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Period 6 - AP World History Flashcards

The Newest Stage of World History: 1914-Present

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4671288626Western Frontwar line between Belgium and Switzerland during World War I; featured trench warfare and massive casualties among combatants0
4671288627Eastern Frontwar zone from the Baltic to the Balkans where Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, and Balkan nations fought1
4671288628Archduke Franz FerdinandAustro-Hungarian heir to the throne assassinated at Sarajevo in 1914; precipitated World War I2
4671288629Nicholas IIRussian tsar (r. 1894-1917); executed in 19183
4671288630GallipoliWorld War I battle, 1915; unsuccessful attempt in defense of the Dardenelles4
4671288631Italian Frontwar line between Italy and Austria-Hungary; also produced trench warfare5
4671288632Armenian genocidelaunched by Young Turk leaders in 1915; claimed up to one million lives6
4671288633Submarine warfarea major part of the German naval effort against the Allies during World War I; when employed against the US it precipitated American participation in the war7
4671288634ArmisticeNovember 11, 1918 agreement by Germans to suspend hostilities8
4671288635Georges ClemenceauFrench premier desiring harsher peace terms for Germans9
4671288636David Lloyd GeorgeBritish prime minister; attempted to mediate at peace conference between Clemenceau and Wilson10
4671288637Woodrow WilsonAmerican president who called for self-determination and the League of Nations11
4671288638Treaty of Versaillesended World War I; punished Germany with loss of territory and payment of reparations; did not satisfy any of the signatories12
4671288639League of Nationsinternational organization of nations created after World War I; designed to preserve world peace; the US never joined13
4671288640Indian National Congresspolitical party that grew from regional associations of Western-educated Indians in 1885; dominated by elites; was the principal party throughout the colonial period and after independence14
4671288641Morley-Minto Reforms1909; provided Indians with expanded opportunities to elect and serve on local and national legislative councils15
4671288642Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms1919; increased national powers of Indian legislators and place provincial administrations under ministries controlled by Indian-elected legislatures16
4671288643Rowlatt Act1919; placed severe restrictions on Indian civil rights; undercut impact of the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms17
4671288644M. K. GandhiWestern-educated Indian lawyer and nationalist politician with many attributes of an Indian holy man; stressed nonviolent tactics and headed the movement for Indian independence18
4671288645Satyagraha"truth force"; Gandhi's policy of nonviolent opposition to British rule19
4671288646Mustafa Kemal, Ataturkpresident of Turkey (1923-1938); responsible for westernization of Turkey20
4671288647Effendiprosperous business and professional urban Egyptian families; generally favored independence21
4671288648Dinshawi incident1906 fracas between British soldiers and Egyptian villagers that resulted in an accidental death; Egyptian protest led to harsh repression that stimulated nationalist sentiment22
4671288649Mandatesgovernments entrusted to victorious European World War I nations over the colonies of the defeated powers23
4671288650Balfour Declaration1917; British promise of support for the establishment of Jewish settlement in Palestine24
4671288651ZionismEuropean Jewish movement of the 1860s and 1870s that argued that Jews return to their Holy Land; eventually identified with settlement in Palestine25
4671288652Theodor HertzlAustrian Zionist; formed World Zionist Organization in 1897; was unsympathetic to Arabs and promoted Jewish immigration into Palestine to form a Jewish state26
4671288653Alfred DreyfusFrench Jew, falsely accused of treason in 1894; acquitted 1906; his false conviction fueled Zionism27
4671288654Wafd PartyEgyptian nationalist party founded after World War I; led by Sa'd Zaghlul; participated in the negotiations that led to limited Egyptian independence in 192228
4671288655W.E.R. Du Bois and Marcus GarveyAfrican American leaders with major impact on rising African nationalism29
4671288656Negritudeliterary movement among African Americans and Africans; sought to combat unfavorable stereotypes of African culture and to celebrate African achievements; influenced early African nationalist movements30
4671288657Kellogg-Briand Pact1928; a multnation treaty, sponsored by American and French leaders, that outlawed war31
4671288658Cubist movementheaded by Pablo Picasso; rendered familiar objects as geometrical shapes32
4671288659Fascismpolitical ideology that became predominant in Italy under Benito Mussolini during the 1920s; attacked the weakness of democracy and the corruption and class conflict of capitalism; promised vigorous foreign and military programs33
4671288660Syndicalismorganization of industrial workers to control the means of production and distribution34
4671288661Mexican Revolution1910-1920; civil war; challenged Porio Diaz in 1910 and initiated a revolution after losing fraudulent elections35
4671288662Pancho VillaMexican revolutionary leader in northern Mexico after 191036
4671288663Emilliano ZapataMexican revolutionary commander of a guerrilla movement centered at Morelos; demanded sweeping land reform37
4671288664Mexican Constitution of 1917promised land and educational reform, limited foreign ownership, guaranteed rights for workers, and restricted clerical education and proprerty ownership; never fully implemented38
4671288665Lazaro CardenasMexican president (1934-1940); responsible for large land redistribution to create communal farms; also began program of primary and rural education39
4671288666Corridospopular ballads written to celebrate heroes of the Mexican Revolution40
4671288667Cristerosconservative peasant movement in Mexico during the 1920s; a reaction against secularism41
4671288668Party of Institutionalized Revolution (PRI)inclusive Mexican political party developing from the 1920s; rued for the rest of the 20th century42
4671288669Sovietcouncil of workers; seized the government of St. Petersburg in 1917 to precipitate the Russian Revolution43
4671288670Aleksander Kerenskyliberal revolutionary leader during the early stages of the Russian Revolution of 1917; attempted development of parliamentary rule, but supported continuance of the war against Germany44
4671288671Russian Communist PartyBolshevik wing of the Russian socialists; came to power under Lenin in the November 1917 revolution45
4671288672Council of People's Commissarsgovernment council composed of representatives from Russian soviets and headed by Lenin; came to power after November 191746
4671288673Red Armybuilt up under the leadership of Leon Trotsky; its victories secured communist power after the early years of turmoil following the Russian Revolution47
4671288674New Economic Policy (NEP)initiated in 1921 by Lenin; combined the state establishing basic economic policies with individual initiative; allowed food production to recover48
4671288675Supreme Sovietcommunist-controlled parliament of the USSR49
4671288676CominternCommunist International; an organization under dominance of the USSR; designed to encourage the spread of communism to the rest of the world50
4671288677Joseph StalinLenin's successor as leader of the USSR; strong nationalist view of communism; crushed opposition to his predominance; ruled USSR until his death in 195351
4671288678Collectivizationcreation of large state-run farms replacing individual holdings; allowed mechanization of agriculture and more efficient control over peasants52
4671288679Yuan Shikaiwarlord in northern China after fall of the Qing dynasty; president of China in 1912; hoped to become emperor, but blocked in 1916 by Japanese intervention in China53
4671288680Sun Yatsenhead of Revolutionary Alliance that led the 1911 revolt against the Qing; president of China in 1911, but yielded to Yuan Shikai in 1912; created the Guomindang in 191954
4671288681May Fourth Movementacceptance at Versailles of Japanese gains in China during World War I led to demonstrations and the beginning of a movement to create a liberal democracy55
4671288682Guomindang (National Party)founded by Sun Yatsen in 1919; main support from urban businesspeople and merchants; dominated by Chiang Kai-shek after 192556
4671288683Chiang Kai-shekleader of the Guomindang from 1925; contested with the communists for control of China until defeated in 194957
4671288684Mao Zedongcommunist leader who advocated the role of the peasantry in revolution; led the Communists to victory and ruled China from 1949 to 197658
4671288685Long MarchCommunist retreat under Guomindang pressure in 1934; shifted center of communist power to Shanxi province59
4671288686Totalitarian Statea 20th century form of government that exercised direct control over all aspects of its subjects; existed in Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, and other Communist states60
4671288687Spanish Civil Warcivil war between republican and autocratic supporters; with support from Germany and Italy,the autocratic regime of Francisco Franco triumphed61
4671288688Import substitution economiesLatin American and other nations' effort to produce what had formerly been imported62
4671288689Corporatismconservative political movement emphasizing the organic nature of society, with the state as mediator between different groups63
4671288690Tojo HidekiJapanese general who dominated internal politics from the mid-1930s; gave the military dominance over civilian cabinets64
4671288691Spanish Civil Warcivil war between republican and autocratic supporters; with support from Germany and Italy, the autocratic regime of Francisco Franco triumphed65
4671288692National Socialist (Nazi) Partyfounded by Adolf Hitler in the period of the Great Depression in Germany66
4671288693BlitzkriegGerman term meaning lightening warfare; involved rapid movement of troops and tanks67
4671288694Vichycollaborationist French government established in Vichy in 1940 following defeat by Germany68
4671288695Winston ChurchillBritish prime minister during World War II; exemplified British determination to resist Germany69
4671288696HolocaustGermany's attempted extermination of European Jews and others; 12 million, including 6 million Jews, died70
4671288697United Nationsglobal organization, founded by the Allies following World War II71
4671288698Tehran Conference1944; meeting between the leaders of Britain, the US, and the Soviet Union; decided to open a new front against Germany in France; gave the Russians a free hand in eastern Europe72
4671288699Yalta Conference1945; agreed upon Soviet entry into the war against Japan, organization of the United Nations; left eastern Europe to the Soviet Union73
4671288700Potsdam Conference1945; meeting between the leaders of the US, Britain, and the Soviet Union; allies accepted Soviet control of eastern Europe; Germany and Austria were divided among the victors74
4671288701Atlantic Charter1941; pact between the US and Britain; gave Britain a strong ally; in return the document contained a clause recognizing the right of all people to select their own government75
4671288702Quit India movementmass civil disobedience campaign against British rule of India in 194276
4671288703Muslim LeagueIndian organization that emerged at the end of World War II; backed Britain in the war77
4671288704Muhammad Ali JinnahMuslim Indian nationalist; leader of the Muslim League; worked for a separate Muslim state; first president of Pakistan78
4671288705Land Freedom ArmyAfrican revolutionary movement for reform of Kenyan colonial system; began a conflict in 1952; called the Mau Mau by the British79
4671288706National Liberation Front (FLN)Algerian nationalist movement that launched a guerrilla war during the 1950s; gained independence for Algeria in 196280
4671288707Afrikaner National Partybecame the majority in the all-white South African legislature in 1948; worked to form the rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid81
4671288708Cold Warstruggle from 1945 to 1989 between the communist and democratic worlds; ended with the collapse of Russia82
4671288709Eastern blocthe eastern European countries of Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Eastern Germany dominated by the Soviet Union during the cold war83
4671288710Iron Curtainterm coined by Winston Churchill to describe the division between the Western and communist nations84
4671288711Marshall Plan1947 United States program to rebuild Europe and defeat domestic communist movements85
4671288712North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)formed in 1949 under US leadership to group Canada and western Europe against the Soviets86
4671288713Warsaw Pactthe Soviet response to NATO; made up of Soviets and their European satellites87
4671288714Welfare stateGreat Depression-inspired system that increased government spending to provide social insurance and stimulate the economy88
4671288715Technocrata new type of bureaucrat trained in the sciences or economics and devoted to the power of national planning; rose to importance in governments after World War II89
4671288716Green movementrise during the 1970s in Europe of groups hostile to uncontrolled economic growth90
4671288717Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reaganconservative leaders of the 1970s and 1980s; worked to cut welfare and to promote free enterprise; Cold Warriors91
4671288718European Unionbegan by six nations as the European Economic Community (Commons Market); by the 21st century incorporated most of western European states and was expanding eastward92
4671288719New feminisma wave of agitation for women's rights dating from about 1949; emphasized equality between sexes93
4671288720SolidarityPolish labor movement beginning in the 1970s, taking control of the country from the Soviet Union94
4671288721Socialist realismSoviet effort to replace Western literature and arts with works glorifying state-approved achievements by the masses95
4671288722Third Worldterm for nations not among the capitalist industrial nations of the first world or the industrialized communist nations of the second world96
4671288723North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada that lowered trade barriers97
4671288724Liberation theologycombination of Roman Catholic and socialist principles aiming to improve the lives of the poor98
4671288725Banana republicsconservative, often dictatorial, Latin American governments friendly to the US; exported tropical products99
4671288726Good Neighbor Policyintroduced by US president Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 to deal fairly, without intervention, with Latin American states100
4671288727Alliance for Progress1961 US programs for economic development of Latin America101
4671288728Indira GandhiPrime Minister of India (1966-1977, 1980-1984); daughter of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru; dominated Indian politics for several decades102
4671288729Primary productsfood or industrial crops with a high demand in industrialized economies; their prices tend to fluctuate widely103
4671288730Neocolonialismcontinued dominance of new nations by their former rulers104
4671288731Gamal Abdul Nassermember of the Free Officers Movement who seized power in Egypt in a 1952 military coup; became leader of Egypt; formed a state-directed reforming regime; ousted Britain from the Suez Canal in 1956; most reforms were unsuccessful105
4671288732Anwar Sadatsuccessor of Nasser as Egypt's ruler; dismantled Nasser's costly and failed programs; signed peace treaty with Israel in 1973; assassinated by a Muslim fundamentalist106
4671288733Ayatollah Khomeinireligious leader of Iran following the 1979 revolution; worked for fundamentalist Islamic religious reform and elimination of Western influences107
4671288734ApartheidAfrikaner policy of racial segregation in South Africa designed to create full economic, social, and political exploitation of African majority108
4671288735Homelandsareas in South Africa for residence of "tribal" African peoples; overpopulated and poverty-stricken; source of cheap labor for whites109
4671288736African National Congress (ANC)South African political organization founded to defend African interests; became the ruling political party after the 1994 elections110
4671288737Nelson MandelaANC leader imprisoned by Afrikaner regime; released in 1990 and elected president of South Africa in 1994111
4671288738F.W. de KlerkSouth African president (1989-1994); led Afrikaner push for reforms ending apartheid; Nelson Mandela was freed in his presidency112
4671288739Douglas MacArthurAmerican commander during the war against Japan; headed American occupation government of Japan after the war; commanded United Nations forces during the Korean War113
4671288740Liberal Democratic Partymoderate political party that monopolized Japanese governments from 1955 into the 1990s114
4671288741Republic of Koreasouthern half of Korea occupied by the US after World War II; developed parliamentary institutions under authoritarian rulers; underwent major industrial and economic growth after the 1950s115
4671288742Democratic People's Republic of Koreanorthern half of Korea dominated by USSR after World War II; formed a communist dictatorship under Kim Il-Song; attacked South Korea to begin the Korean War116
4671288743Mass Lineeconomic policy of Mao Zedong inaugurated in 1955; led to formation of agricultural cooperatives that then became farming collectives in 1956; peasants lost land gained a few years earlier117
4671288744Great Leap Forwardeconomic policy of Mao Zedong introduced in 1958; proposed small-scale industrialization projects integrated into peasant communities; led to economic disaster and ended in 1960118
4671288745People's Liberation Armymilitary, and dominant, arm of the communist structure in China119
4671288746Cultural Revolutioninitiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 to restore his dominance oveer the pragmatists; disgraced and even killed bureaucrats and intellectuals; called off in 1968120
4671288747Jiang Qingwife of Mao Zedong; one of the Gang of Four; opposed pragmatists and supported the Cultural Revolution; arrested and imprisoned for life in 1976121
4671288748Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Liu Shaoquipragmatists who opposed the Great Leap Forward; wanted to restore state direction ad market incentives at the local level122
4671288749Red Guardstudent brigades active during the Cultural Revolution in supporting Mao Zedong's policies123
4671288750Gang of FourJiang Qing and her allies who opposed the pragmatists after the death of Mao Zedong124
4671288751Tayson Rebellionpeasant revolution in southern Vietnam during the 1770s; toppled the Nguyen and the Trinh dynasties125
4671288752Nguyen Anh (Gia Long)with French support, unified Vietnam under the Nguyen dynasty in 1802 with the capital at Hue126
4671288753Vietnamese Nationalist Party (VNQDD)middle-class revolutionary organization during the 1920s; committed to the violent overthrow of French colonialism; crushed by the French127
4671288754Communist Party of Vietnamthe primary nationalist party after the defeat of the VNQDD in 1929; led from 1920s by Ho Chi Minh128
4671288755Ho Chi Minhshifted to a revolution based on the peasantry in the 1930s; presided over the defeat of France in 1954 and the unsuccessful US intervention in Vietnam129
4671288756Viet MinhCommunist Vietnamese movement; fought the Japanese during World War II and the French afterwards130
4671288757Viet Congthe communist guerrilla movement in southern Vietnam during the Vietnamese War131
4671288758Mikhail Gorbachevleader of the USSR (1985-1991); inaugurated major reforms that led to the disintegration of the communist regime132
4671288759Glasnostterm meaning openness; Gorbachev policy opening the opportunity to criticize the government133
4671288760Perestroikaterm meaning economic restructuring; Gorbachev policy for the economic rebuilding of the USSR by allowing more private ownership and decentralized economic control134
4671288761Globalizationthe increasing interconnectedness of all parts of the world; opposed by many environmental and social justice groups135
4671288762Multinational corporationsbusiness organizations with connections across political borders136

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