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Prescott's Microbiology Study Guide Ch1-3

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209990910Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)constructed microscopes and was the first person to observe and describe microorganisms accurately
209990911Francesco Redi (1626-1697)challenged this concept by showing that maggots on decaying meat came from fly eggs deposited on the meat, and not from the meat itself
209990912John Needham (1713-1781)showed that mutton broth boiled in flasks and then sealed could still develop microorganisms, which supported the theory of spontaneous generation
209990913Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)showed that flasks sealed and then boiled had no growth of microorganisms, and he proposed that air carried germs to the culture medium; he also commented that external air might be needed to support the growth of animals already in the medium; the latter concept was appealing to supporters of spontaneous generation
209990914Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)trapped airborne organisms in cotton; he also heated the necks of flasks, drawing them out into long curves, sterilized the media, and left the flasks open to the air; no growth was observed because dust particles carrying organisms did not reach the medium, instead they were trapped in the neck of the flask; if the necks were broken, dust would settle and the organisms would grow; in this way Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation
209990915John Tyndall (1820-1893)demonstrated that dust did carry microbes and that if dust was absent, the broth remained sterile-even if it was directly exposed to air; Tyndall also provided evidence for the existence of heat-resistant forms of bacteria
209990916Agostino Bassi (1773-1856)showed that a silkworm disease was caused by a fungus
209990917M. J. Berkeley (ca. 1845)demonstrated that the Great Potato Blight of Ireland was caused by a fungus
209990918Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)showed that the péine disease of silkworms was caused by a protozoan parasite
209990919Joseph Lister (1872-1912)developed a system of surgery designed to prevent microorganisms from entering wounds; his patients had fewer postoperative infections, thereby providing indirect evidence that microorganisms were the causal agents of human disease; his published findings (1867) transformed the practice of surgery
209990920Robert Koch (1843-1910)established the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and anthrax
209990921Koch's Postulates1.) The microorganisms must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy individuals 2.) The suspected microorganisms must be isolated and grown in pure culture 3.) The same disease must result when the isolated microorganism is inoculated into a healthy host 4.) The same microorganism must be isolated again from the diseased host
209990922Robert Koch (1843-1910)developed techniques, reagents, and other materials for culturing bacterial pathogens on solid growth media; these enable microbiologists to isolate microbes in pure culture
209990923Charles Chamberland (1851-1908)constructed a bacterial filter that removed bacteria and larger microbes from specimens; this led to the discovery of viruses as disease-causing agents
209990924Edward Jenner (ca. 1798)used a vaccination procedure to protect individuals from smallpox
209990925Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)developed other vaccines including those for chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
209990926Emil von Behring (1854-1917)and Shibasaburo Kitasato (1852-1931) induced the formation of diphtheria toxin antitoxins in rabbits; the antitoxins were effectively used to treat humans and provided evidence for humoral immunity
209990927Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916)demonstrated the existence of phagocytic cells in the blood, thus demonstrating cell-mediated immunity
209990928Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)demonstrated that alcoholic fermentations were the result of microbial activity, that some organisms could decrease alcohol yield and sour the product, and that some fermentations were aerobic and some anaerobic; he also developed the process of pasteurization to preserve wine during storage
209990929Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953)worked with soil bacteria and discovered that they could oxidize iron, sulfur, and ammonia to obtain energy; he also studied anaerobic nitrogen fixation and cellulose decomposition
209990930Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931)isolated aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, a root-nodule bacterium capable of fixing nitrogen, and sulfate reducing bacteria
209990931Beijerinck and Winogradskypioneered the use of enrichment cultures and selective media
209990932Procaryoteshave a relatively simple morphology and lack a true membrane-delimited nucleus
209990933Eucaryotesare morphologically complex and have a true, membrane-enclosed nucleus
209990934five kingdomsthe Monera or Procaryotae, Protista, Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae
209990936What kingdoms are Microbiologists' concerned with?the Monera or Procaryotae, Protista, Fungi and viruses which are not classified with living organisms
209990937three domainsBacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya
209990939Microorganismswere the first living organisms on the planet, live everywhere life is possible, are more numerous than any other kind of organism, and probably constitute the largest component of the earth's biomass
209990941The entire ecosystem depends onthe activities of microorganisms
209990943microorganisms influencehuman society in countless ways
209990945Microbiology has an impact on many fields includingmedicine, agriculture, food science, ecology, genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology
209990946Microbiologists may be interested in specific types of organisms:1) Virologists-viruses 2) Bacteriologists-bacteria 3) Phycologists or Algologists-algae 4) Mycologists-fungi 5) Protozoologists-protozoa
209990948In the future microbiologists will be1) Trying to better understand and control existing, emerging, and reemerging infectious diseases 2) Studying the association between infectious agents and chronic diseases 3) Learning more about host defenses and host-pathogen interactions 4) Developing new uses for microbes in industry, agriculture, and environmental control 5) Still discovering the many microbes that have not yet been identified and cultured 6) Trying to better understand how microbes interact and communicate 7) Analyzing and interpreting the ever-increasing amount of data from genome studies 8) Continuing to use microbes as model systems for answering fundamental questions in biology 9) Assessing and communicating the potential impact of new discoveries and technologies on society
209990950Light is refracted (bent) whenpassing from one medium to another
209990952Lensesbend light and focus the image at a specific place known as the focal point
209990954the focal lengthis the distance between the center of the lens and the focal point
209990956The bright-field microscopeproduces a dark image against a brighter background
209990957Microscope resolution refers tothe ability of a lens to separate or distinguish small objects that are close together; magnification (total) is the product of the magnification of the objective lens and the magnification of the ocular (eyepiece) lens
209990958The major factor determining resolution isthe wavelength of light used
209990959The dark-field microscopeproduces a bright image of the object against a dark background and is used to observe living, unstained preparations
209990960The phase-contrast microscope enhancesthe contrast between intracellular structures that have slight differences in refractive index and is an excellent way to observe living cells
209990961The differential interference contrast microscope is similar to the phase-contrast microscope exceptthat two beams of light are used to form brightly colored, three-dimensional images of living, unstained specimens
209990962The fluorescence microscopeexposes a specimen to ultraviolet, violet, or blue light and shows a bright image of the object resulting from the fluorescent light emitted by the specimen
209990963Fixationrefers to the process by which internal and external structures are preserved and fixed in position and by which the organism is killed and firmly attached to the microscope slide
209990964Heat fixing is normally used for what? Why?this preserves overall morphology but not internal structures
209990965Chemical fixing is used toprotect fine cellular substructure and the morphology of larger, more delicate microorganisms
209990966Dyes and simple staining are used tomake internal and external structures of the cell more visible by increasing the contrast with the background
209990967Differential staining is used todivide bacteria into separate groups based on their different reactions to an identical staining procedure
209990968Gram staining is the most widely used differential staining procedure becauseit divides bacterial species into two roughly equal groups-gram positive and gram negative
209990969How do you do a gram stain?1) The smear is first stained with crystal violet, which stains all cells purple 2) Iodine is used as a mordant to increase the interaction between the cells and the dye 3) Ethanol or acetone is used to decolorize; this is the differential step because gram-positive bacteria retain the crystal violet whereas gram-negative bacteria lose the crystal violet and become colorless 4) Safranin is then added as a counterstain to turn the gram-negative bacteria pink while leaving the gram-positive bacteria purple
209990970Acid-fast staining is adifferential staining procedure that can be used to identify two medically important species of bacteria-Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, and Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy
209990971Negative staining is widely used tovisualize diffuse capsules surrounding the bacteria; those capsules are unstained by the procedure and appear colorless against a stained background
209990972Spore stainingis a double staining technique by which bacterial endospores are left one color and the vegetative cell a different color
209990973Flagella stainingis a procedure in which mordants are applied to increase the thickness of flagella to make them easier to see after staining
209990974The electron microscopefocuses beams of electrons to produce an image
209990975In transmission electron microscopy (TEM)electrons scatter when they pass through thin sections of a specimen; the transmitted electrons (those that do not scatter) are used to produce an image of the internal structures of the organism; TEM has a resolution about 1,000 times better than that of the light microscope (0.5 nm versus 0.2 mm)
209990976Specimen preparation for the electron microscopeinvolves procedures for cutting thin sections, chemical fixation, and staining with electron-dense materials (analogous to the procedures used for the preparation of specimens for light microscopy); other preparation methods include shadowing or freeze-etching
209990977The scanning electron microscope (SEM)uses electrons reflected from the surface of a specimen to produce a three-dimensional image of its surface features; many SEM have a resolution of 7 nm or less
209990978The confocal microscopeis often used to examine fluorescently stained specimens
209990979The confocal microscope1) It uses a focused laser beam to illuminate just one point on the specimen 2) A detector measures the amount of illumination from each point, creating a digitized signal 3) After examining many points (optical sections), a computer combines all the digitized signals to form a three-dimensional image with excellent contrast and resolution
209990980Scanning Probe Microscopy1) The scanning tunneling electron microscope uses a sharp probe to create an accurate three-dimensional image of the surface atoms of a specimen; the resolution is such that individual atoms can be observed 2) The atomic force microscope is similar to the scanning tunneling microscope in that it uses a scanning probe; however, in this microscope the probe maintains a constant distance from the specimen and is useful for surfaces that do not conduct electricity well
211488484vibrioscurved rods
211488485spirillarigid helices
211488486spirochetesflexible helices
211488487tetradsDuring the reproductive process, some cells remain attached to each other to form chains, clusters, square planar configurations
211488488sarcinaeDuring the reproductive process, some cells remain attached to each other to form chains, clusters,cubic configurations
211488489pleomorphicA few bacteria are flat and some lack a single, characteristic form
211488490Procaryotic cells vary in size although they are generally smaller than most eucaryotic cells; recently, however,several large prokaryotes have been discovered, which grow as large as 750mm in diameter and can be seen without the aid of a microscope
211488491Procaryotic cells contain a variety of internal structures, althoughnot all structures are found in every genus
211488492procaryotes are morphologically distinct from eucaryotic cells andhave fewer internal structures
211488493The plasma membrane of bacteria consists ofa phospholipid bilayer with hydrophilic surfaces (interact with water) and a hydrophobic interior (insoluble in water); such asymmetric molecules are said to be amphipathic; most bacterial membranes lack sterols
211488494Many archaeal membranes have a monolayer instead of abilayer
211488495he fluid mosaic modelis the most widely accepted model of membrane structure.
211488496peripheralloosely associated and easily removed
211488497integralembedded within the membrane and not easily removed
211488498The membrane ishighly organized, asymmetric, flexible, and dynamic
211488499The plasma membrane serves several functions1) It retains the cytoplasm and separates the cell from its environment 2) It serves as a selectively permeable barrier, allowing some molecules to pass into or out of the cell while preventing passage of other molecules 3) It is the location of a variety of crucial metabolic processes including respiration, photosynthesis, lipid synthesis, and cell wall synthesis 4) It may contain special receptor molecules that enable detection of and response to chemicals in the surroundings
211488500Mesosomesare structures formed by invaginations of the plasma membrane that may play a role in cell wall formation during cell division and in chromosome replication and distribution; however, mesosomes may be artifacts generated during chemical fixation for electron microscopy
211488501Photosynthetic bacteria may have complex infoldings of the plasma membrane that increasethe surface area available for photosynthesis
211488502Bacteria with high respiratory activity may also have extensive infoldings that providea large surface area for greater metabolic activity
211488503Internal membranes may be aggregatesof spherical vesicles, flattened vesicles, or tubular membranes
211882601The cytoplasmic matrix isthe substance between the membrane and the nucleoid;
211882602The cytoplasmic matrix isis featureless in electron micrographs but is often packed with ribosomes and inclusion bodies
211882603The cytoplasmic matrix isalthough lacking a true cytoskeleton, the cytoplasmic matrix of bacteria does have a cytoskeleton-like system of proteins
211882604Inclusion BodiesMany are granules of organic or inorganic material that are stockpiled by the cell for future use; some are not bounded by a membrane, but others are enclosed by a single-layered membrane
211882605List two Inclusion BodiesGas vacuoles and Magnetosomes
211882606Gas vacuolesare a type of inclusion body found in cyanobacteria and some other aquatic forms; they provide buoyancy for these organisms and keep them at or near the surface of their aqueous habitat
211882607Magnetosomesare inclusion bodies that contain iron in the form of magnetite; they are used by some bacteria to orient in the Earthís magnetic field
211882608Ribosomesare complex structures consisting of protein and RNA and They are responsible for the synthesis of cellular proteins
211882609Procaryotic ribosomes are similar in structure to, butsmaller than, eucaryotic ribosomes
211882610The nucleoid is anirregularly shaped region in which the chromosome of the procaryote is found
211882611In most procaryotes, the nucleoid contains aa single circular chromosome, though some have more than one chromosome or have one or more linear chromosomes
211882612The nucleoid is not bounded by a membrane, but it is sometimes found to be associated withthe plasma membrane or with mesosomes
211882613The bacterial chromosomean efficiently packed DNA molecule that is looped and coiled extensively
211882614In addition to the chromosome, many bacteria containplasmids
211882615plasmidsare usually small, closed circular DNA molecules
211882616plasmidsThey can exist and replicate independently of the bacterial chromosome They are not required for bacterial growth and reproduction, but they may carry genes that give the bacterium a selective advantage (e.g., drug resistance, enhanced metabolic activities, etc.)
211882617The cell wall is arigid structure that lies just outside the plasma membrane; it provides the characteristic shapes of the various procaryotes and protects them from osmotic lysis
211882618The cell walls of most bacteria containpeptidoglycan
211882619the cell walls of archaea lack peptidoglycan and instead are composed of proteinsglycoptoteins, or polysaccharides
211882620The cell walls of gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria differ greatly, but both haveperiplasmic space
211882621periplasmic spaceusually contains a variety of proteins
211882622The protiens in the periplasmic spacethese proteins can be involved in nutrient acquisition, electron transport, peptidoglycan synthesis or in modification of toxic compounds
211882623Peptidoglycan (murein)is a polysaccharide polymer found in bacterial cell walls; it consists of polysaccharide chains cross-linked by peptide bridges
211882624Gram-positive cell walls-consist ofa thick layer of peptidoglycan and large amounts of teichoic acids
211882625Gram-negative cell wallsThey consist of a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane composed of lipids, lipoproteins, and a large molecule known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS can play a protective role and can also act as an endotoxin, causing some of the symptoms characteristic of gram-negative bacterial infections; there are no teichoic acids in gram-negative cell walls. The outer membrane is more permeable than the plasma membrane because of porin proteins that form channels through which small molecules (600-700 daltons) can pass
211882626The mechanism of Gram staining-involvesconstricting the thick peptidoglycan layer of gram-positive cells, thereby preventing the loss of the crystal violet stain during the brief decolorization step; the thinner, less cross-linked peptidoglycan layer of gram-negative bacteria cannot retain the stain as well, and these bacteria are thus more readily decolorized when treated with alcohol
211882627The cell wall and osmotic protection-the cell wall preventsswelling and lysis of bacteria in hypotonic solutions
211882628in hypertonic habitats, the plasma membraneshrinks away from the cell wall
211882629plasmolysisthe plasma membrane shrinks away from the cell wall
211882630glycocalyxare layers of polysaccharides lying outside the cell wall ie:Capsules and slime layers
211882631Capsules and slime layers (also known as glycocalyx protect and aid in what waythe bacteria from phagocytosis, desiccation, viral infection, and hydrophobic toxic materials such as detergents; they also aid bacterial attachment to surfaces and gliding motility
211882632Capsulesare well organized b. Slime layers are diffuse and unorganized
211882633Slime layersare diffuse and unorganized
211882634S layersare regularly structured layers of protein or glycoprotein observed in both bacteria and archaea, where it may be the only structure outside the plasma membrane
211882635S layers protect againstion and pH fluctuations, osmotic stress, hydrolytic enzymes, or the predacious bacterium Bdellovibrio
211882636Pili and fimbriaare short, thin, hairlike appendages that mediate bacterial attachment to surfaces (fimbriae) or to other bacteria during sexual mating (pili)
211882637Flagellaare threadlike locomotor appendages extending outward from the plasma membrane and cell wall
211882638Monotrichousa single flagellum
211882639Amphitrichousa single flagellum at each pole
211882640Lophotrichousa cluster (tuft) of flagella at one or both ends
211882641Peritrichousa relatively even distribution of flagella over the entire surface of the bacterium
211882642The flagellum consists ofa hollow filament composed of a single protein known as flagellin. The hook is a short curved segment that links the filament to the basal body, a series of rings that drives flagellar rotation.
211882643Flagellar synthesis involvesmany genes for the hook and basal body, as well as the gene for flagellin. New molecules of flagellin are transported through the hollow filament so that the growth of the flagellum is from the tip, not from the base.
211882644The mechanism of flagellar movementappears to be rotation; the hook and helical structure of the flagellum causes the flagellum to act as a propeller, thus driving the bacterium through its watery environment Counterclockwise rotation causes forward motion
211882645spirochetesaxial filaments cause movement by flexing and spinning
211882646gliding motilitya mechanism by which they coast along solid surfaces; no visible structure is associated with gliding motility
211882647runCounterclockwise rotation causes forward motion
211882648tumbleClockwise rotation disrupts forward motion
211882649Chemotaxisis directed movement of bacteria either towards a chemical attractant or away from a chemical repellent
211882650The concentrations of these attractants and repellents are detected bychemoreceptors in the surfaces of the bacteria
211882651Directional travel toward a chemoattractant (biased random walk toward attractant) is caused bylowering the frequency of tumbles (twiddles), thereby lengthening the runs when traveling up the gradient, but allowing tumbling to occur at normal frequency when traveling down the gradient
211882652The mechanism of control of tumbles and runs is complex, involving numerous proteins and several mechanisms (conformation changes, methylation, and phosphorylation) to modulate their activitydespite this complexity chemotaxis is fast, with responses occurring in as little as 200 meters/second
211882653The bacterial endosporeis a special, resistant, dormant structure formed by some bacteria, which enables them to resist harsh environmental conditions
211882654Endospore formation (sporulation)normally commences when growth ceases because of lack of nutrients; it is a complex, multistage process
211882655Transformation of dormant endospores into active vegetative cells is also a complex, multistage process that includesactivation (preparation) of the endospore, germination (breaking of the endosporeís dormant state), and outgrowth (emergence of the new vegetative cell)

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