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Psychology Chapter 2 & 3 Flashcards

Psychology Chapter 2 & 3

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97406588medullaThe base of the brainstem; controls heartbeat and breathing
97406589biological psychologyA branch of psychology concerned with the links between biology & behavior.
97451101LesionDestruction of tissue; it can be naturally or experiementally causted destruction of brain tissue.
97451102Endocrine SystemThe body's "slow" chemical communication system, a set of glands that secrete homones into the bloodstream.
97451103Split BrainA condition in which 2 hemispheres of the brain are isolated by cutting the connecting fibers (mainly those of the corpus callosum) between them.
97451104AxonThe extension of a neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers, through which messges pass to other neurons or to muscle glands.
97451105Pituitary GlandThe endocrine system's most influential gland. Under the influence of the hypothalamus, this gland regulates growth & controls other endocrine glands.
97451106SynapseThe junction between teh axon tip of the sending neuron & the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron. The tiny gap at this junction is called the synaptic gap or cleft.
97451107Myelin SheathA layer of fatty tissue segmentally encassing the fibers of many neurons. It enables vastly greather transmission speed of neural impulses as the impulse hops from 1 node to the next.
97451108HormonesChemical messangers, mostly manufactured by the endocrine glands, that are produced in one tissue & affect another
97451109PlasticityThe brain's capacity for modification, as evident in brain reorganization following damage (especially in kids) & in experiments on the effects of experience on brain development
97451110Broca's AreaControls language expression- an area of the frontal lobe, usally in the left hemisphere, that directs muscle movements involved in speech
97451111Wernicke's AreaControls language reception: a brain area involved in language comprehension & expression, usally in the left temporal lobe
97451112Adrenal GlandsA pair of endocrine glands just above the kidneys. The adrenals secrete the hormones epinephrine (adrenaline), & norepinephrine (noradrenaline)which help to arouse the body in times of stress.
97451113Temporal LobesThe portion of the cerebral cortex lying roughly above the ears, includes the auditory areas, each of which receives auditory information primarily from the opposite ear
97451114Corpus CallosumThe large band of neural fibers connecting the 2 hemispheres and carrying messages between them.
97451115DendriteThe bushy, branching extensions of a neuron that receive messages & conduct impulses toward the cell body.
97451116CerebellumThe "Little Brain" attached to rear of the brainstem; it helps to coordinate voluntary movement & balance
97451117Neural NetworksInterconnected neural cells. With experience, networks can learn, as feedback strengthens or inhibits connections that produce certain results. Computer simulations of neural networks show analogus learning.
97451118Limbic Systema doughnut-shaped system of neural structures at the border of the brainstem & cerebral hemispheres; associated with emotions such as fear & aggression & drives such as those for food & sex Includes: hippocampus, amygdala & hypothalamus
97451119ThresholdThe level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse
97451120Hypothalamusa neural structure lying below (hypo) the thalamus; it directs several maintenance activities (eating, drinking, body temperative) helps govern the endocrine system via the pituatiary gland, & is linked to emotion & sexual behavior.
97451121NeurotransmittersChemical messangers that traverse the synaptic gaps between neurons. When released by the sending neurons, neurotransmitters travel across the synapse & bind to receptor sites on the receiving neuron, thereby influencing whether that neuron will generate a neural imulse.
97451122Cerebral CortexThe intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells that covers the cerebral hemispheres; the body's ultimate control & information processing center
97451123PET ScanA visual display of the brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task.
97451124AmygdalaInfluences agression & fear. 2 almond-shaped neural clusters that are components of the limbic system & are linked to emotion
97451125MRIA technique that uses magnetic fields & radio waves to produce computer-generated images that distinguish among different types of soft tissue; allows us to see structures within the brain.
97451126Glial CellsCells in the nervous system that support, nourish, & protect neurons.
97451127AphasiaImpairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage either to Broca's Area (impair speaking) or to the Weirnick's Area (impairs understanding).
97451128Parietal LobesThe portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the top of the head & toward the rear; includes the sensory cortex
97451129NervesNeural "cables" containing many axons. These bundled axons, which are part of the peripheral nervous systm, connect the central nervous system which muscles, glands & sense organs.
97451130EEG( Electroencephalogram)An amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain's surface. These waves are measured by electrodes placed on the scalp.
97451131CT Scan (Computed Tomography)A series of x-ray photographs taken from different angles & combined by computer into a composite representation of a slice through the body.
97451132Frontal LobesThe portion of the cerebral cortex lying just behind the forehead; involved in speaking & muscle movements, & in making plans & judgements.
97451133Nervous SystemThe body's speedy, electro chemical communication system, consisting of all the nerve cells of the periperal & central nervous system
97451134Endorphins"morphine within" natural opiate-like neurotransmitters linked to pain control & to pleasure.
97451135Sensory CortexThe area of the fron of the parietal lobes that registers & processes body sensations.
97451136InterneuronsCentral nervous system neurons that internally communicate & intervene between the sensory inputs & motor outputs.
97451137ReflexA simple, automatic, in-born response to a sensory stimulus, such as a knee jerk response.
97451138BrainstemThe oldest part & central part of the brain, beginning where the spinal chord swells as it enters the skull; responsible for automatic survival functions.
97451139Motor CortexAn area at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary movement.
97451140Occipital LobesThe portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the back of the head; includes the visual areas, which receive visual information fromt eh opposite visual field.
97451141AcetylcholineA neurotransmitter that, among its functions, triggers muscle contraction. It is the best understood neurotransmitter messenger at every juncture.
97451142NeuronA nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system
97451143Automatic Nervous SystemThe part of the peripheral nervous system that controls glands & the muscles of the internal organs (such as the heart). Its sympathetic division arouses; its parasympathetic division calms.
97451144Somatic Nervous SystemThe division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body's skeletal muscles Also known as: Skeletal Nervous System
97451145Peripheral Nervous SystemThe sensory & motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body.
97451146Thalamusthe brain's sensory switchboard, located at the top of the brainstem; it directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the corterx & transmits replies to the cerebellum & medulla.
97451147Association AreasAreas of the cerebral cortex that are not involved in primary motor or sensory functions; rather, they are involved in higher mental functions such as learning, remembering, thinking, & speaking.
97451148Sympathetic Nervous SystemThe division of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful situations.
97451149Sensory NeutronsNeurons that carry incoming information from the sense receptors to the central nervous system
97451150Central Nervous SystemThe brain and spinal chord.
97451151Parasympathetic Nervous SystemThe division of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body, conserving its energy
97451152Action PotentialA neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon. The action potential is generated by the movement of (+) charged atoms in & out of channels in the axon's membrane
97451153Reticular FormationA nerve network in the brainstem that plays an important role in controlling arousal
97451154Motor NeuronsNeurons that carry outgoing information from the central nervous systm to the muscles & glands.
97482777Gender Schema TheoryThe theory that children learn from their cultures a concept of what it means to be male & female & that they adjust their behavior accordingly
97482778Social Learning TheoryThe theory that we learn social behavior by observing & imitatin & by being rewarded or punished
97482779DNAA complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes. It has 2 strands "forming a double helix" held together by bonds between pairs of nucleotides
97482780CultureThe enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes & traditions shared by a large group of people (transmitted from 1 generation to the next)
97482781Gender TypingThe Acquistion of a traditional role (either masculine or feminine)
97482782Gender Identityone's sense of being male or female
97482783RoleA set of expectations (norms) about social position, defining, how those in the position should behave.
97482784TestosteroneThe most important male sex hormone. Both male & females have it. In men it stimulates growth of sex organs in the fetus & the development of sexual characteristics in puberty.
97482785Y-ChromosomeThe sex chromosome only found in males. When paired with an X from the mother a boy child is created
97482786X-ChromosomeThe sex chromosome found in both men & women. Females have 2. Males have 1.
97493749Gender RoleA set of expected behaviors for males & females.
97493750MemesSelf-replicating things such as: ideas, fashions, & innovations that are passed from person to person (cultural mutations).
97493751Personal SpaceThe buffer zone we like to maintain around our bodies.
97493752NormAn understood rule for accepted & expected behavior "Proper Behavior."
97493753Molecular GeneticsThe subfield of biology that studies molecular structure & function of genes.
97493754InteracitonThe dependence of the effect of 1 factor (ie. environment) on another (ie. heredity)
97493755HeritabilityThe portion of variation among individuals that we can contribute to genes. The trait may vary, depends on the range of populatiosn & environments studied.
97493756TemperamentA person's characteristic emotional reactivity & intensity
97493757Identical TwinTwins develop from: 1 fertilized egg that splits in 1/2 and then creates 2 genetically identical organisims.
97493758Fraternal TwinsTwins develop from: 2 separate eggs. They are genetically no closer than brothers & sisters, just shared fetal environment.
97493759EnvironmentEvery non-genetic inflluence; from prenatal nutrition to the people & things around us.
97493760Behavior GeneticsThe study of the relative power & limits of genetic & environmental influences on behavior.
97493761GenderIn psychology, the characteristics, whether biologically or socially influenced, by which people define female or male.
97493762Evolutionary PsychologyThe stydy of the evolution of behavior & the mind, using principles of natural selection. Natual selection has favored genes that designed both behavioral tendencies & information processing systems that solved adaptive problems faced by ancestors = survival & spread of genes.
97493763MutationA random error in gene replication that leads to a change in the sequence of nucleotides; the source of all genetic diversity.
97493764Natural SelectionThe principle that, among the range of inherited trait variations, those that lead to increased reproduction & survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations.
97493765GenomeThe complete instructions for making an organism, consisting of all the genetic material in its chromosomes. Has 3 million weakly bonded pairs of nucleotides organized as coiled chains of DNA.
97493766GenesThe biochemical units of heridity that make up the chromosomes; a segment of DNA capable of synthesizing a protein.
97493767ChromosomesThreadlike structures made of DNA molecules tha contain the genes.

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