6301370977 | Atlantic System | The network of trading links after 1500 that moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures around the Atlantic Ocean Basin | 0 | |
6301370978 | Middle Passage | A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies. | 1 | |
6301370979 | Aztec Empire | mexican indian people who est. a great empire, centered on the valley of mexico and was overthrown by cortes along with disease in the 16th centuary | 2 | |
6301370980 | colonies | when a native country forms new land into settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation. | 3 | |
6301370981 | colombian exchange | the exchange of goods between Europe and the Americas after Columbus' discovery | 4 | |
6301370982 | hernan cortes | 1485-1547, Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico | 5 | |
6301370983 | Francisco Pizzaro | A Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas | 6 | |
6301370984 | Conquistadors | Early-sixteenth-century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, and Peru. (Examples Cortez, Pizarro, Francisco.) | 7 | |
6301370985 | Silver mining and sugar production in the americas | Europe needed a heavy supply of silver because it was the only thing that the Chinese were willing to trade, sugar want increased as they added it to tea and coffee | 8 | |
6301370986 | counter reformation | the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected) | 9 | |
6301370987 | Inca Empire | Largest Empire ever built in South America; and conquered by the european, Francisco Pizzaro | 10 | |
6301370988 | Holy Roman Empire | A Germanic empire began with the coronation of Charlemagne as Roman emperor in a.d. 800 and ended with the renunciation of the Roman imperial title by Francis II in 1806. | 11 | |
6301370989 | Mestizos | A person of mixed Native American and European ancestory | 12 | |
6301370990 | Creoles | a person that is european but born in the americas. | 13 | |
6301370991 | Peninusulars | a person that was born in Europe but lives in the americas. | 14 | |
6301370992 | Encomienda System | A system whereby the Spanish crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians | 15 | |
6301370993 | Mughal Empire | Muslim state (1526-1857) exercising dominion over most of India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. | 16 | |
6301370994 | New World | A term for the Americas during the Age of Exploration | 17 | |
6301370995 | Protestant Reformation | 16th century series of religious actions which led to establishment of the Protestant churches. Led by Martin Luther | 18 | |
6301370996 | Martin Luther | " started " the reformation because of his anger towards indulgences and unjust clergy. he also translated the bible into German | 19 | |
6301370997 | Lutheran Church | believed to get into heaven all you need is faith | 20 | |
6301370998 | John Calvin | wrote 'Institutes of the Christian Religion' in 1536; believed that ppl are sinful by nature and that people cannot earn salvation - God chooses a few "elect" who he will save | 21 | |
6301370999 | Henry VIII | founded the church of England because he wanted to divorce his wife but the pope said no. The fact that the pope was above the king angered him and forced conversion of his country | 22 | |
6301371000 | Catholic Counter Reformation | Charles V's response to the Protestant Reformation as Emperor to the Holy Roman Empire | 23 | |
6301371001 | Saint Ignatius Loyola | Leader of Jesuits - pushed for universities, education, human rights, part of the counter reformation | 24 | |
6301371002 | European religious wars | European regions fought each other on whether to be Protestant or Catholic, princes/leaders would change minds & people would have to follow, soon the wars became political | 25 | |
6301371003 | Thirty Years War | (1618-1648) A series of European wars that were partially a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict. It was primarily a battle between Frence and their rivals the Hapsburgs, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire | 26 | |
6301371004 | Treaty Of Westphalia | 1648 ended the Thirty Years war. Granted religious freedom to various German towns throughout the Holy Roman Empire | 27 | |
6301371005 | Absolute monarchy | A system of government in which the head of state is a hereditary position and the king or queen has almost complete power | 28 | |
6301371007 | Louis XIV | (1638-1715) Known as the Sun King, he was an absolute monarch that completely controlled France. One of his greatest accomplishments was the building of the palace at Versailles. | 29 | |
6301371009 | Seven Years War | (1756-1763 CE) Known also as the French and Indian war. It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English, proved the English to be the more dominant force. | 30 | |
6301371015 | Manchus | Federation of Northeast Asian (from Manchuria) peoples who founded the Qing Empire. | 31 | |
6301371016 | Mercantilism | An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought | 32 | |
6301371019 | Qing Dynasty | (1644-1911 CE), the last imperial dynasty of China which was overthrown by revolutionaries; was ruled by the Manchu people: began to isolate themselves from Western culture, | 33 | |
6301371020 | feudal warlords in japan | daiymo | 34 | |
6301371021 | tokugawa shogunate | (1603-1867) Feudal Warlord rulers of Japan. Responisble for closing Japan off from the rest of the world during the edo period | 35 | |
6301371022 | Reunification of Japan | made possible by 3 strong shogunate which est. the tokugawa, japans government | 36 | |
6301371023 | Cartography | map making | 37 | |
6301371024 | The Scientific Revolution | A new way of thinking about the natural world. It was based on careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs | 38 | |
6301371025 | Nikolai Copernicus | made the Heliocentric Theory | 39 | |
6301371026 | Heliocentric Theory | the idea that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun( went against the church ) | 40 | |
6301371027 | Galileo | He was the first person to use a telescope to observe objects in space further proved the heliocentric theory | 41 | |
6301371028 | Issac Newton | British scientist who defined the laws of motion, discovered gravity, | 42 | |
6301371035 | Prince Henry the Navigator | (1394-1460) Prince of Portugal who established an observatory and school of navigation that spurred the growth of Portugal's colonial empire. | 43 | |
6301371036 | Christopher Columbus | Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506) | 44 | |
6301371037 | Dutch West India Company | (1621-1794) Trading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct its merchants' trade in the Americas and Africa. | 45 | |
6301371039 | French and Indian War | (1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French and their allies, The English won and dominated colonials | 46 | |
6301371040 | Forbidden City | A walled section of Beijing that encloses the palace that was formerly the residence of the emperor of China by the Ming | 47 | |
6301371045 | Palace of Verailles | King Louis XIV estate where he moved his court, which quickly became the center of political, social, and cultural life | 48 | |
6301371046 | Scientific method | A series of steps followed to solve problems including experimenting and data collecting | 49 | |
6301371047 | Delhi Sultante | 1200-1526 was the Muslim rule; they were Islams so they made people pay a jizya if they did not convert | 50 | |
6301371048 | Babur the Tiger | (1483-1530) He lead the Mughal empire, and invaded and conquered India. and a descendent of Timur | 51 | |
6301371049 | Akbar the Great | (1542-1605) Emperor of the Mughal Empire in India. He is considered to be their greatest ruler. He is responsible for the expansion of his empire, the stability his administration gave to it, and the increasing of trade and cultural diffusion. | 52 | |
6301371050 | Taj Mahal | A beautiful tomb built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan to honor his wife. | 53 | |
6301371051 | Topkapi Palace | Political headquarters of the Ottoman Empire, it was located in Istanbul. | 54 | |
6301371052 | Suleiman the Magnificent | The most illustrious sultan of the Ottoman Empire (r. 1520-1566); 'The Lawgiver.' He significantly expanded the empire | 55 | |
6301371053 | Instanbul | modern day Constaninople, changed to this after the Ottomans gained control in 1453 | 56 | |
6301371054 | Safavid Empire | Shi'ite Muslim dynasty that ruled Persia between 16th and 18th centuries | 57 | |
6301371055 | Janiassaries | members of the Turkish military that used weapons and were paid money in comparison to calvary that were paid in land | 58 | |
6301371056 | Millet system | Divided regions in the Ottoman Empire by religion | 59 | |
6301371060 | edict of nantes | 1598 grant of tolerance in France to French Protestants | 60 | |
6301371061 | romanovs | Ruling family of Russia | 61 |
Period 4 AP World History Flashcards
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