1880303801 | (personality) trait | a stable, enduring quality that a person shows in most situations | 0 | |
1880303802 | (personality) type | a style of personality defined by a group of related traits | 1 | |
1880303803 | self-concept | a person's perception of his or her own personality traits | 2 | |
1885245928 | the Big Five | proposes that personality has five universal dimensions; extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, open to experience | 3 | |
1890205650 | psychoanalytic theory | Freudian theory of personality that emphasizes unconscious forces and conflicts | 4 | |
1890205651 | id | made up of innate biological instincts and urges; operates on the pleasure principle | 5 | |
1890205652 | ego | guided by the reality principle; "executive" of energies supplied by the id | 6 | |
1890205653 | superego | acts as a judge or censor for the thoughts and actions of the ego; conscience; ego ideal | 7 | |
1890205654 | unconscious | the region of the mind that is beyond awareness, especially impulses and desires not directly known to a person | 8 | |
1890205655 | preconscious | an area of the mind containing information that can be voluntarily brought to awareness | 9 | |
1890205656 | conscious | the region of the mind that includes all mental contents a person is aware of at any given moment | 10 | |
1890205657 | psychosexual stages of development | oral, anal, phallic, (latency), genital | 11 | |
1898463508 | drive | any stimulus strong enough to goad a person to action | 12 | |
1898463509 | cue | signals from the environment | 13 | |
1898463510 | response | action | 14 | |
1898463511 | reward | positive reinforcement | 15 | |
1898463512 | social learning theory (Rotter) | an explanation of personality that combines learning principles, cognition, and the effects of social relationships | 16 | |
1898463513 | psychological situation | a situation as it is perceived and interpreted by an individual, not as it exists objectively | 17 | |
1898463514 | expectancy | anticipation about the effect a response will have, especially regarding reinforcement | 18 | |
1898463515 | reinforcement value | the subjective value a person attaches to a particular activity or reinforcer | 19 | |
1898463516 | self-reinforcement | praising or rewarding oneself for having made a particular response | 20 | |
1903481215 | humanism | an approach that focuses on human experience, problems, potentials, and ideals | 21 | |
1903481216 | characteristics of self-actualizers | perceptions of reality, acceptance of self/others, spontaneity, task centering, autonomy, appreciation, humanity, interpersonal relationships, solitude, sense of humor, peak experiences | 22 | |
1903481217 | steps toward self-actualization | willing to change, take responsibility, examine motives, experience honestly/directly, use of positive experiences, prepared to be different, get involved, access progress | 23 | |
1903481218 | Carl Roger's self theory (fully functioning person) | emphasized the human capacity for inner peace and happiness; a person living in harmony with his or her deepest feelings, impulses, and intuitions | 24 | |
1903481219 | self-image | total subjective perception of one's body and personality (self-concept) | 25 | |
1903481220 | ideal self | an idealized image of oneself | 26 | |
1903481221 | conditions of worth | internal standards used to judge the value of one's thoughts, actions, feelings, or happiness | 27 | |
1903481222 | unconditional positive regard | unshakable love and approval given without qualification | 28 | |
1903481223 | positive personality traits | wisdom/knowledge, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, transcendence | 29 | |
1903481224 | MMPI-2 | one of the best-known and most widely used objective personality questionnaires | 30 | |
1903481225 | projective tests of personality | seek to uncover deeply hidden or unconscious wishes, thoughts, and needs | 31 | |
1903481226 | Rorschach Inkblot Test | a projective test that consists of ten standardized inkblots | 32 | |
1903481227 | Thematic Apperception Test | a projective test consisting of twenty different scenes and life situations about which respondents make up stories | 33 |