Period 1 Review - NGA
5284509313 | Agricultural Revolution | The change from food gathering to food production that occurred between ca. 8000 and 2000 B.C.E. Also known as the Neolithic Revolution. | 0 | |
5284509314 | Sedentary | Settled in one area; inhabiting the same locality throughout life; not migratory or nomadic. | 1 | |
5284509315 | Amulet | a trinket or piece of jewelry thought to be a protection against evil | 2 | |
5284509316 | Anthropomorphic | suggesting HUMAN characteristics for animals or inanimate things | 3 | |
5284509317 | Babylon | The largest and most important city in Mesopotamia. It achieved particular eminence as the capital of the Amorite king Hammurabi in the eighteenth century B.C.E. and the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth century B.C.E. (p. 29) | 4 | |
5284509318 | Bronze | an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements | 5 | |
5284509319 | Carthage | City located in present-day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians ca. 800 B.C.E. It became a major commercial center and naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by Rome in the third century B.C.E. | 6 | |
5284509320 | Catal Hüyük | One of first true cities in history, created in the Neolithic Era in 6500 to 5500 BC, from which were created agriculture, trading, temples, housing, and religions | 7 | |
5284509321 | Celts | Peoples sharing a common language and culture that originated in Central Europe in the first half of the first millennium B.C.E.. After 500 B.C.E. they spread as far as Anatolia in the east, Spain and the British Isles in the west, onquered by Romans | 8 | |
5284509322 | Chavin | First major urban civilization in South America. Capital is de Huantar, was located in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Has 2 distinct ecological zones, the Peruvian Costal Plain and the Andean Foothills. | 9 | |
5284509323 | City-state | A city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside | 10 | |
5284509324 | Civilization | a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations) | 11 | |
5284509325 | Code of Hammurabi | the set of laws drawn up by Babylonian king Hammurabi dating to the 18th century BC, the earliest legal code known in its entirety | 12 | |
5284509326 | Confucius | Chinese philosopher, administrator, and moralist. His social and moral teachings, collected in the Analects , tried to replace former religious observances | 13 | |
5284509327 | Culture | the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization | 14 | |
5284509328 | Cuneiform | an ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia | 15 | |
5284509329 | Daoism | philosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events | 16 | |
5284509330 | Druids | The class of religious experts who conducted rituals and preserved sacred lore among some ancient Celtic peoples. They provided education, mediated disputes between kinship groups, and were suppressed by the Romans as potential resistance. | 17 | |
5284509331 | First Temple | A monumental sanctuary built in Jerusalem by King Solomon in the tenth century B.C.E. to be the religious center for the Israelite god Yahweh. The Temple priesthood conducted sacrifices, received a tithe or percentage of agricultural revenues. | 18 | |
5284509332 | Foragers | people who support themselves by hunting wild animals and gathering wild edible plants and insects | 19 | |
5284509333 | Hammurabi | Amorite ruler of Babylon (r. 1792-1750 B.C.E.). He conquered many city-states in southern and northern Mesopotamia and is best known for a code of laws, inscribed on a black stone pillar, illustrating the principles to be used in legal cases. | 20 | |
5284509334 | Harappa | Site of one of the great cities of the Indus Valley civilization of the third millennium B.C.E. It was located on the northwest frontier of the zone of cultivation , and may have been a center for the acquisition of raw materials. (p. 48) | 21 | |
5284509335 | Hatshepsut | Queen of Egypt (1473-1458 B.C.E.). Dispatched a naval expedition down the Red Sea to Punt (possibly Somalia), the faraway source of myrrh. There is evidence of opposition to a woman as ruler, and after her death her name was frequently expunged | 22 | |
5284509336 | Hebrew Bible | A collection of sacred books containing diverse materials concerning the origins, experiences, beliefs, and practices of the Israelites. Most of the text was compiled by members of the priestly class in the fifth century B.C.E. Known as the Torah. | 23 | |
5284509337 | Hieroglyphics | an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds | 24 | |
5284509338 | History | the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings | 25 | |
5284509339 | Hittites | A people from central Anatolia who established an empire in Anatolia and Syria in the Late Bronze Age. With wealth from the trade in metals and military power based on chariot forces, the hittites vied with New Kingdom Egypt over Syria | 26 | |
5284509340 | Iron Age | the period following the Bronze Age; characterized by rapid spread of iron tools and weapons | 27 | |
5284509341 | Israel | an ancient kingdom of the Hebrew tribes at the southeastern end of the Mediterranean Sea | 28 | |
5284509342 | Jericho | Oldest Neolithic community in the West Bank between Israel and Jordan | 29 | |
5284509343 | Kush | An African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c. 100 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries. | 30 | |
5284509344 | Library of Ashurbanipal | A large collection of writings drawn from the ancient literary, religious, and scientific traditions of Mesopotamia. It was assembled by the sixth century B.C.E. Assyrian ruler Ashurbanipal. The many tablets unearthed by archaeologists constitute one of the most important sources of present-day knowledge of the long literary tradition of Mesopotamia. | 31 | |
5284509345 | Linear B | the modern name for the script, composed of signs and pictures, in which Mycenaean Greeks kept records on tablets of clay | 32 | |
5284509346 | Llama | wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump | 33 | |
5284509347 | Loess | a fine-grained unstratified accumulation of clay and silt deposited by the wind | 34 | |
5284509348 | Ma'at | Egyptian term for the concept of divinely created and maintained order in the universe. Reflecting the ancient Egyptians' belief in an essentially beneficent world, the divine ruler was the earthly guarantor of this order. | 35 | |
5284509349 | Mandate of Heaven | a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source | 36 | |
5284509350 | Mass deportation | The forcible removal and relocation of large numbers of people or entire populations | 37 | |
5284509351 | Matrilineal | based on or tracing descent through the female line | 38 | |
5284509352 | Megaliths | Structures and complexes of very large stones constructed for ceremonial and religious purposes in Neolithic times. | 39 | |
5284509353 | Memphis | The capital of Old Kingdom Egypt, near the head of the Nile Delta. Early rulers were interred in the nearby pyramids | 40 | |
5284509354 | Minoan | Prosperous civilization on the Aegean island of Crete in the second millennium B.C.E. The Minoans engaged in far-flung commerce around the Mediterranean and exerted powerful cultural influences on the early Greeks. | 41 | |
5284509355 | Mohenjo-Daro | Largest city of the Indus Valley civilization. It was centrally located in the extensive floodplain of the Indus River. Little is known about the political institutions of Indus Valley communities, but the large-scale implies central planning. | 42 | |
5284509356 | Monotheism | belief in a single God | 43 | |
5284509357 | Meroe | Capital of a flourishing kingdom in southern Nubia from the fourth century B.C.E. to the fourth century C.E.. In this period Nubian culture shows more independence from Egypt and the influence of Sub-Saharan Africa. | 44 | |
5284509358 | egalitarian | of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. | 45 | |
5284509359 | Mycenae | Site of a fortified palace complex in southern Greece that controlled a Late Bronze Age kingdom.. Achaeans were a member of this principal (mainland) Greek tribe since 1900 B.C.E. | 46 | |
5284509360 | Neo-Assyrian Empire | A major Mesopotamian empire between 934-608 BCE. They used force and terror and exploited the wealth and labor of their subjects. They were an iron-age resurgence of a previous bronze age empire. | 47 | |
5284509361 | Neo-Babylonian Kingdom | Under the Chaldaeans (nomadic kinship groups that settled in southern Mesopotamia in the early first millennium B.C.E.), Babylon again became a major political and cultural center in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.E. After participating in the destruction of Assyrian power, the monarchs Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar took over the southern portion of the Assyrian domains. | 48 | |
5284509362 | Neolithic | latest part of the Stone Age beginning about 10,000 BC in the middle east (but later elsewhere) | 49 | |
5284509363 | Social Stratification | the condition of being arranged in social strata or classes within a group | 50 | |
5284509364 | Olmec | a member of an early Mesoamerican civilization contered around Veracruz that flourished between 1300 and 400 BC | 51 | |
5284509365 | Paleolithic | second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC | 52 | |
5284509366 | Papyrus | paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat | 53 | |
5284509367 | Patrilineal | based on or tracing descent through the male line | 54 | |
5284509368 | Pharaoh | the title of the ancient Egyptian kings | 55 | |
5284509369 | Phoenicians | located on eastern Mediterranean coast; invented the alphabet which used sounds rather than symbols like cuneiform | 56 | |
5284509370 | Ramesses II | A long-lived ruler of New Kingdom Egypt (r. 1290-1224 B.C.E.). He reached an accommodation with the Hittites of Anatolia after a military standoff. He built on a grand scale throughout Egypt. | 57 | |
5284509371 | Scribe | a sharp-pointed awl for marking wood or metal to be cut | 58 | |
5284509372 | Semitic | of or relating to or characteristic of Semites | 59 | |
5284509373 | Shaft graves | A term used for the burial sites of elite members of Mycenaean Greek society in the mid-second millennium B.C.E. At the bottom of deep shafts lined with stone slabs, the bodies were laid out along with gold and bronze jewelry, implements, weapons, and masks. | 60 | |
5284509374 | Shang | The dominant people in the earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records (ca. 1750-1027 B.C.E.). Ancestor worship, divination by means of oracle bones, and the use of bronze vessels for ritual purposes were major elements of this culture. | 61 | |
5284509375 | Stone Age | The historical period characterized by the production of tools from stone (lithic) and other nonmetallic substances. It was followed in some places by the Bronze Age | 62 | |
5284509376 | Sumerians | People who dominated Southern Mesopotamia through the end of the 3rd Millennium BCE. Responsible for the creation of irrigation technology, cunieform, and religious conceptions. | 63 | |
5284509377 | Thebes | Capital city of Egypt and home of the ruling dynasties during the Middle and New Kingdoms. Amon, patron deity of Thebes, became one of the chief gods of Egypt. Monarchs were buried across the river in the Valley of the Kings | 64 | |
5284509378 | Yin/yang | In Daoist belief, complementary factors that help to maintain the equilibrium of the world. One is associated with masculine, light, and active qualities while the other with feminine, dark, and passive qualities. | 65 | |
5284509379 | Zhou | The people and dynasty that took over the dominant position in north China from the Shang and created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify their rule. Remembered as prosperous era in Chinese History. | 66 | |
5284509380 | Ziggurat | a rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians | 67 | |
5284573188 | patriarchal | of, relating to, or characteristic of a system of society or government controlled by men. | 68 | |
5284587132 | Archaeology | the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of ARTIFACTS and other physical remains. | 69 | |
5284590414 | Anthropology | the study of HUMANKIND, in particular. the comparative study of human societies and cultures and their development. | 70 | |
5284600546 | benevolent | well meaning and kindly. (of an organization) serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose. | 71 | |
5284613151 | Agricultural surplus | an amount of agriculture (crops) left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand | 72 | |
5284619173 | theocratic state | a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. i.e. Egyptians, and the commonwealth of Israel from the time of Moses until the election of Saul as King. | 73 | |
5284643708 | hierarchy | a system or organization in which people or groups are RANKED one above the other according to status or authority. | 74 | |
5284655628 | Aegean Sea | an arm of the Mediterranean Sea Greece and Turkey; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia | 75 | |
5284659493 | cultural hearth | Locations on earth's surface where specific cultures first arose. Symbolic of one's home. | 76 | |
5284674940 | secular authority | worldly, earthy matters; not having to do with spiritual or religious matters | 77 | |
5284773596 | pastoralism | the branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock. It is animal husbandry: the care, tending and use of animals such as camels, goats, cattle, yaks, llamas, and sheep | 78 |