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Post World War II Conflict Flashcards

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163801147Eastern Europearea of Europe occupied by the Soviet Union in the final years of the war, Soviets set up communist governments in these countries0
163801148satellitesterm for those communist governments created by the Soviet Union; term refers to the fact that their policies had to "revolve around" Soviet policy1
163801149Truman Doctrine/containmentAmerican policy of preventing the spread of communism...to maintain communism where it was; basis of American foreign policy throughout the 1940's until the early 19990's2
163801150Marshall Plannamed for the US Secretary of State...provided money to rebuild the economies of many countries...based on the idea that stable governments and economies would not experience communist revolution...generally the most successful foreign aid program in US history3
163801151Germanycountry in central Europe that was occupied and divided by the Cold War...this country and it's divided capital became the symbol of the Cold War4
163801152Berlin AirliftAmerican reaction to the Soviet blockade of Berlin in 1948...the Soviets attempted to force the democracies out of Berlin with a blockade to starve the western sections of the city...Us refused to budge5
163801153NATOmilitary alliance created by the US in 1949...created to protect Western Europe form and Soviet treaty...since the end of the Cold War, this organization attempts to maintain peace in Europe and to assist in military operations around Europe6
163801154Chinathe fall of he major Asian nation to communism in 1949 was a major blow to the American policy of containment7
163801155Taiwanisland nation that became the home of the anti-communist Chinese government...the US provided (and still does) protection for this government8
163801156Warsaw Pactcreated in 1955...this became the Soviet military alliance in eastern Europe9
163801157Hungaryresponding to the vague US promise for support (massive retaliation) this eastern european nation revolted against the Soviets n 1956...no American support came and the Soviets brutally put down the revolt10
163801158Berlin Wallerected in 1961, this structure was designed to prevent East Berliners from "going over" to the West...this structures demise in 1989 symbolized the ending of the Cold War11
163801159Bay of Pigs1961 failed US attempt to engineer a revolution against the communist government in Cuba12
163801160Cuban Missile Crisisterm for the US/Soviet standoff over Soviet missile sites in CUba...Us forces the Soviets to back don and remove the missiles13
163813115Czechoslovakiaeastern European nation that attempted to dismantle its communist regime in 1968...Soviets crushed the revolt14
163813116Moscowcity that hosted the 1980 Olympics...Us boycotted these Olympics in reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan15
163813117SolidarityPolish labor union that led the fight against communism in Poland16
163813118StalinSoviet dictator from 1928-1953; his success in making the Soviet Union a world power and his actions in the final years of the war led to the Cold War17
163813119Churchillformer British Prime Minister whose "Iron Curtain" speech ushered in the west's reaction to the Soviet aggressions in Europe18
163813120TrumanUs PResident whose policies ushered in the containment policy19
163813121Nikita KhrushchevSoviet dictator after Stalin...orginally favored "peaceful coexistence" with the west but later continued the policies of the Cold War20
163813122EisenhowerUs President of the 1950's who favored a more aggressive policy than containment but actually continued the policy21
163813123BrezhnevSoviet dictator of the 1960's and 70's...although he participated in dentene, he continued the Cold War policies of his predecessors22
163813124Chales de GualleFrench President of the late 1950's and the 60's...tried to make France a more important leader in Europe and developed a more relaxed relationship with the communist governments...ushered in the period of detenete23
163813125Willy BrandtWest German Chancellor in the late 1960's and early 70's...tried to establish better relations with the ears (policy of Ostpolitik)...his government collapsed when is was discovered that an East German spy was in his government24
163813126ReaganUS President of the 1980's...his aggressive military spending accelerated the Cold War, but ultimately destroyed the Soviet economy (primary cause of the Us government debt of the 1980's and early 90's)25
163813127Gorbachevlast Soviet dictator...tried to institute reforms in the Soviet Union and a more peaceful approach toward the west...lost power when the Soviet Union collapsed26
163819500Boris Yeltsinbecame leader of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union...tried to continue reforms and maintain Russia as a major world power...was unable to effectively rebuild the Russian economy27
163819501WalesaPolish labor union leader who helped lead the revolutions of 1989...became he leader of the new Poland28
163819502Mao ZedongChinese communist leader who established a communist government in China in 194929
163819503Ho Chi Minhleader of the Vietnamese communists...led Vietnam against the French and later the US30
163819504Fidel Castroled a revolution in Cuba in 1959...became one of the most consistent anti-American world leaders31
163819505Koreafirst "hot spot" of the Cold War...Us fought a war here (as the United Nations) 1950-5332
163819506VietnamUs fought a war in this country in the 1960's and 70's...war created a major conflict in US society33
163819507AfghanistanSoviet's attempt to maintain a communist dictatorship in this country with its invasion in 1979...war ended badly for the Soviets34
163819508Peaceful Coexistence1950's era of relaxation...ended by the U-2 incident of 196035
163819509Dententelate 1960's and early 70's ear of relaxation...ended by Soviet invasion of Afghanistan36
163819510GlasnostGorbachev's policy of openness with the west37
163819511PerestroikaGorbachev's policy of restructuring the Soviet economy and political system38
1638195121989year of the anti-communist revolutions in eastern Europe39
1638195131991year of the collapse of the Soviet Union40
163819514Yugoslaviaformer communist nation that experienced the most difficult transition out of the Cold War...political break-up and ethnic violence in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo41
163819515Hot Spota place where actual fighting broke out during the Cold War, however never directly between the two super powers42

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