69 terms
4248696915 | Agricultural Rev./Transition or Neolithic Rev. | hunting and gathering to farming, occurred worldwide between 10,000 BC and 2000 BC | 0 | |
4248696919 | Brahmins | a socially or culturally superior person, a member of the upper classes from New England | 1 | |
4248696925 | Dharma | principle or cosmic order, teaching or religion of Buddha; you must accept what caste you are born into and do your duties in order to move on in your next life | 2 | |
4248696936 | Irrigation Systems | artificial application of water to the soil; used to assist the growing of agricultural crops | 3 | |
4248696937 | Karma | sum of a person's actions in all their states of existence, viewed as their deciding fate (what they will be judged on) | 4 | |
4248696938 | Mandate of Heaven | traditional Chinese philosophical concept concerning the legitimacy of rules | 5 | |
4248696940 | Pagan | person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions | 6 | |
4248696941 | Pastoral/Pastoralism | branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock | 7 | |
4248696942 | Patriarchy/Patriarchal Systems | system of government in which the father or the eldest male is head of the family | 8 | |
4248696943 | Polygamy | practice of having more than one wife or husband | 9 | |
4248696949 | Specialization of Labor | the learned skill of a specific job | 10 | |
4248696951 | Syncretism | the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought | 11 | |
4248696953 | Theocracy | system of government in which priests rule in the name of god or a god | 12 | |
4248696954 | Bureaucracy | system of governing in which most important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected officials | 13 | |
4248696955 | Ancestor Veneration | Veneration of the dead is based on the belief that the deceased, often family members, have a continued existence and/or possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living | 14 | |
4248696956 | Animism | the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe | 15 | |
4248696957 | Bodhisattva | Buddhism; a deity or being who has attained enlightenment worthy of nirvana but who remains in the human world to help others | 16 | |
4248696958 | Caste System | a social structure in which classes (social classes) are determined by heredity (the family you are born with) | 17 | |
4248696959 | City-State | urban center and agricultural around it under its control; loosely connected with others by cultural characteristics, but was independent and competed | 18 | |
4248696960 | Classical | in the style of ancient Greece or Rome, especially in architecture; relating or belonging to the ancient Greeks or Romans or their cultures | 19 | |
4248696961 | Codification | to arrange things, especially laws, rules, or principles, into an organized system or code | 20 | |
4248696962 | Dao/Tao | the ultimate principle of the universe, the "way" in Chinese Daoism philosophy | 21 | |
4248696963 | Diaspora/Diasporic Communities | scattered communities around the middle east; communities of a given ethnic group living outside their homeland | 22 | |
4248696964 | Enlightenment | use reason and experience rather than religion or tradition to understand the world and help it progress | 23 | |
4248696965 | Filial Piety | the virtue and reverence for family (CONFUCIANISM) | 24 | |
4248696966 | Hellenistic | culture derived from Greek civilization that flourished between 800 and 400 B.C.E. ; Greek culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world | 25 | |
4248696972 | Monsoon Winds | a period of heavy rainfall, especially during the summer over South and Southeast Asia | 26 | |
4248696973 | Rajas | a chief of a group of nomadic Aryans. They later became kings of small villages in India; title given to an Indian prince or king | 27 | |
4248696974 | Reincarnation | body in which someone is reborn; a person or animal in whose body somebody's soul is born again after he, she, or it has died | 28 | |
4248696978 | Sanskrit Scriptures | sacred language by the Vedas in India, mainly for religion | 29 | |
4248696980 | Shamanism | a religion of northern Asia, in which shamans are believed to be able to intercede | 30 | |
4248696981 | Sinicization | to acquire a Chinese idiom, form, or cultural trait, or give somebody or something a Chinese idiom, form, or cultural trait | 31 | |
4248696983 | Universal Truths (dealing with belief systems) | an organized collection of beliefs; what is believed in throughout every religion | 32 |