary states in Vietnam and Korea, influence Japan, Established strong Buddhist and Confucian presence | 33 | |
5608038923 | Indian Ocean Maritime Trade | ![]() | 34 |