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Pgs:189-207 Flashcards

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325065618MulattosThose with European and African history.0
325065619Joint-stock companyAn organization created to pool the resources of many merchants, thereby distributing the costs and risks of colonization and reducing the danger for individual investors.1
325065620MontezumaAztec ruler.2
325065621Columbian ExchangeThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.3
325065622ViceroysRoyal governors sent by Spain to rule in the King's name.4
325065623Age of ExplorationTime period during the 15th and 16th centuries when Europeans searched for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India. Resulted in the discovery of North and South America by the Europeans.5
325065624English Bill of RightsKing William and Queen Mary accepted this document in 1689. It guaranteed certain rights to English citizens and declared that elections for Parliament would happen frequently. By accepting this document, they supported a limited monarchy, a system in which they shared their power with Parliament and the people.6
325065625MercantilismAn economic system (Europe in 18th C) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests.7
325065626Act of SupremacyDeclared the king (Henry VIII) the supreme head of the Church of England in 1534.8
325065627Petition of RightA document limiting taxes and forbidding unlawful imprisonment.9
325065628Habeas Corpus ActProtects people from arrests without due process.10
325065629Edict of Nantes1598 - Granted the Huguenots liberty of conscience and worship.11
325065630Peace of Augsburg1555- Agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler.12
325065631Thirty Years' WarBegan in 1618 when the Protestant territories in Bohemia challenged the authority of the Holy Roman Catholic emperor.13
325065632Peace of WestphaliaThe peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648.14
325065633CossacksPeasant-soldiers that expanded Russian territories in the 16th-18th centuries into Siberia and southward to the Caspian Sea.15
325065634Time of TroublesFollowed death of Ivan IV without heir early in 17th century; boyars attempted to use vacuum of power to reestablish their authority; ended with selection of Michael Romanov as tsar in 1613.16
325065635Peter the GreatRuled from 1682 - 1725. He built Russia's first navy and founded St. Petersburg on the Baltic Sea as his new capital.17
325065636JanissariesChristian boys taken from families, converted to Islam, and then rigorously trained to serve the sultan.18
325065637BaburBrilliant general who laid the foundation for the Mughal Empire.19
325065638Mughal EmpireA period of Muslim rule of India from the 1500s to the 1700s.20
325065639Zheng HeAn imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa.21
325065640National Seclusion PolicyProhibited Japanese from traveling abroad, and prohibited most foreigners from visiting Japan.22
325065641Tokuwaga ShogunateA strict and rigid government that ruled Japan until 1868.23
325065642QianlongEmperor of China, son of Kangxi expanded China's bounderies extensively. Would only rule for sixty years so as to not dishonor his grandfather.24

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