5763645242 | ad | to, toward | 0 | |
5763645243 | ante | before | 1 | |
5763645244 | apud | at, by, near, with, among | 2 | |
5763645245 | circa | around | 3 | |
5763645246 | contra | against | 4 | |
5763645247 | extra | outside of | 5 | |
5763645248 | in (+acc) | into, onto | 6 | |
5763645249 | in (+abl) | in, on | 7 | |
5763645250 | infra | below | 8 | |
5763645251 | inter | between, among | 9 | |
5763645252 | intra | within | 10 | |
5763645253 | iuxta | next to | 11 | |
5763645254 | ob | in front ot | 12 | |
5763645255 | per | through | 13 | |
5763645256 | post | after | 14 | |
5763645257 | praeter | past | 15 | |
5763645258 | prope | near | 16 | |
5763645259 | propter | on account of | 17 | |
5763645260 | secundum | along | 18 | |
5763645261 | sub (+acc) | up to | 19 | |
5763645262 | sub (+abl) | under | 20 | |
5763645263 | super | over, above, beyond | 21 | |
5763645264 | supra | over, above, on top of | 22 | |
5763645265 | trans | across | 23 | |
5763645266 | ultra | beyond | 24 | |
5763645267 | eo | I go | 25 | |
5763645268 | īs | you go | 26 | |
5763645269 | is | he | 27 | |
5763645270 | it | he/she/it goes | 28 | |
5763645271 | imus | we go | 29 | |
5763645272 | itis | y'all go | 30 | |
5763645274 | eunt | they go | 31 | |
5763645275 | amō | I love | 32 | |
5763645276 | amās | You love | 33 | |
5763645277 | amat | He/She/It loves | 34 | |
5763645278 | amāmus | We love | 35 | |
5763645279 | amātis | Y'all love | 36 | |
5763645280 | amant | They love | 37 | |
5763645281 | videō | I see | 38 | |
5763645282 | vidēs | You see | 39 | |
5763645283 | videt | He/She/It sees | 40 | |
5763645284 | vidēmus | We see | 41 | |
5763645285 | vidētis | Y'all see | 42 | |
5763645286 | vident | They see | 43 | |
5763645287 | aptus, -a, -um | apt, fitting | 44 | |
5763645288 | certus, -a, -um | certain | 45 | |
5763645289 | cēterus, -a, -um | the other, the rest | 46 | |
5763645290 | nullus, -a, -um | none | 47 | |
5763645291 | pulcher, -a. -um | beautiful | 48 | |
5763645292 | aliēnus, -a, -um | strange | 49 | |
5763645293 | aequus, -a, -um | equal | 50 | |
5763645294 | beātus, -a, -um | happy, blessed | 51 | |
5763645295 | iūstus, -a, -um | just | 52 | |
5763645296 | rēctus, -a, -um | straight | 53 | |
5763645297 | via, -ae | road | 54 | |
5763645298 | fossa, -ae | ditch | 55 | |
5763645299 | pāgina, -ae | page | 56 | |
5763645300 | mēnsa, -ae | table | 57 | |
5763645301 | cēna, -ae | dinner | 58 | |
5763645302 | ōrō | I pray | 59 | |
5763645303 | ōrāre | To pray | 60 | |
5763645304 | ōrāvī | I prayed | 61 | |
5763645305 | ōrātus, ōrāta, ōrātum | prayed | 62 | |
5763645306 | ornō | I equip | 63 | |
5763645307 | ornāre | To equip | 64 | |
5763645308 | ornāvī | I equiped | 65 | |
5763645309 | ornātus, ornāta, ornātum | equiped | 66 | |
5763645310 | exspectō | I expect | 67 | |
5763645311 | exspectāre | To expect | 68 | |
5763645312 | exspectāvī | I expected | 69 | |
5763645313 | exspectātus, exspectāta, exspectātum | expected | 70 | |
5763645314 | putō | I think | 71 | |
5763645315 | putāre | To think | 72 | |
5763645316 | putāvī | I thought | 73 | |
5763645317 | putātus, putāta, putātum | thought | 74 | |
5763645318 | probō | I approve | 75 | |
5763645319 | probāre | To approve | 76 | |
5763645320 | probāvī | I approved | 77 | |
5763645321 | probātus, probāta, probātum | approved | 78 | |
5763645322 | vīvus, -a, -um | living | 79 | |
5763645323 | mortuus, -a, -um | dead | 80 | |
5763645324 | posterus, -a, -um | next | 81 | |
5763645325 | postrēmus, -a, -um | last | 82 | |
5763645326 | extrēmas, -a, -um | outermost | 83 | |
5763645327 | aqua, -ae | water | 84 | |
5763645328 | terra, -ae | earth | 85 | |
5763645329 | fābula, -ae | story | 86 | |
5763645330 | silva, -ae | forest | 87 | |
5763645331 | porta, -ae | gate | 88 | |
5763645332 | causa, -ae | cause | 89 | |
5763645333 | cūra, -ae | care | 90 | |
5763645334 | iniūria, -ae | injury, injustus | 91 | |
5763645335 | nātūra, -ae | nature, birth | 92 | |
5763645336 | stella, -ae | star | 93 | |
5763645337 | modus, ī | measure, mode | 94 | |
5763645338 | numerus, -ī | number, measure | 95 | |
5763645339 | errō | I wander | 96 | |
5763645340 | errāre | to wander | 97 | |
5763645341 | errāvī | I wandered | 98 | |
5763645342 | errātus, errāta, errātum | wandered | 99 | |
5763645343 | spectō | I look at | 100 | |
5763645344 | spectāre | to look at | 101 | |
5763645345 | spectāvī | I looked at | 102 | |
5763645346 | spectātus, spectāta, spectātum | looked at | 103 | |
5763645347 | parō | I prepare | 104 | |
5763645348 | parāre | to prepare | 105 | |
5763645349 | parāvī | I prepared | 106 | |
5763645350 | parātus, parāta, parātum | prepared | 107 | |
5763645351 | fēmina, -ae | woman | 108 | |
5763645352 | unda, -ae | wave | 109 | |
5763645353 | interrogō | I ask | 110 | |
5763645354 | interrogāre | to ask | 111 | |
5763645355 | interrogāvī | I asked | 112 | |
5763645356 | interrogātum | asked | 113 | |
5763645357 | agitō | I drive | 114 | |
5763645358 | agitāre | to drive | 115 | |
5763645359 | agitāvī | I drove | 116 | |
5763645360 | agitātum | drove | 117 | |
5763645361 | imperō | I order | 118 | |
5763645362 | imperāre | to order | 119 | |
5763645363 | imperāvī | I ordered | 120 | |
5763645364 | imperātum | ordered | 121 | |
5763645365 | administrō | I help | 122 | |
5763645366 | administrāre | to help | 123 | |
5763645367 | administrāvī | I helped | 124 | |
5763645368 | administrātum | helped | 125 | |
5763645369 | nōminō | I name | 126 | |
5763645370 | nominare | to name | 127 | |
5763645371 | nominavi | I named | 128 | |
5763645372 | nōminātum | named | 129 | |
5763645373 | iūdicium, -i | trial, legal investigation | 130 | |
5763645374 | officium, -i | duty, respect | 131 | |
5763645375 | studium, -i | zeal, study | 132 | |
5763645376 | vīnum, -i | wine | 133 | |
5763645377 | vitium, -i | fault | 134 | |
5763645378 | armentum, -i | herd | 135 | |
5763645379 | medium, -i | middle | 136 | |
5763645380 | poēta, -ae (m) | poet | 137 | |
5763645381 | agricola, -ae (m) | farmer | 138 | |
5763645382 | incola, -ae (m) | settler | 139 | |
5763645383 | nauta, -ae (m) | sailor | 140 | |
5763645384 | frūmentum, -i | grain | 141 | |
5763645385 | ager, agri | field | 142 | |
5763645386 | vir, viri | man | 143 | |
5763645387 | sum | I am | 144 | |
5763645388 | es | You are | 145 | |
5763645389 | est | He/She/It is | 146 | |
5763645390 | sumus | We are | 147 | |
5763645391 | estis | Y'all are | 148 | |
5763645392 | sunt | They are | 149 | |
5763645393 | eram | I was | 150 | |
5763645394 | eras | You were | 151 | |
5763645395 | erat | He/She/It was | 152 | |
5763645396 | eramus | We were | 153 | |
5763645397 | eratis | Y'all were | 154 | |
5763645398 | erant | They were | 155 | |
5763645399 | ero | I will be | 156 | |
5763645400 | eris | You will be | 157 | |
5763645401 | erit | He/She/It will be | 158 | |
5763645402 | erimus | We will be | 159 | |
5763645403 | eritis | Y'all will be | 160 | |
5763645404 | erunt | They will be | 161 | |
5763645405 | Quid est praenomen tibi? | What is your first name? | 162 | |
5763645406 | Praenōmen mihi est ______ | My name is ________ | 163 | |
5763645407 | Quid agis, hodiē? | How are you (singular) today? | 164 | |
5763645408 | Quid agitis, hodiē? | How are you (plural) today? | 165 | |
5763645409 | Bene, grātiās tibi, et tū? | Fine, thank you, and you? | 166 | |
5763645410 | Male, grātiās tibi, et tū? | Poorly, thank you, and you? | 167 | |
5763645411 | Nec bene, nec male, grātiās tibi, et tū? | Neither well nor bad, thank you, and you? | 168 | |
5763645412 | Ubi habitās? | Where do you live? | 169 | |
5763645413 | In oppidō _________ habitō. | I live in _________________________. | 170 | |
5763645414 | Intellegisne? | Do you understand? | 171 | |
5763645415 | Ita, intellegō. | Yes, I understand. | 172 | |
5763645416 | Nōn intellegō. | I do not understand. | 173 | |
5763645419 | id | it | 174 | |
5763645420 | eius | his, hers, and its | 175 | |
5763645422 | eum | him | 176 | |
5763645423 | eam | her | 177 | |
5763645424 | eō | by/with/from him and it | 178 | |
5763645425 | eā | by/with/from her | 179 | |
5763645426 | flamma, -ae | flame | 180 | |
5763645427 | fōrma, -ae | shape, beauty | 181 | |
5763645428 | grātia, -ae | thanks | 182 | |
5763645429 | hōra, ae | hour | 183 | |
5763645430 | iānua, - ae | door | 184 | |
5763645431 | lacrima, -ae | tear | 185 | |
5763645432 | lingua, -ae | tongue , language | 186 | |
5763645433 | cēnō, cēnāre, cēnāvī, cēnātus | to dine | 187 | |
5763645434 | cantō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus | to sing | 188 | |
5763645435 | appellō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus | to name | 189 | |
5763645436 | accūsō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus | to accuse | 190 | |
5763645437 | commemorō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus | to remember | 191 | |
5763645438 | littera, -ae | letter | 192 | |
5763645439 | lūna, -ae | moon | 193 | |
5763645440 | luxuria, -ae | luxury, extravagance | 194 | |
5763645441 | memoria, -ae | memory | 195 | |
5763645442 | opera, -ae | effort | 196 | |
5763645443 | lēgātus, -ī | deputy, lieutenant | 197 | |
5763645444 | oculus, -ī | eye | 198 | |
5763645445 | eī | they (m) | 199 | |
5763645446 | eae | they (f) | 200 | |
5763645448 | eārum | their (f) | 201 | |
5763645449 | eōrum | their (m) and (n) | 202 | |
5763645451 | eōs | them (m) | 203 | |
5763645452 | eās | them (f) | 204 | |
5763645453 | ea | them (n) | 205 | |
5763645454 | eīs | by/with/from them | 206 | |
5763645455 | discipulus | student | 207 | |
5763645456 | magister | teacher | 208 | |
5763645457 | dominus | master | 209 | |
5763645458 | servus | slave | 210 | |
5763645459 | famulus | servant | 211 | |
5763645460 | ego | I | 212 | |
5763645461 | meī | of me/mine | 213 | |
5763645462 | mihi | to/for me | 214 | |
5763645463 | mē, acc | me | 215 | |
5763645464 | mē, abl | by/with/from me | 216 | |
5763645465 | nōs, nom | we | 217 | |
5763645466 | nostrum, nostrī | of us/ours | 218 | |
5763645467 | nōbīs, dat | to/for us | 219 | |
5763645468 | nōs, acc | us | 220 | |
5763645469 | nōbīs, abl | by/with/from us | 221 | |
5763645470 | iuvo | I help | 222 | |
5765544721 | iuvare | to help | 223 | |
5765544722 | iuvavi | I helped | 224 | |
5765546297 | iuvatus | helped | 225 | |
5763645471 | laudo | I praise | 226 | |
5765532777 | laudare | to praise | 227 | |
5765535014 | laudavi | I praised | 228 | |
5765536597 | laudatus | praised | 229 | |
5763645472 | lavo | I wash | 230 | |
5765537839 | lavare | to wash | 231 | |
5765539541 | lavavi | I washed | 232 | |
5765539542 | lavatus | washed | 233 | |
5763645473 | nūntiō, nūntiāre, nūntiāvī, nūntiātus | to announce | 234 | |
5763645474 | marītō, marītāre, marītāvī, marītātus | to marry | 235 | |
5763645475 | marītus, i m. | husband | 236 | |
5763645476 | marīta, -ae f. | wife | 237 | |
5763645477 | marītus, -a, -um | married | 238 | |
5763645478 | nūntius, -i m. | messenger | 239 | |
5763645479 | populus, -i m. | people | 240 | |
5763645480 | puer/puella | boy/girl | 241 | |
5763645481 | fīlius/fillia | son/daughter | 242 | |
5763645482 | germānus/germāna | brother/sister | 243 | |
5763645483 | amīcus/amīca | freind | 244 | |
5763645484 | ancilla | maidservant | 245 | |
5763645485 | tū | you | 246 | |
5763645486 | tuī | of you/yours | 247 | |
5763645487 | tibi | to/for you | 248 | |
5763645488 | tē | you | 249 | |
5763645489 | tē | by/with/from you | 250 | |
5763645490 | vōs | you all | 251 | |
5763645491 | vestrum, vestrī | of you all/yours | 252 | |
5763645492 | vōbīs | to/for you all | 253 | |
5763645493 | vōs | you all | 254 | |
5763645494 | vōbīs | by/ with from you all | 255 | |
5763645495 | adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiūtus | to help | 256 | |
5763645496 | adoptō, adoptāre, adoptāvī, adoptātus | to select | 257 | |
5763645497 | āmoveō, āmovēre, āmōvī, āmōtus | to move away | 258 | |
5763645498 | āvocō, āvocāre, āvocāvī, āvocātus | to call away | 259 | |
5763645499 | moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus | to move | 260 | |
5763645500 | rēmus, -ī | oar | 261 | |
5763645501 | sacculus, -ī | little bag | 262 | |
5763645502 | tumulus, -ī | hill, mound | 263 | |
5763645503 | pugna, -ae | fight | 264 | |
5763645504 | gladius, -ī | sword | 265 | |
5763645505 | bellum, -ī | war, battle | 266 | |
5763645506 | proelium, -ī | battle | 267 | |
5763645507 | arma, -ōrum | arms, weapons | 268 | |
5763645508 | flāre | to blow | 269 | |
5763645509 | dāre | to give | 270 | |
5763645510 | habitāre | to live | 271 | |
5763645511 | ambulāre | to walk | 272 | |
5763645512 | mandāre | to entrust | 273 | |
5763645513 | forma, formæ, f. | shape, beauty | 274 | |
5763645514 | flamma, flammae f. | flame | 275 | |
5763645515 | gratia, gratiæ, f. | thanks | 276 | |
5763645516 | hora, horæ, f. | hour | 277 | |
5763645517 | ianua, ianuæ, f. | door | 278 | |
5763645518 | lacrima, lacrimæ, f. | tear | 279 | |
5763645519 | lingua, linguæ, f. | tongue, language | 280 | |
5763645520 | ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum | to dine | 281 | |
5763645521 | canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatum | to sing, chant | 282 | |
5763645522 | appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum | to name | 283 | |
5763645523 | accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatum | to accuse | 284 | |
5763645524 | commemoro, commemorare, commemoravi, commemoratum | to remember | 285 | |
5763645525 | littera, litteræ, f. | letter | 286 | |
5763645526 | luna, lunæ, f. | moon | 287 | |
5763645527 | luxuria, luxuriæ, f. | luxury, extravagance | 288 | |
5763645528 | memoria, memoriæ, f. | memory | 289 | |
5763645529 | opera, operæ, f. | effort, services | 290 | |
5763645530 | legatus, legati, m. | deputy, lieutenant | 291 | |
5763645531 | oculus, oculi, m. | eye | 292 | |
5763645532 | magister/magistra, m./f. | teacher, master | 293 | |
5763645533 | discipulus/discipula, m./f. | student, disciple | 294 | |
5763645534 | dominus/domina, m./f. | lord, master | 295 | |
5763645535 | servus/serva, m./f. | slave | 296 | |
5763645536 | famulus/famula, m./f. | servant | 297 | |
5763645537 | iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum | to help | 298 | |
5763645538 | laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum | to praise | 299 | |
5763645539 | lavo, lavare, lavavi, lavatum | to wash | 300 | |
5763645540 | nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum | to announce | 301 | |
5763645541 | marito, maritare, maritavi, maritatum | to marry | 302 | |
5763645542 | maritus/marita, m./f. | husband/wife | 303 | |
5763645543 | maritus, marita, maritum | married | 304 | |
5763645544 | nuntius, nuntii, m. | messenger | 305 | |
5763645545 | populus, populi, m. | people | 306 | |
5763645546 | puer/puella, m./f. | boy/girl | 307 | |
5763645547 | filius/filia, m./f. | son/daughter | 308 | |
5763645548 | germanus/germana, m./f. | brother/sister | 309 | |
5763645549 | amicus/amica, m./f. | friend | 310 | |
5763645550 | ancilla, ancillæ | slave girl | 311 | |
5763645551 | adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutum | to help, to aid | 312 | |
5763645552 | adopto, adoptare, adoptavi, adoptatum | to select, to adopt | 313 | |
5763645553 | amoveo, amovere, amovi, amotum | to move away | 314 | |
5763645554 | avoco, avocare, avocavi, avocatum | to call away | 315 | |
5763645555 | moveo, movere, movi, motum | to move | 316 | |
5763645556 | remus, remi, m. | oar | 317 | |
5763645557 | sacculus, sacculi, m. | little bag | 318 | |
5763645558 | tumulus, tumuli, m. | hill, mound | 319 | |
5763645559 | pugna, pugnæ | fight | 320 | |
5763645560 | gladius, gladii, m. | sword | 321 | |
5763645561 | bellum, belli, n. | war, battle | 322 | |
5763645562 | prœlium, prœlii, n. | battle | 323 | |
5763645563 | arma, armorum, n. pl. | arms, weapons | 324 | |
5763645564 | flo, flare, flavi, flatum | to blow | 325 | |
5763645565 | do, dare, dedi, datum | to give | 326 | |
5763645566 | habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatum | to live | 327 | |
5763645567 | ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum | to walk | 328 | |
5763645568 | mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatum | to entrust | 329 | |
5763645569 | Salve! | Hello! | 330 | |
5763645570 | Quod nomen est tibi? | What is 'your' name? | 331 | |
5763645571 | Mihi nomen est __________________. | 'My' name is __________________. | 332 | |
5763645572 | Quid agis? | How are you doing? | 333 | |
5763645573 | Valeo, gratias. | I am well, thank you. | 334 | |
5763645574 | Quid novi? | What (is) new? | 335 | |
5763645575 | Nihil novi. | Nothing (is) new. | 336 | |
5763645576 | Bene | Fine/Well | 337 | |
5763645577 | Minime | No/not at all | 338 | |
5763645578 | Sedete! | Sit down! | 339 | |
5763645579 | Surgite! | Stand up! | 340 | |
5763645580 | Pacate! | Stop fighting! | 341 | |
5763645581 | Venite! | Let's go! | 342 | |
5763645582 | fero | I carry | 343 | |
5763645583 | fers | you carry | 344 | |
5763645584 | fert | he/she/it carries | 345 | |
5763645585 | ferimus | we carry | 346 | |
5763645586 | fertis | y'all carry | 347 | |
5763645587 | ferunt | they carry | 348 | |
5763645588 | a (ab) | from, by, away from | 349 | |
5763645589 | coram | face-to-face with | 350 | |
5763645590 | cum | with | 351 | |
5763645591 | de | down from | 352 | |
5763645592 | e (ex) | out of | 353 | |
5763645593 | in | in, on | 354 | |
5763645594 | prae | in front of, before | 355 | |
5763645595 | pro | before, on behalf of | 356 | |
5763645596 | sine | without | 357 | |
5763645597 | sub | under | 358 | |
5763645598 | tenus | to the extent of | 359 | |
5763645599 | absum | I am absent | 360 | |
5763645600 | abesse | to be absent | 361 | |
5763645601 | afui | I have been absent | 362 | |
5763645602 | afuturus | about to be absent | 363 | |
5763645603 | adsum | I am present | 364 | |
5763645604 | adesse | to be present | 365 | |
5763645605 | adfui | I have been present | 366 | |
5763645606 | adfuturus | about to be present | 367 | |
5763645607 | abeo | I go away | 368 | |
5763645608 | abire | to go away | 369 | |
5763645609 | abii | I went away | 370 | |
5763645610 | abitus | gone away | 371 | |
5763645611 | adeo | I go toward | 372 | |
5763645612 | adire | to go toward | 373 | |
5763645613 | adii | I went toward | 374 | |
5763645614 | aditus | gone toward | 375 | |
5763645615 | exeo | I go out | 376 | |
5763645616 | exire | to go out | 377 | |
5763645617 | exii | I went out | 378 | |
5763645618 | exitus | gone out | 379 | |
5763645619 | ferre | to carry | 380 | |
5763645620 | tuli | I carried | 381 | |
5763645621 | latus | carried | 382 |
Primer B Chapters 1-12 Flashcards
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