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Period 3 - AP World History Flashcards

The Post-Classical World, 500-1450

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5215436244Bedouinnomadic pastoralists of the Arabian peninsula with a culture based on herding camels and goats0
5215436245Shaykhsleaders of tribes and clans within Bedouin society; usually possessed large herds, several wives, and many children1
5215436246MeccaArabian commercial center; dominated by the Quraysh; the home of Muhammad and the future center of Islam2
5215436247Medinatown northeast of Mecca; asked Muhammad to resolve its intergroup differences; Muhammad's flight to Medina, the hijra, in 622 began the Muslim calendar3
5215436248Umayyadclan of the Quraysh that dominated Mecca; later an Islamic dynasty4
5215436249Muhammad(570-632); prophet of Allah; originally a merchant of the Quraysh5
5215436250Qur'anthe word of god as revealed through Muhammad; made into the holy book of Islam6
5215436251Ummacommunity of the faithful within Islam7
5215436252Zakattax for charity obligatory for all Muslims8
5215436253Five Pillarsthe obligatory religious duties for all Muslims; confession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)9
5215436254Caliphthe successor to Muhammad as head of the Islamic community10
5215436255Alicousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; one of the orthodox caliphs; focus for the development of shi'ism11
5215436256Abu Bakrsucceeded Muhammad as the first caliph12
5215436257Riddawars following Muhammad's death; the defeat of rival prophets and opponents restored the unity of Islam13
5215436258JihadIslamic holy war14
5215436259Mu'awiyathe first Umayyad caliph; his capital was Damascus15
5215436260Copts, NestoriansChristian sects of Syria and Egypt; gave their support to the Arabic Muslims16
5215436261Sunnisfollowers of the majority interpretation within Islam; included the Umayyads17
5215436262Shi'afollowers of Ali's interpretation of Islam18
5215436263Mawalinon-Arab converts to Islam19
5215436264Jizyahead tax paid by all non-Muslims in Islamic lands20
5215436265Dhimmis"the people of the book"-- Jews, Christians; later extended to Zoroastrians and Hindus21
5215436266Abbasidsdynasty that succeeded the Umayyads in 750; their capital was at Baghdad22
5215436267Hadiths"traditions" of the prophet Muhammad; added to the Qur'an, form the essential writings of Islam23
5215436268Wazirchief administrative official under the Abbasids24
5215436269DhowsArab sailing vessels; equipped with lateen sails; used by Arab merchants25
5215436270Ayanthe wealthy landed elite that emerged under the Abbasids26
5215436271Al-Mahdi3rd Abbasid caliph (775-785); failed to reconcile Shi'a moderates to his dynasty and to resolve the succession problem27
5215436272Harun al-Rashidmost famous of the Abbasid caliphs (786-809); renowned for sumptuous and costly living recounted in The Thousand and One Nights28
5215436273BuyidsPersian invaders of the 10th century; captured Baghdad29
5215436274Seljuk Turksnomadic invaders from central Asia; staunch Sunnis; ruled from the 11th c. in the name of the Abbasids30
5215436275Crusadesinvasions of western Christians into Muslim lands, especially Palestine; captured Jerusalem and established Christian kingdoms enduring until 129131
5215436276Salah-ud-DinMuslim ruler of Egypt and Syria; reconquered most of the crusader kingdoms32
5215436277Ibn Khaldungreat Muslim historian; author of The Muqaddimah; sought to uncover persisting patterns in Muslim dynasty history33
5215436278Al-Raziclassified all matter as animal, vegetable, and mineral34
5215436279Al-Biruni11th c. scientist; calculated the specific weight of major minerals35
5215436280UlamaIslamic religious scholars; pressed for a more conservative and restrictive theology; opposed to non-Islamic thinking36
5215436281Al-Ghazalibrilliant Islamic theologian; attempted to fuse Greek and Qur'anic traditions37
5215436282SufisIslamic mystics; spread Islam to many Afro-Asian regions38
5215436283Mongolscentral Asian nomadic peoples; captured Baghdad in 1258 and killed the last Abbasid caliph39
5215436284Chinggis Khan(1162-1227); Mongol ruler; defeated the Turkish Persian kingdoms40
5215436285MamluksRulers of Egypt; descended from Turkish slaves41
5215436286Muhammad ibn QasimArab general who conquered Sind and made it part of the Umayyad Empire42
5215436287Arabic numeralsIndian numerical notation brought by the Arabs to the West43
5215436288Mahmud of Ghazniruler of an Afghan dynasty; invaded northern India during the 11th century44
5215436289Muhammad of GhurPersian ruler of a small Afghan kingdom; invaded and conquered much of northern India45
5215436290SatiHindu ritual for burning widows with their deceased husbands46
5215436291Bhaktic cultsHindu religious groups who stressed the importance of strong emotional bonds between devotees and the gods or goddesses-- especially Shiva, Vishnu, and Kali47
5215436292Kabir15th c. Muslim mystic who played down the differences between Hinduism and Islam48
5215436293Shrivijayatrading empire based on the Malacca straits; its Buddhist government resisted Muslim missionaries; when it fell, southeastern Asia was opened to Islam49
5215436294Malaccaflourishing trading city in Malaya; established a trading empire after the fall of Shrivijaya50
5215436295Demakmost powerful of the trading states on the north Java coast; converted to Islam and served as a dissemination point to other regions51
5215436296Stateless societiessocieties of varying sizes organized through kingship and lacking the concentration of power found in centralized states52
5215436297MaghribArabic term fro northwestern Africa53
5215436298Almoravidsa puritanical Islamic movement among the Berbers of northwest Africa; built an empire reaching from the African savanna into Spain54
5215436299Almohadisa later puritanical Islamic reform movement among the Berbers of northwest Africa; also built an empire reaching from the African savanna into Spain55
5215436300Ethiopiaa Christian kingdom in the highlands of eastern Africa56
5215436301Sahelthe extensive grassland belt at the southern edge of the Sahara; an exchange region between the forests in the south and north of Africa57
5215436302Sudanic statesstates trading with north Africa and mixing Islamic and indigenous ways58
5215436303Malistate of the Malinke people centered between the Senegal and Niger rivers59
5215436304JuulaMalinke merchants who traded throughout the Mali Empire and west Africa60
5215436305Mansatitle of the ruler of Mali61
5215436306Ibn BattutaArab traveler throughout the Muslim world62
5215436307Kankan Musa(c. 1312-1337) made a pilgrimage to Mecca during the 14th c. that became legendary because of the wealth distributed along the way63
5215436308Sundiatacreated a unified state that became the Mali empire; died in 126064
5215436309Songhaysuccessor state to Mali; dominated middle reaches of the Niger valley; capital at Gao65
5215436310Hausa statesstates, such as Kano, among the Hausa of northern Nigeria; combined Islamic and indigenous beliefs66
5215436311East African trading portsurbanized commercial centers mixing African and Arab cultures; included Mogadishu, Mombasa, Malindi, Kilwas, Pate, and Zanzibar67
5215436312Demographic transitionthe change from slow to rapid population growth; often associated with industrialization; occurred first in Europe and is more characteristic of the "developed world"68
5215436313Nokcentral Nigerian culture with a highly developed art style flourishing between 500 BCE and 200 CE69
5215436314Yorubahighly urbanized Nigerian agriculturists organized into small city-states, as Oyo, under the authority of regional divine kings presiding over elaborate courts70
5215436315Lubapeoples, in Katanga, created a form of divine kingship where the ruler had powers ensuring fertility of people and crops71
5215436316Great Zimbabwewith massive stone buildings and walls, incorporates the greatest early buildings in sub-Saharan Africa72
5215436317Justinian6th c Byzantine emperor; failed to reconquer the western portions of the empire; rebuilt Constantinople; codified Roman law73
5215436318Body of Civil LawJustinian's codification of Roman Law; reconciled Roman edicts and decisions; made Roman law coherent basis for political and economic life74
5215436319Greek FireByzantine weapon consisting of mixture of chemicals that ignited when exposed to water; used to drive back the Arab fleets attacking Constantinople75
5215436320Iconsimages of religious figures venerated by Byzantine Christians76
5215436321Iconoclasmthe breaking of images; religious controversy of the 8th c; Byzantine emperor attempted, but failed, to suppress icon veneration77
5215436322ManzikertSeljuk Turk victory in 1071 over Byzantium; resulted in loss of the empire's rich Anatolian territory78
5215436323Cyril and MethodiusByzantine missionaries sent to convert eastern Europe and Balkans; responsible for creation of Slavic written script called Cyrillic79
5215436324Kievcommercial city in Ukraine established by Scandinavians in 9th c; became the center for a kingdom that flourished until 12th c80
5215436325Ruriklegendary Scandinavian, regarded as founder of Kievan Rus' in 85581
5215436326Vladmir Iruler of Kiev (980-1015); converted kingdom to Orthodox Christianity82
5215436327Russian OrthodoxyRussian form of Christianity brought from Byzantine Empire83
5215436328Yaroslav(975-1054); last great Kievan monarch; responsible for codification of laws, based on Byzantine codes84
5215436329BoyarsRussian land-holding aristocrats; possessed less political power than their western European counterparts85
5215436330TatarsMongols who conquered Russian cities during the 13th c; left Russian church and aristocracy intact86
5215436331Middle Agesthe period in western European history between the fall of Roman Empire and the 15th c87
5215436332Gothican architectural style developed during the 13th and 14th c in western Europe; featured pointed arches and flying buttresses as external support on main walls88
5215436333Vikingsseagoing Scandinavian raiders who disrupted coastal areas of Europe from the 8th to 11th c; pushed across the Atlantic to Iceland, Greenland, and North America; formed permanent territories in Normandy and Sicily89
5215436334Manorialismrural system of reciprocal relations between landlords and their peasant laborers during the Middle Ages; peasants exchanged labor for use of land and protection90
5215436335Serfspeasant agricultural laborers within the manorial system91
5215436336Moldboardadjunct to the plow introduced in northern Europe during the Middle Ages; permitted deeper cultivation of heavier soils92
5215436337Three-field systempractice of dividing land into thirds, rotating between two different crops and pasturage-- an improvement making use of manure93
5215436338ClovisKing of the Franks; converted to Christianity circa 49694
5215436339Carolingiansroyal house of Franks from 8th c to 10th c95
5215436340Charles Martelfirst Carolingian king of the Franks; defeated Muslims at Tours in 73296
5215436341CharlemagneCarolingian monarch who established large empire in France and Germany circa 80097
5215436342Holy Roman Emperorspolitical heirs to Charlemagne's empire in northern Italy and Germany; claimed title of emperor but failed to develop centralized monarchy98
5215436343Feudalismpersonal relationship during the Middle Ages by which greater lords provided land to lesser lords in return for military service99
5215436344Vassalsmembers of the military elite who received land or a benefice from a lord in return for military service and loyalty100
5215436345CapetiansFrench dynasty ruling from the 10th c; developed a strong central monarchy101
5215436346William the Conquerorinvaded England from Normandy in 1066; established tight feudal system and centralized monarchy in England102
5215436347Magna CartaGreat charter issued by King John of England in 1215; represented principle of mutual limits and obligations between rulers and feudal aristocracy, and the supremacy of law103
5215436348Parliamentsbodies representing privileged groups; institutionalized the principle that kings ruled with the advice and consent of their subjects104
5215436349Hundred Years Warconflict between England and France over territory (1337-1453) Established a since of Nationalism with each country. Joan of Arc united the French and promoted French patriotism.105
5215436350Pope Urban IIorganized the first Crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim control106
5215436351Investiturethe practice of appointment of bishops; Pope Gregory attempted to stop lay investiture, leading to a conflict with the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV107
5215436352St. Clare of Assisi13th c founder of a woman's monastic order; represented a new spirit of purity and dedication to the Catholic Church108
5215436353Gregory VII11th c pope who attempted to free church from secular control; quarreled with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV over practice of lay investiture of bishops109
5215436354Thomas Aquinascreator of one of the great syntheses of medieval learning; taught at University of Paris; author of Summas; believed that through reason it was possible to know much about natural order, moral law, and nature of God110
5215436355Scholasticismdominant medieval philosophical approach; so-called because of its base in the schools or universities; based on use of logic to resolve theological problems111
5215436356Troubadourspoets in 14th c southern France; gave a new value to the emotion of love in Western tradition112
5215436357Hanseatic Leaguean organization of north German and Scandinavian cities for the purpose of establishing a commercial alliance113
5215436358Jacques Coeur15th c French merchant; his career as banker to the French monarchy demonstrates new course of medieval commerce114
5215436359Guildsassociations of workers in the same occupation in a single city; stressed security and mutual control; limited membership, regulated apprenticeships, guaranteed good workmanship; held a privileged place in cities115
5215436360Black Deathbubonic plague that struck Europe in the 14th c; significantly reduced Europe's population; affected social structure; decimated populations in Asia116
5215436361Indianmisnomer created by Columbus when referring to indigenous New World peoples; still used to describe Native Americans117
5215436362Toltecsnomadic peoples from beyond northern frontier of sedentary agriculture in Mesoamerica; established capital at Tula following migration into central Mesoamerican plateau; strongly militaristic ethic, including cult of human sacrifice118
5215436363Aztecsthe Mexica; one of the nomadic tribes that penetrated into the sedentary zone of the Mesoamerican plateau after the fall of the Toltecs; established empire after 1325 around shores of Lake Texcoco119
5215436364Tenochtitlanfounded circa 1325 on a marshy island in Lake Texcoc; became center of Aztec power120
5215436365Calpulliclans in Aztec society; evolved into residential groupings that distributed land and provided labor and warriors121
5215436366Chinampasbeds of aquatic weeks,mud, and earth placed in frames made of cane and rooted in lakes to create "floating islands"; system of irrigated agriculture used by Aztecs122
5215436367Pochtecamerchant class in Aztec society; specialized in long-distance trade in luxury items123
5215436368Inca socialisman interpretation describing Inca society as a type of utopia; image of the Inca empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole124
5215436369Incagroup of clans (ayllu) centered at Cuzco; created an empire in the Andes during the 15th c; also title of the ruler125
5215436370PachacutiInca ruler (1438-1471); began the military campaign that marked the creation of an Inca empire126
5215436371Huayna CapacInca ruler (1493-1527); brought the empire to its greatest extent127
5215436372Split inheritanceInca practice of ruler descent; all titles and political power went to successor, but wealth and land remained in hands of male descendants for support of dead Inca's mummy128
5215436373Curacaslocal rulers who the Inca left in office in return for loyalty129
5215436374Tambosway stations used by Incas as inns and storehouses; supply centers for Inca armies; relay points for system of runners used to carry messages130
5215436375Quipusystem of knotted strings utilized by the Incas in place of a writing system; could contain numerical and other types of information for censuses and financial records131
5215436376Period of the Six Dynastiesera of continuous warfare (220-589) among the many kingdoms that followed the fall of the Han132
5215436377Wendimember of prominent northern Chinese family during the era of Six Dynasties; established Sui dynasty in 589, with support from northern nomadic peoples133
5215436378Li YuanDuke of Tang; minister for Yangdi; took over the empire after the assassination of Yangdi; 1st Tang ruler134
5215436379Ministry of Public Ritesadministered the examinations for state office during the Tang dynasty135
5215436380Jinshititle given students who passed the most difficult examinations; became eligible for high office136
5215436381Chan Buddhismcall Zen in Japan; stressed meditation and appreciation of natural and artistic beauty; popular among the elite137
5215436382Mahayana (Pure Land) Buddhismemphasized salvationist aspects of Chinese Buddhism; popular among the masses in East Asia138
5215436383WuzongTang emperor (841-847); persecuted Buddhist monasteries and reduced influence of Buddhism in favor of Confucianism139
5215436384Khitan nomadsfounded Liao dynasty of Manchuria in 907; remained a threat to Song; very much influenced by Chinese culture140
5215436385Zhao Kuangyingeneral who founded Song dynasty; took royal name of Taizu141
5215436386Zhu Ximost prominent Neo-Confucian scholar during the Song dynasty; stressed importance of applying philosophical principles to everyday life142
5215436387Wang AnshiConfucian scholar and chief minister of a Song ruler in 1070s; introduced sweeping reforms based on Legalism; advocated greater state intervention in society143
5215436388Southern Songsmaller surviving dynasty (1127-1279); presided over one of the greatest cultural reigns in world history. Fell to the Mongols in 1276 and eventually taken over in 1279.144
5215436389Jurchensfounders of Jin kingdom that succeeded the Liao in northern China; annexed most of Yellow River basin and forces Song to flee south145
5215436390Grand Canalgreat canal system begun by Yangdi; joined Yellow River region to the Yangtze basin146
5215436391JunksChinese ships equipped with watertight bulkheads, stern-post rudders, compasses, and bamboo fenders; dominant force in Asian seas east of the Malayan peninsula147
5215436392Flying moneyChinese credit instrument that provided vouchers to merchants to be redeemed at the end of a venture; reduced danger of robbery; an early form of currency148
5215436393Footbindingmale imposed practice to mutilate women's feet in order to reduce size; produced pain and restricted movement; helped to confine women to the household; seen a beautiful to the elite.149
5215436394Bi Sheng11th c artisan; devised technique of printing with movable type; made it possible for China to be the most contemporary literate civilziation150
5215436395Taika reformsattempt to remake Japanese monarch into an absolutist Chinese-style emperor; included attempts to create professional bureaucracy and peasant conscript army151
5215436396Fujiwaramid-9th c Japanese aristocratic family; exercised exceptional influence over imperial affairs; aided in decline of imperial power152
5215436397Bushiregional warrior leaders in Japan; ruled small kingdoms from fortresses; administered the law, supervised public works projects, and collected revenues; built up private armies153
5215436398Samuraimounted troops of the bushi; loyal to local lords, not the emperor154
5215436399Seppukuritual suicide in Japan; also known as hari-kiri; demonstrated courage and was a means to restore family honor155
5215436400Gempei warsWaged for 5 years from 1180-1185, on the island of Honshu between Taira and Minamoto families; resulted in the destruction of Taira and also resulted in the feudal age156
5215436401Bakufumilitary government established by the Minamoto following Gempei wars; centered at Kamakura; retained emperor, but real power resided in military government and samurai157
5215436402Shogunsmilitary leaders of the bakufu158
5215436403Hojoa warrior family closely allied with the Minamoto; dominated Kamakura regime and manipulated Minamoto rulers; ruled in name of emperor159
5215436404Ashikaga Takuajimember of Minamoto family; overthrew KamaKura regime and established Ashikaga shogunate (1336-1573); drove emperor from Kyoto to Yoshino160
5215436405Daimyoswarlord rulers of small states following Onin war and disruption of Ashikaga shogunate; holding consolidated into unified and bounded mini-states161
5215436406Chosonearliest Korean kingdom; conquered by Han in 109 BCE162
5215436407Koguryotribal people of northern Korea; established an independent kingdom in the northern half of the peninsula; adopted cultural Sinification163
5215436408Sinificationextensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions164
5215436409Yidynasty (1392-1910); succeeded Koryo dynasty after Mongol invasions; restored aristocratic dominance and Chinese influence165
5215436410Trung Sistersleaders of a rebellion in Vietnam against Chinese rule in 39 CE; demonstrates importance of women in Vietnamese society166
5215436411Khmers and ChamsIndianized Vietnamese peoples defeated by northern government at Hanoi167
5215436412Nguyensouthern Vietnamese dynasty with capital at Hue that challenged northern Trinh dynasty with center at Hanoi168
5215436413Chinggis Khanborn in 1170s; elected supreme Mongol ruler (khagan) in 1206; began the Mongols rise to world power; died 1227169
5215436414Tumensbasic fighting units of Mongol forces; made up of 10,000 cavalrymen divided into smaller units170
5215436415Tangutrulers of Xi-Xia kingdom of northwest China; during the southern Song period; conquered by Mongols in 1226171
5215436416Shamanistic religionMongol beliefs focused on nature spirits172
5215436417Batugrandson of Chinggis Khan and ruler of Golden Horde; invaded Russian in 1236173
5215436418Golden Hordeone of four regional subdivisions of the Mongol Empire after death of Chinggis Khan; conquered and ruled Russua during the 13th and 14th c174
5215436419Prester Johna mythical Christian monarch whose kingdom supposedly had been cut off from Europe by the Muslim conquests; some thought he was Chinggis Khan175
5215436420Ilkhan khanateone of four regional subdivisions of the Mongol empire after the death of Chinggis Khan; eventually included much of Abbasid empire176
5215436421Hulegugrandson of Chinggis Khan and rule of Ilkhan khanate; captured and destroyed Abbasid Baghdad177
5215436422MamluksMuslim slave warriors; established dynasty in Egypt; led by Baibars defeated Mongols in 1260178
5215436423Kubilai Khangrandson of Chinggis Khan; conquered China; established Yuan dynasty in 1271179
5215436424Chabiinfluential wife of Kubilai Khan; demonstrated refusal of Mongol women to adopt restrictive social conventions of Confucian China180
5215436425NestoriansAsian Christian sect; cut off from Europe by Muslim invasions181
5215436426White Lotus Societysecret religious society dedicated to overthrow of Yuan dynasty182
5215436427Ju YuanzhangChinese peasant who led successful revolt against Yuan; founded Ming dynasty183
5215436428Timur-i-Langlast major nomad leader; 14th c, known to the West as Tamerlane; Turkic ruler of Samarkand; launched attacks in Persia, Fertile Crescent, India, southern Russia; empire disintegrated after his death in 1405184
5215436429Ottoman EmpireTurkish empire established in Asia Minor and eventually extending through the Middle East and the Balkans; conquered Constantinople in 1453 and ended Byzantine Empire185
5215436430Ming Dynastyreplaced Mongal Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted large trade expeditions to southern Asia and Africa; later concentrated on internal development within China186
5215436431Zheng HeMuslim Chinese seaman; commanded expeditions throughout the Indian Ocean187
5215436432Renaissancecultural and political elite movement beginning in Italy circa 1400; rested on urban vitality and expanding commerce; produced literature and art with distinctly more secular priorities than those of the European Middle Ages188
5215436433Portugal, Castile, and Aragonregional Iberian kingdoms; participated in reconquest of peninsula from Muslims; developed a vigorous military and religious agenda189
5215436434Vivaldi brothersGenoese explorers who attempted to find a western route to the "Indies"; precursors of European thrust into southern Atlantic190
5215436435Henry the NavigatorPortuguese prince; sponsored Atlantic voyages; reflected the forces present in last postclassical Europe191
5215436436Ethnocentrismjudging foreigners by the standards of one's own group; leads to problems in interpreting world history192

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