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Psychology Chapter 6

Chapter 6 vocabulary words and concepts on Perception.

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43847421selective attentionfocusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus, as in cocktail party effect
43847422inattentional blindnessfailing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere
43847423change blindnessafter being distracted and refocusing on a particular stimulus, change in stimulus during distraction period goes undetected
43847424change deafnesswhen focused on repeating a list, change in individual speaking goes unnoticed
43847425pop-outwhen distinct stimulus pops out and draws our attention
43847426visual capturetendancy for vision to dominate other senses
43847427gestaltan organized whole; tendancy to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes
43847428figure-groundorganization of visual field into objects (figures) that stand out from surroundings (ground)
43847429Groupingperceptual tendancy to organize stimuli into coherant groups; has 5 rules
43847430proximitya rule for grouping; tendancy to group nearby objects figures together
43847431similarityrule for grouping; tendancy to group figures together that are similar
43847432continuityrule for grouping; tendancy to perceive smooth, continuous patterns
43847433connectednessrule for grouping; tendancy to perceive connected, similar figures as 1 unit
43847434closurerule for grouping; tendancy to fill in gaps to create complete whole objects
43847435depth perceptionthe ability to see objects in 3D although the images that strike our retina are 2D; allows us to judge distance
43847436visual clifflabratory device for testing depth perception in infants and young animals
43847437binocular cuesdepth cues such as retinal disparity and convergence that depend on use of two eyes
43847438retinal disparitya binocular cue for perceiving depth; by comparing images from each eye, the brain computes distance; the greater the difference between two images the closer the object
43847439convergencebinocular cue for perceiving depth; the estent to which the eyse converge inward when looking at an object; the greater the inward strain, the closer the object
43847440monocular cuesdepth cues such as interposition, relative size, and linear perspective available to each eye alone
43847441relative sizea monocular cue; if we assume two objects are similar in size we perceive the one that casts the smaller retinal image as farther away
43847442interpositiona monocular cue; if one object partially blocks the view of another, we perceive it as closer
43847443relative claritya monocular cue; light from distant objects passes through more atmosphere therefore they are perceived as hazy and farther away than sharp, clear objects
43847444texture gradienta monocular cue; a gradual change from course, distinct texture to fine, indistinct textures signals increasing distance
43847445relative heighta monocular cue; objects higher in our field of vision are perceived as farther away; causes the illusion that taller objects are longer than shorter objects
43847446relative motiona monocular cue; as we move, objects that are stationary appear to move; the closer the object, the faster it appears to move
43847447Linear perspectivea monocular cue; parallel lines such as RR tracks, seem to converge with distance; the greater the convergence, the greater the distance perceived
43847448light and shadowa monocular cue; nearby objects reflect more light to our eyes, dimmer objects seem farther away (assuming light comes from above)
43847449stroboscopic movementbrain perceives continuous movement in rapid series of slightly varying images
43847450phi phenomenonan illusion of movement created when two or more adjcent lights blink on and off in quick succession
43847451motion perception of objectsshrinking objects are perceived to be retreating, enlarging objects appear to be approaching; large objects appear to move slower than small objects
43847452perceptual constancyperceiving objects as unchanging (in lightness, color, shape, size) as illumination and retinal images change; relating to top-down processing)
43847453shape constancyperceived shape can appear as staying consistant when angle is changes
43847454size constancyperceive objects as having constant size even as distance changes
43847455lightness constancyobjects are perceived as having constant lightness despite illumination variations
43847456relative luminanceamount of light an object reflects relative to surroundings
43847457perceptual seta mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another; determined by our schemas and experiences
43847458moon illusionwhen the moon is closer to the horizon it looks 50 percent larger
43847459Muller-Lyer illusiondistance determines length; lines farther away appear to be bigger than lines close to us
43847460perceptual adaptationin vision, the ability to adjust an artificially displaced or even inverted visual field
43847461Human factors psychologistspsychologists who explore how people and machines interact, and how machines and physical environments can be made safe and easy to use; help design appliances, work settings to fit natural perceptions
43847462extrasensory perception (ESP)controvercial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input; said to include telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition
43847463telepathya type of ESP involving mind to mind communication
43847464clairvoyancea type of ESP involving perceiving remote events, for example sensing that your friends house is burning down
43847465precognitiona type of ESP involving perceiving future events
43847466psychokinesisrelated to ESP; mind over matter principle; for example levitating a table, influencing a roll of dice
43847467problems with ESPrejects our understanding that we are creatures whose minds are tied to our physical brains, and our belief that perceptual experiences of the world are built on sensations
43847468claims of ESPastrological predictions, psychic healing, communication with dead, out of body experiences

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