Pre AP and English II tenth grade Students
121311225 | noxious | adj. harmful to the health | |
121311226 | connive | v. to cooperate secretly in a wrongdoing | |
121311227 | chutzpah | n. nerve; audacity | |
121311228 | liege | n. a lord, master, or sovereign | |
121311229 | odium | n. hatred | |
121311230 | crass | adj. coarse; tasteless | |
121311231 | hypercritical | adj. overcritical; too severe in judgment | |
121311232 | fallacy | n. a mistaken notion; a misconception | |
121311233 | complacent | adj. self-satisfied, smug | |
121311234 | befuddle | v. to confuse; to perplex | |
121311235 | pandemonium | n. a wild disorder, noise, or confusion | |
121311236 | parsimonious | adj. excessively thrifty; stingy | |
121311237 | verbose | adj. using more words than are needed; wordy | |
121311238 | laudable | worthy of praise; commendable | |
121311239 | indiscreet | adj. not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action | |
121311240 | pique | v. to cause resentment; to provoke | |
121311241 | linguistics | n. the scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language | |
121311242 | plebeian | n. a commoner; one from the lower class | |
121311243 | precocious | adj. showing early development, especially mental | |
121311244 | predatory | adj. inclined to prey on others | |
121311245 | prowess | adj. superior skill or ability | |
121311246 | pugnacious | adj. eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome | |
121311247 | purloin | v. to steal | |
121311248 | pusillanimous | adj. cowardly; fearful | |
121311249 | quell | v. to put an end to; to allay or quiet | |
121311250 | quixotic | adj. very idealistic; impractical; caught up in romantic notions | |
121311251 | rabble | n. a disorderly crowd, a mob | |
121311252 | rabid | adj. raging; fanatical | |
121311253 | raconteur | n. a person skilled at telling stories | |
121311254 | vindictive | adj. seeking revenge | |
124382250 | circumspect | careful; heedful; attentive to all points | |
124382251 | zephyr | a gentle breeze (sometimes specifically the West Wind | |
124627130 | renegade | one who deserts one side in favor of another; traitor; outlaw | |
124627131 | retribution | something justly deserved, especially a punishment | |
124627132 | hurtle | to move or to fling swiftly and with great force | |
124627133 | scourge | a person or thing that causes great trouble or misfortune | |
124627134 | caustic | biting; stingingly sharp or sarcastic | |
124627135 | taciturn | not fond of talking; usually silent | |
124627136 | agnostic | one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven | |
124627137 | terse | breif and to the point | |
124627138 | uncanny | weird; strange; so keen or acute as to seem bizarre` | |
124627139 | exodus | mass departure or emigration | |
124627140 | penitent | remorseful; sorry for having done wrong | |
124627141 | vindicate | to clear of suspicion or accusations | |
124627142 | raillery | good-humored ridicule or teasing | |
127078852 | impregnable | adj. not able to be conquered; impenetrable | |
127078853 | xenophobia | adj. n intense dislike or fear of strangers or foreigners | |
127078854 | inherent | adj. essential; firmly established by nature or habit | |
127078855 | irreverent | adj. disrespectful | |
127078856 | subjugate | v. to dominate, conquer, or bring under control | |
127078857 | expedite | v. to increase the rate of progress; to speed up a process. | |
127078858 | filibuster | v. to block a bill from becoming law by speaking at length against it | |
127078859 | pristine | adj. pure; completely clean and uncontaminated | |
127078860 | pithy | adj. full of meaning; concise | |
127078861 | invective | n. an insult or abuse in speech | |
127078862 | prodigal | adj. reckless, wasteful, and extravagant | |
127078863 | torpid | adj. losing motion, feeling, or power; lacking in energy | |
127078864 | tenuous | adj. not dense or thick; having little substance | |
127078865 | discordant | adj. being in disagreement | |
127078866 | pliable | adj. easily bent or flexible | |
129389603 | mellifluous | adj. having a rich, smooth, flowing sound/syn:harmonious ant:strident; discordant | |
129389604 | epicurean | (adj.) taking pleasure in food and drink / syn: hedonistic; gourmet | |
129389605 | oeuvre | adj. the complete work of an artist, composer, or writer/ syn: cannon | |
129389606 | arbiter | n. a person with the ability to resolve a disagreement; a judge | |
129389607 | verdant | adj. fresh and green, referring to plant life/syn: lush ant: arid; sere | |
129389608 | vagary | adj. unpredictable action or behavior syn: whim; caprice | |
129389609 | vacuous | adj. lacking intelligence syn: empty-headed/ ant: brilliant;shrewd | |
129389610 | attrition | n. a wearing down over time syn: erosion /ant: buildup; accretion | |
129389611 | archetype | n. a prototype or original model syn:model / ant: product | |
129389612 | approbation | n. formal approval of an act syn:authorization/ ant:disapproval; approbrium | |
129389613 | burgeon | v. to grow, expand, or bloom syn:swell/ ant:shrink; diminish | |
129389614 | commensurate | adj. an equal measure; corresponding in size and measurement/syn: comparable/ant: unequal | |
129389615 | confluence | n. a meeting or gathering together syn: convergence; concourse/ant:divergence | |
129389616 | coup | n. a surprising, brilliant, and usually successful act/ syn: plot | |
129389617 | secular | adj. not spiritual or religious; worldly syn:earthly/ ant: religious | |
132517369 | insouciant | adj. not concerned; free from care syn/nonchalant ant/worried | |
132517370 | static | adj. without force or movement; stationary; syn/immobile;inert ant/dynamic | |
132517371 | stipulate | v. to specify a required part of an agreement syn/ require | |
132517372 | zeitgeist | n. the general spirit of the time | |
132517373 | proliferate | v. to grow or reproduce rapidly syn/multiply ant/diminish | |
132517374 | tenet | n. a belief or principle held to be true syn/cornerstone; creed | |
132517375 | ruminate | v. to think deeply or repeatedly syn/ponder; reflect | |
132517376 | vigilant | adj. alert at all times; watchful syn/alert ant/ oblivious | |
132517377 | dissident | n. someone who disagrees syn/ renegade ant/supporter | |
132517378 | petulant | adj. rude in speech or behavior; peevish syn/contemptuous | |
132517379 | derivative | not the original; coming from another source syn/offspring; brance | |
132517380 | accolade | n. an award; an honor syn/kudos;recognition ant/approbrium | |
132517381 | demur | v. to disapprove or to take exception syn/object; disagree ant/agree; acquiesce | |
132517382 | limpid | (adj) clear, transparent; readily understood ant/murky | |
132517383 | invidious | adj. tending to cause discontent, harm, or resentment; offensively unfair syn/malilcious ant/conciliatory | |
135471052 | august | adj. marked by grandeur and awe syn: regal; magnificent ant:pedestrian; common | |
135605112 | ancillary | adj. subsidary; providing assistance | |
135605113 | semblance | n. an outward likeness in form or appearance syn: similarity; copy | |
135605114 | autodidact | n. a self-taught person syn: self -made | |
135605115 | asinine | adj. exhibiting poor judgment or intelligence syn: foolish; boorish ant:sagacious | |
135605116 | albeit | although; even though | |
135605117 | conduit | n. a means by which something is transmitted syn: channel | |
135605118 | philatelist | n. one who collects stamps | |
135605119 | indefatigable | adj. tireless, incapable of being fatigued ant: exhausted | |
135605120 | martyr | n. one who suffers or sacrifices for a cause | |
135605121 | indiscretion | n. a minor misdeed syn: pecadillo; transgression | |
135605122 | osmosis | n. a gradual, often unconscious, process of absorption | |
135605123 | picayune | adj. of very little value; trivial syn: worthless; cheap ant: valuable | |
135605124 | dossier | n.a file of detailed information on a person or subject syn: a record | |
135605125 | behest | n. a command or urgent request syn: demand |