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Poetry Terms Flashcards

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266898835blank versemetrically traditional, but without rhyme0
266898836confessional poetryschool of poetry where poet may expose personal, taboo, or secret things about himself1
266898837couplettwo line stanza, or the same rhyme pattern in two conjoined lines2
266898838dramatic monologuepoem that dramatizes someone's thoughts and actions3
266898839end rhymerhymed sound at end of line4
266898840end stopline ends with period or feeling of period5
266898841footgroup of 2 or 3 stressed and unstressed syllables6
266898842formalismfollowing traditional, given poetic forms such as sonnets, villanelles7
266898843free versewithout rhyme or structured metrical pattern8
266898844iambfoot with an unaccented syllable and accented syllable9
266915363internal rhymerhymed sound before end of line10
266915367meteruse of patterns of stressed and unstressed rhythms (beats) in a poetic line11
266915369movementthe way lines flow together, speak to or against each other, and pull us forward in a poem12
266915371odepoem that commemorates or celebrates, written for an occasion13
266915373pentameterline with 5 feet, iambic pentameter therefore has 10 syllables14
266915375refrainrepeating line/verse in poem or song15
266915377rhyme schemerepeated pattern of end rhymes, usually marked with letters of the alphabet16
266915379scansionscanning the rhythm of a line by locating patterns of feet with stressed and unstressed syllables17
266915381sestetsix line stanza18
266915383slant rhymesubstitution of assonance or consonance for true rhyme19
266915385sonnet14 line poem20
266915387stanzagrouping of lines in a poem (like paragraph)21
266915389tensionsense of conflict22
266915391true rhymelast syllable rhyme sounds exactly the same23
266915393typographical rhythmsthe way white space in front of, in middle of, or after lines creates rhythmic pauses and variations in meaning and emphasis24
266915395villanelle19 line form using only two rhymes and repeating two of the lines in according to set pattern25
266915397dipodygroup of 2 feet, especially, in accentual verse, in which one of the two accented syllables bears primary stress and the other bears secondary stress26
266915399quatrainstanza of four lines27
266915401octavestanza of eight lines28
266915403terecetgroup of three lines rhyming together or connected by rhyme with the adjacent group or groups of three lines29
266935927enjambmentrunning on the thought from one line, couplet, or stanza to next without a syntactical break30
266935928dactylfoot of three syllables, one long followed by two short in quantitative meter, or one stressed followed by two unstressed in accentual meter31
266935929trocheefoot of two syllables, a long followed by a short in quantitative meter, or stressed followed by unstressed32
266935930tetrameterline consisting of four dipodies in trochaic, iambic, or anapestic meter33
266935931anapesticfoot of three syllables, two short followed by one long in quantitative meter, and two unstressed followed by one stressed in accentual meter...34
266935932lyric poetryhaving from and musical quality of a song35
266935933sesitnapoem of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy, originally without rhyme in which each stanza repeats the end words of the lines of first stanza, but in different order36
266935934balladsimple narrative poem of folk origin, composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing37
266935935envoyshort stanza concluding a poem in certain archaic metrical forms38
266935936internoplace of fiery heat and destruction39
266935937cantochapter in epic poem40
266935938epiclong narrative story about journey of a hero41
266935939allegorystory that is read on both literal and symbolic level42
266935943pridehigh opinion of one's own, importance or superiority46
266935944lustpassionate desire or craving47
266935947frauddeception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain50
266935948incontinenceinability to control yourself51
266935949miserstingy cheap person52
266935950tremuloustrembling, fearful53
266935951blisssupreme happiness54
266935952opportunistperson who makes decisions to benefit himself regardless of sacrifice or ethical principles55
266935953putridrotten or decayed56
266935955omnipotencequality of being all powerful58
266946074primordialfrom the very beginning60
266946075lamentationexpression of grief61
266946076swoonto faint62
266946077retrogrademoving backwards63
266946078goadedto prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed stick64
266946079carnalrelating to physical and especially sexual appetites65
266946080debaucheryextreme indulgence in sensual pleasures66
266946081depravitymoral corruption or degradation67
266946082blasphemeto speak disrespectfully of God68
266946084pilgrimagejourney taken for religious reasons70
266946087wallowto roll about or lie in water, snow, mud, dust73
266946090festereddecayed, rot76
266946091omniscienceall knowing77
266946092encumberedto put a heavy load on, burden78
266946093fruitlessuseless, unproductive79
266946094sordiddirty and foul80
266946095entombedplaced in tomb or grave81
266946096vanityexcessive pride in appearance82
266946097malignantinclined to do evil83
266946098chasmdeep hole in earth's surface84
266946100insolencebeing rude, disrespectul86
266946102jostleto bump, push, shove rudely88
266946105hereticperson who holds controversial opinions91
266946107sepulcherburial place93
266946108bierstand on which coffin is placed94
267041996cupidityexcessive desire for wealth95
267041997sublimeelevated or lofty in thought, languagr96
267041998prostrateto cast oneself face down on the ground in humility97
267041999panderersexual procurer98
267042001portaldoor, gate, entrance100
267042003censureexpression of disapproval102
267042004infamybad reputation103
267042005dexterouslyskillful in use of hands104
267042006augmentenlarge or increase105
267042007benevolentkind, generous, charitable106
267042008deridetreat as inferior and unworthy of respect107
267042009discordconflict or disagreement108
267042010disdainlack of respect- often suggesting distaste109
267042011eruditehaving or showing deep scholarly knowledge110
267042012fastidiousgiving careful attention to detail111
267042013fetterto restrain or hinder, shackle for ankles112
267042014guilecunning (shrewdness and cleverness) and deceitful113
267042015maliciouswanting to see others suffer or threatening evil114
267042016mitigateto make less harmful or unpleasant115
267042017obscurenot known to many people116
267042018piousbehaving in a highly moral or religious manner117
267042019prudentsensible and careful118
267042020tenaciouspersistent and unyielding119
267042021venerateregard with feelings of respect and reverence120
267042022zealactive interest and enthusiasm121

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