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PSHS AP Latin Book II Test 1

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101546269aperio, aperire, aperui, apertusdisclose
101546272caecus, a, umblind
101546273cavus, a, umhollow
101546274credo, credere, credidi, creditustrust
101546275delubrum, i, nshrine
101546276etiameven now
101546277festus, a, umfestive
101546278frons, frondis, fbranch
101546279futurus, a, umfuture
101546280insidia, insidiae, fplot
101546281iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussusdirect
101546282latebra, ae, fhiding place
101546283melior, melior, meliusbetter
101546284miser, misera, miserumpoor
101546285os, oris, nmouth
101546286pelagus, i, nsea
101546287praecipito, are, avi, atuscast down
101546288sententia, ae, fopinion
101546289suspicio, suspicere, suspexi, suspectusadmire
101546290terebro, are, avi, atusbore into
101546292ultimus, a, umfarthest
101546293umidus, a, umdry
101546295uro, urere, ussi, ustusburn

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