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Pre-AP World History(1st nine weeks 2010) Flashcards

Pre-Ap 9th grade level

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91430887urban societysystem in which cities are the central of political, economical and social life
91430888secularmeans "worldly"
91430889mercenariessoldiers who sold their services to the highest bidder
91430890dowrysum of money given by the wife's family to the husand upon marriage
91430891predestinationthe belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved and who will be damned
91430892frescopainting done with water-based paints on fresh, wet plaster
91430893Christian humanismmovement that developed in northern Europe during the Renaissance combining classical learning with the goal of reforming the Catholic Church
91430894indulgencerelease from all or part of the punishment for sin
91430895annuldeclare invalid
91430896Edict of Wormsmade Martin Luther an outlaw within the German empire
91430897Charles VHoly Roman emperor, also Charles I, king of Spain
91430898Peace of Augsburgagreement formally accepted the division of Christianity in Gerrmany
91430899Ulrich Zwingliwas a priest in Zurich; he reformed religion in Zurich; removed all paintings and decorations from the churchs
91430900Act of Supremacy of 1534declared that the king was "taken, accepted, and reputed the only supreme head on earth of the [new] Church of England"
91430901conquistadorSpanish conquerors of the Americas
91430902colonysettlement ofv people living in a new territory, linked with the parent colony by trade and direct government control
91430903mercantilismdifference in value between what a nationn imports and what it exports over time
91430904Christopher Columbusexplorer who believed he could reach Asia by sailing West instead of East around Africa
91430905Columbian Exchangeextensive exchange of plants and animals between the Old and New Worlds
91430906triangular trademarked the emergence of a new world ecconomy
91430907Middle Passagemiddle portion of the triangular trade route
91430908moluccasthe chief source of spices that had orginally attracted the Portuguese to the Indian Ocean; aka the Spice Islands
91430909Khmersuccessor of the old Angor Kingdom
91430910mainland statespart of continent, as distinguished from a peninsula or offshore islands
91430911bureacracya body of nonelective government officials
91430912line of demarcationimaginary line that divided Spain's and Portugal's spheres of influence
91430913John Cabotvenetian seaman
91430914Amerigo VespucciFlorentine that went along on several voyages and wrote letters that described what he saw; these letters led the use of the name America
91430915commerical revolutiondevelopment of colonies and trading pots, Europeans entered an age of increased international trade
91430916commerical capitalismeconomic system in which people invest in trade or goods to make profits
91430917Castiglionewrote the book, The Book of the Courtier
91430918Petrarchknown as the father of Italian Renaissance; began Humanist emphasis on using pure classical Latin
91430919Brunelleschiarchitect; inspired by the buildings of classical Rome to create new architecture in Florence
91430920Fuedilistic Society1. king, 2. church. 3. nobility(2-3% of pop.), 4. Peasants(85-90% of pop.)
91430921CatholicismThrough Pope Paul's work, the Church was transformed into the Catholic Church; the council reaffirmed the belief that all people were born sinful; importance of priests and nuns working amoung common people
91430922Italian WarsSpain and France fought over land; it lasted 30 years
91430923Anabaptismpeople who wanted a seperation of church and state; baptised adults, not infants; believed in salvation and rebirth before baptism
91430924Portugal and Spain1st two countries to begin to expand into the rest of the world
91430925God, Glory, Goldchief motives for European explorers
91430926Lutheranismstarted by Martin Luther; was the 1st protestant Faith; preaching based on the word of God; Bible became the only source of religious truth
91430927Calvinismwas started by John Calvin; Everyone's salvation was already decided; believed the Bible taught them all the ruls and that the Bible's rules should be Laws of Government
91430928Renaissancemeans "re-birth"; re-birthof Ancient Greece and Rome
91430929Italian Renaissancewhen people looked within for truth instead of to the Catholic Church
91430930Medicidominaed the city of Florence when it was the cultural center of Italy
91430931Dantewrote the Divine Comedy
91430932Donatellosculptor; studied statues of the Greeks and Romans
91430933Luthermonk and professor at the University of Wittenburg, Germany; wrote the 95 Thesus Statement
91430934King Henry VIIIbroke away from the Catholic Church for political reasons; started the church of England and eventually the Anglican Church
91430935LoyolaSpanish nobleman that founded the society of Jesus(aka the Jesuits); swore an oath to the pope for absolute obediance
91430936Martin LutherWho translated the Bible to German so that everyone(who spoke German) would know what it said(the truth, not whats the priests were saying it said)?
91430937Savonarolawanted to get rid of the Medici family, spoke out about the Church and coruption; he was labled a heritic and burned at the stake
91430938Raphaelpainter; admired for his paintings of the Madonna(Virgin Mary); known for his fresco in the Vatican Palace
91430939Calvinconverted from Catholic to Protestantism and fled to Switzerland; published Institues of the Christian Religion(book); leader of Pretestantism
91430940da Vincipainter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician; mastered the art of realistic painting
91430941Machiavelliwrote the book The Price(this book was an influencial book about political power in the western world)
91430942AnglicanismKing Henry VIII and the Act of Supremacy of 1534; remained close to the Catholic teachings; monasteries were sold to wealthy land owners and merchants
91430943Michelanglopainter, sculptor, and architect; painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
91430944Erasmusbest known Christian humanist; called his view of religion "the philosophy of Christ"
91430945Marco PoloWho's book, The Travels, motivated and increased the curiosity for even Columbus?
91430946Vasco de GamaWho was the first explorer to reach India and return with a vast amount of spices?
91430947balance of tradeWhat is the term for the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports over time?
91430948are greater value than those importedWhen the balance is favorable, the goods exported are...?
91430949sugar caneWhat crop caused such a dramatic change in the slave trade?
91430950plantationsWhat is the term for large a agricultural estates
91430951The demand of slaves was higher because of the growth of plantations. Plantations were becoming larger and they needed more "workers" (slaves)What was the primary cause for the dramatic increase in the number of slaves being brought to the Americas?
91430952the DutchWho was responsible for pushing the Portuguese out of the Spice Trade
91430953Because they were determinedd to gain control of the sources of the spicesWhy did the Europeans take sides on local politics?
91430954ChinaIn what country were guns and gunpowder invented?
91430955VietnamWhat country was divided in civil war?
91430956South Africa and MozambiqueIn what 2 African countries would one find permanent European presence?
91430957Age of TransitionWith the development of colonies and trading posts, Europeans enterd an age of increased international trade known as...?
91430958Fransico PizarroWhich explorer took control of the Incan Empire in the Andes?
91430959John CabotWho was the Venetian seaman that explored the New England coastline for the Americas for England?
91430960Prince Henry the NavigatorUnder which prince's sponsorship, did the Portuguese began to explore the coast of Africa?
91430961guns and seamanshipWhat were the 2 factors that allowed the Portuguese to be so successful?

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