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Pre-AP Spring Vocabulary

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19895169annulto reduce to nothing; to make ineffective
19895170blaseindifferent, bored as a result of having enjoyed many pleasures
19895171bolsterto support, give a boost to
19895172deploreto feel or express regret or disapproval
19895173frivolousof little importance, not worthy of serious attention
19895174musterto bring together for service or battle; to gather or summon
19895175nonentitya person or thing of no importance
19895176obsessto trouble, haunt, or fill the mind
19895177ornateelaborately decorated; showily splendid
19895178oustto remove drive out of a position or place
19895179auspiciousmarked by success; favorable
19895180boisterousloud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline
19895181clandestineor done in secret
19895182edifyto instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement
19895183evanescentvanishing or likely to vanish like vapor; impermanent
19895184impudentdisrespectful; characterized by offensively bold behavior
19895185mirthgladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter
19895186omniscienthaving infinite knowledge and awareness; all-knowing
19895187precariousdangerously lacking in security or stability
19895188soliloquya speech or dramatic monologue made to oneself to reveal thoughts
19895189zephyra gentle breeze; the west wind
19895190idiosyncrasya characteristic or quality peculiar to an individual; an oddity
19895191elicitbring or draw out a response; evoke
19895192embellishto decorate; to make beautiful with ornamentation
19895193feignto give a false appearance of; pretend

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