251213675 | Urbanization | concantrating population in cites | 0 | |
251213676 | Bosnywash | Supercity on Eastern Seaboard of the United States that stretches from Boston to Washington, D.C. | 1 | |
251213677 | Central Business District (CBD) | commercial and often geographic heart of a city | 2 | |
251213678 | Center City | official boundaries of main city surrounded by suburbs | 3 | |
251213679 | City-State | a city with it surrounding territory forms an independent state | 4 | |
251213680 | Edge Cities | a relatively large urban area situated on the outskirts of a city, typically along major roads | 5 | |
251213681 | Gentrification | the restoration of rundown urban areas by the middle class (resulting in the displacement of low-income residents) | 6 | |
251213682 | Ghettos/ Ghettoization | a part of a city occupied by a minority group or groups | 7 | |
251213683 | Greenbelts | a belt of parks or rural land surrounding a town or city | 8 | |
251213684 | Infraustructure | the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area | 9 | |
251213685 | Megacity | cities with more than 10 million people | 10 | |
251213686 | Megalopolis | a large, heavily populated city or urban complex | 11 | |
251213687 | Primate City | large city with majority of national population | 12 | |
251213688 | Public Housing | a husing development that is publicly funded and adminstered for low-income families | 13 | |
251213689 | Sprawl | the urban area formed by the expansion of a town or city into surrounding countryside | 14 | |
251213690 | Suburbs | subsidiary area, functionally specified | 15 | |
251213691 | Urban area | continuously built-up landscape | 16 | |
251213692 | Urban Renewal | the redevelopment of areas within large a city, typically involving the clearance of slums | 17 | |
251213693 | World City | a cosmopolitan city, with foreigners visiting and residing | 18 | |
251213694 | Zone in Transition | the inner city area around the CBD | 19 | |
251213695 | Zoning Ordinances | ... | 20 | |
251213696 | Euthropication | ... | 21 | |
251213697 | Favala | ... | 22 | |
251213698 | Barrios | ... | 23 | |
251213699 | Exurb | ... | 24 | |
251213700 | Metropolitan Area | large scale functional entity | 25 |