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Pre-AP Honors World History Final Flashcards

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1307305664What was one of the main reasons Protestant criticisms of the church did not find support in Spain?Spanish church leaders and monarchs had carried out clerical reforms earlier.1
1307305665What was one of the dominant features of Renaissance thought?The study of ancient Greek and Roman culture.2
1307305666Renaissance Humanists are best described as what?Advocate of a liberal arts program of study.3
1307305667The dominant family of the Renaissance Florence was what family?The Medici family.4
1307305668What three things was Renaissance thought was primarily concerned with?1. State-building and political participation 2. Artistic expression 3. Education (not agricultural production)5
1307305669What were Petrarch, Dante, and Boccacio?Humanist literary figures.6
1307305670Leonardo de Vinci and Michelangelo personified the Renaissance ideal or Renaissance man, what does this mean?Practiced and excelled in a variety of activities or crafts.7
1307305672What are three things Renaissance Art borrowed characteristics of Greco-Roman art?1. an emphasis of balance, harmony, and symmetry. 2. a preoccupation with the beauty of the human form. 3. The depiction of mythological themes. (not the use of linear perspective and shading techniques such as chiaroscuro)8
1307305674The northern Renaissance was different from the Italian Renaissance because most of its leading figures did what?Came from more diverse backgrounds and were more devoted to religious reforms.9
1307305676What were three causes of the Reformation?1. The powerful personality of Martin Luther. 2. The corruption and worldliness of the papacy. 3. Clerical immorality and ignorance. (not the discovery of the Americas)10
1307305678What did the Protestant faith do?Divided and re-divided among a number of smaller denominations.11
1307305680Martin Luther insisted that the only way to salvation was a result of what?Faith alone.12
1307305682What did Luther's ninety-five theses do?Challenged the practice of selling indulgences.13
1307305684Why did Charles V failed to stamp out Protestantism within the empire?He was distracted by foreign wars-particularly with the Ottoman Turks.14
1307305686During the Peasant revolt, Luther side with whom?The Nobility15
1307305688What did Ulrich Zwingli"s guideline form reform state?Whatever lacked literal support in the Bible was not to be believed or practiced.16
1307385349What were three things what Anabaptist believe or did?1. Adult baptism 2. Refused to participate in secular government 3. Were perceived by the authorities to be a threat. (not Polygamy)17
1307385350Calvinists instituted their own dogmatic doctrine based of the belief of what?Divine predestination and the need to create godly society.18
1307385351Who were the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)?A religious order created to help defend Catholicism.19
1307385352What are three things the Council of Trent did?1. Affirm traditional beliefs and practices 2. Forbid the selling of religious office 3. strengthen local bishops (Reject improvements in training for the clergy)20
1307385353The origins of the Protestant Reformation in England were mainly when?Henry VIII's battle with the pope over his divorce.21
1307385354What are three of Machiavelli's arguments?1. A leader must harness both the strength of the lion and the fox. 2. He was a political realist. 3. A leader should be both feared and loved. (not a leader must be a morally upstanding individual)22
1307385355What is renaissance culture?that of a small business elite23
1307385356What was one reason the Renaissance began in Italy?Wealthy Italian bankers and merchants supported the arts.24
1307385357What was the major focus of the Italian Renaissance?To provide a harmonious balance of all aspects of human endevor25
1307385358What are three characteristics of the Italian renaissance?1. individualism 2. secularism 3. humanism (not mysticism)26
1307385359Humanism was based on the belief of what?Human nature was most vividly revealed in the Greek and Roman classics.27
1307385360What did Italian humanists stress?The study of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature.28
1307385361Why did rich individuals sponsor artists and works of art?to glorify themselves and their families.29
1307385362Why does literacy spread in the late 1400's?the invention of movable type make books more affordable.30
1307385363The most famous of the Northern Humanists was who?Desiderius Erasmus31
1307385364Utopia by Thomas More what?Depicted an imaginary society based on reason and tolerance.32
1307385365Who was the reformation in Zurich led by?Ulrich Zwingli33
1307385366What were three distinctions that kept Catholics and Protestants from reconciling?1. The belief on what is necessary for salvation 2. The question of where spiritual authority lay 3. The role of the clergy in faith (not whether or not the bible had any religious significance in matters of faith)34
1307385367Who was the man who Archbishop Albert hired to sell indulgences?John Tetzel35
1307385368Who is the primary example of a renaissance man. He is the most known for the works The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.Da Vinci36
1307385369Who was the pope who was building St. Peter's Basilica and gave Archbishop Albert Papacy dispensation to hold 3 bishoprics?Pope Leo X37
1307385370Who is the father of Humanism?Petarch38
1307385371What is the religious order that founded schools throughout Europe, worked to convert non-Christians, and attempted to stop the spread of Protestantism. The order was established by Ingnatius of Loyola.Jesuits39
1307385372What was the Catholic council which reaffirms major doctrinal issues and the authority of the pope by also makes some major reforms?The Council of Trent40
1307385373What was the English act which makes the monarch the head of the Anglican Church?Act of Supremacy41
1307385374Who was the woman who Henry VIII wishes to divorce because she cannot produce an heir. This leads to the English Reformation.Catherine of Aragon42
1307385375Who is the man who gets the credit for the printing press. He printed the bible.Guttenburg43
1307385376Who is the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn who returns to England to Protestantism after he half sister attempts a bloody return to Catholicism. She is able to somewhat stabilize the atmosphere in England through religious compromise.Elizabeth I44
1308930800Before the scientific revolution, European world view was based on the ideas of who?Aristotle/Ptolemy45
1308930801What was the most important and original idea of the enlightenment?The belief that process was possible.46
1308930802What are three astronomers that contributed to the destruction on the Aristotelian view of the universe?1. Nicholas Copernicus 2. Galileo Galilei 3. Johannes Keppler (not Bernard de Fontenelle)47
1308930803What was Copernicus' theory of the universe?Destroyed the distinction between the earthly and heavenly worlds.48
1308930804What was the synthesis of the scientific revolution?Isaac newton's principia49
1308930805They key feature of newton's system was the law of what?Universal gravitation50
1309127008In his Spirit of the Laws, what did Montesquieu argue?the separation on governmental powers51
1309139267Politically, what did Voltaire believe?reform could come only from enlightened rulers52
1309139268Rousseau's concept of the "general will" asserts what?only by direct democracy can the people's political wishes be conveyed.53
1309139269What would Hobbes and Rousseau agreed with?the state is based on a social contract54
1309139270Which group is most severely criticized by Voltaire, the French philosopher?Roman Catholic Clergy55
1309139271"The law is the expression of the general will. All citizens have a right to concur either personally or by their in its formation. The law should be the same for all, whether it protects or whether it punishes." Who's ideas does this quotation form?Jean-Jacques Rousseau56
1309150390How did Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon contribute to scientific development in the 17th century?articulating theories of the scientific method57
1309150391What best expresses Voltaire's view concerning religion?Organized religion perpetuates superstition and ignorance.58
1309150392The eighteenth-century Enlightenment's philosophers were primarily concerned with what?critical and inquiring approaches to knowledge.59
1309156349How did Johannes Kepler improved on Copernicus' theories?using math to demonstrate that the planets have elliptical orbits.60
1309156350What is Mercantilism?Regulated trade to increase national wealth.61
1309156351The European voyages of discovery primarily originated with what?Competition for the riches of the spice trade.62
1309393098Who spearheaded the encyclopedia?Diderot63
1309393099Which enlightenment philosopher believed man was born a blank slate?John Locke64
1309393100Which enlightenment philosopher believed that civilization corrupted man and favored the concept of the noble savage?Rousseau65
1309393101Which scientific thinker was the first to propose the heliocentric theory?Copernicus66
1309393102Who wrote principia?Newton67
1309393103Who was the father of experimental science who talked about earth as a large magnet?Gilbert68
1309393104Who was the father of the scientific method and wrote The Great Restoration and inspired many scientific societies?Bacon69
1309393105Who is the medical doctor who described the heart as a pump and the circulation of the blood?Harving70
1309393106Who is know for his empirical method and is famous for doubting all previous learning in the universe and saying "I think therefore I am."Descartes71
1309393107Who is the father of modern chemistry?Boyle72
1309393108Who became a priest in the Anglican Church and founded Natural Theology?Ray73
1309393109Who's ideas on gravity were overshadowed by Newton but worked on dynamics and wrote A Treatise on Light?Huygens74
1309393110Who is the first man to use the word cells to describe cork and create laws of elasticity and studied snowflakes and described them?Robert Hooke75
1309393111What two components of society benefit most from mercantilism?The middle class and state76
1310181849What did the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre do?Exemplified the hared between French Catholics and Protestants77
1310181850What did the Edict of Nantes do?Granted the Huguenots the right to public worship in 150 fortified states.78
1310181851What was the French policy during the French (international) phase of the Thirty Year's Ware motivated by?The desire to maintain the political fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire.79
1310181852What was the Edict of Nantes?Recognized Huguenot religious freedoms and rights of Protestants to participate in French public institutions.80
1310181853What was a politique?a political bureaucrat in France who felt the stability of the country should come before religious concerns.81
1310181854Who were the Huguenots?French Protestants82
1310181855What was Catherine de Medici's first concern?Preserve the French monarchy using whatever allies she could find83
1310181856The French royal budget the first half of the 16th century was strained by both the Hapsburg-Valois wars and what?extravagant promotion of the arts by monarchs84
1310181857In order to pay for the Hapsburg-Valois wars, what did the French monarchs do?Sold public office85
1310181858What phrase best sums up the spirit of Louis XVI's government?L'etat C'est Moi86
1310181859What phrase best exemplifies Cardinal's Richelieu's justification for supporting the Protestants in the Thirty Year's War?Raison D'etat87
1310181860What was the guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies?the subordination of all groups and institution to the monarchy.88
1310181861What did the wars of Louis XVI do?had a disastrous impact on the French economy89
1310181862What did the French foreign policy under Richelieu focus primarily on?prevention of the Hapsburgs from unifying the territories from surrounding France90
1310181863What was an economic policy of Louis XVI's fiance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert?Establishing detained manufacturing codes to improve the quality of French export goods91
1310181864What are three main principles of Mercantilism?1. Accumulation of Wealth 2. Balance of Trade 3. Development of Colonies (not use of mother countries ships)92
1310181865What was the idea that God created the monarchy and the monarch acted as God's representative on earth;thus the kings authority was derived from God?Divine Right93
1310190154What was the agreement between the Pope and Francis I of France in which France recognized the supremacy of the church in exchange for the right to appoint bishops?Concordat of Balogna94
1310992566What was the French family which headed the Catholic League during the religious wars in France?Guise95
1310992567Who were the French middle class men who purchased government offices and received hereditary tax exempt status?Nobility of the Robe96
1310992568Who was the French diplomat who supported the Protestant in the Thirty Years War?Cardinal Richelieu97
1310992569Who was the wife of Henry II who held power during the weak rule of her 3 sons?Catherine de Medici98
1310992570What is the name for the Event that kicked off the War of the 3 Henry's?St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre99
1310992571What is Louis XIV's nickname?The Sun King100
1310992572Who is Louis's grandson who Charles II names as heir to throne of Spain and whose inheritance leads to the War of the Spanish Succession?Philip of Anjou101
1310992573What is the peace agreement that ends the war of the Spanish Succession-it forbade French and Spanish Crowns for Uniting?Peace of Utrech102
1310992574What is the coalition formed to oppose Louis XIV and Philip V during the War of the Spanish succession?The Grand Alliance103
1310992575Who is the Henry who became Henry IV?Henry of Navarre104
1310992576Who is Louis XIV's finance minister?Jean Baptiste Colbert105
1310992577Who is the mother of Louis XIV?Queen Anne of Austria106
1310992578Who is the man who Richelieu convinced Louis XIII to appoint as his successor?Mazarin107
1310992579What social groups benefited most fro the Revolution and Napoleon?Peasants and middle class108
1310992580What was Abbe Sieyes's answer to the question of what is the third estate?everything109
1310992581The situation in Paris on the eve of the Revolution included three things, what were they?1. high unemployment 2. high food prices 3. fear of a royal aristocratic attack on the city (faith in the king, if not his government)110
1310992582In the 1780's, what percent of the budget was spent on interest payments and Versailles?50% and 6%111
1310992583Who were primarily the men elected to represent the third estate at the Estates General?Business men112
1310992584When did the events in France become a Revolution?swearing of the oath of the tennis court113
1310992585What does the term "Great Fear" refer to?paranoia in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion?114
1310992586What were three things the declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guarantee?1. equality before the law 2. representative government 3. individual freedom (not economic equality)115
1310992587What happened during the September Massacres?Parisian crowds slaughtered prison revolts116
1310992588Who was the elemental force that drove the Revolution forward?the laboring men and women of Paris117
1310992589In the Tennis Court Oath, what did the members of the National Assembly swear?meet until they had given France a Consitution118
1310992590Who was the Reign of Terror primarily directed at?any and all enemies of the Revolution119
1310992591What did French policies in areas conquered by French armies result in?strong, nationalistic resentment against the oppressive French120
1310992592What were three legacies of Napoleon's Grand Empire?1. the abolition of serfdom 2. legal and administrative reform 3. resentment against foreign domination (the popular belief in Napoleon as the enlightened liberator121
1310992593What is the Declaration of Pillitz?was issued by Austria and Prussia to intimidate French Revolutionaries122
1310992594What is the most serious error of the national Assembly?reorganization of the Catholic Church123
1310992595Who were four participants at the Congress of Vienna?1. Francis I of Austria 2. Castlereagh of England 3. Klemens von Metternich 4. Frederick William III of Prussuia (not Nicholas II of Russia)124
1310992596What were three factors in the destruction of the Bastille?1. the mustering of royal troops 2. Famine and the Outbreak of Bread riots 3. The citizens of Paris were collecting arms (all the above)125
1310992597What did Napoleon's Concordat with Pope Pius in 1801 do?forced the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state126
1310992598Who were the Sans-Culottes?people of Paris who worked with their hands, were politically active but not represented in the National Convention127
1310992599What did the de-Christianization policies of the Convention do?aroused opposition in the provinces128
1310992600In 1802, what did the Treaty of Amiens do?brought temporary peace to Europe129
1310992601Unable to defeat the British Navy, what did Napoleon do?waged economic war with Great Britain130
1310992602What did the Revolution begin with? What was the first violent act?Formation of the national Assembly; Storming of the Bastille131
1310992603What were three objects of the Committee of Public Safety?1. to control the economy in an effort to age total war 2. to protect the revolution from its external European Enemies 3. to protect the revolution from its internal enemies (not to kill the king)132
1310992604Who was the French King who was sent to the Guillotine during the French Revolution?Louis XVI133
1310992605Who was the French queen who met the same fate as her husband during the French Revolution. Legend has it that she responded to Parisian women's complaints abut bread Parisian by supposedly saying "Let them eat cake."Marie Antionette134
1310992606Who is the French King whose uncontrolled spending on his palace and wars of expansion led to the French economy into ruin?Louis XIV135
1310992607Who is the jacobin leader who recruited soldiers for the War effort?Danton136
1310992608Who is the man that published a salacious newspaper which incited radicalism during the French Revolution?Marat137
1310992609Who were the radical members of the National Convention; they drew most of their support form the people of Paris?Jacobins138
1310992610Who were the moderate members of the National Convention;they drew their support from the people of the provinces outside of Paris?Girondist139
1310992611What was the battle in which Wellington defeated Napleon in 1815 and then marched into Paris. Led to his 2nd exile?Battle of Waterloo140
1310992612Once the Jacobin seized control of the government and arrested Girondist leader, what body did the Jacobins establish that gave it nearly unlimited power to deal with France's desperate situation?committee of public safty141
1310992613What is the name for the alliance of England, Russia, Prussia, and Austria against Napoleon?The Grand Alliance142
1310999964What is the name for the organization of German States under Napoleon?Confederation of the Rine143
1310999965What was the name for the organization of the German States after the Congress of Vienna?German Confederation144
1310999966Who sat where in the National Convention?Girondist sat on the right, Jacobins sat on the left145

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